Novacastrian said:UDS stands for "ugly drum smoker". Make one, i dare you!
DarkTrak said:Why?? Will it be the black hole vortex of BBQs that will suck up all of my tasty meats and peppers???? OH NOES!!!!
Novacastrian said:UDS stands for "ugly drum smoker". Make one, i dare you!
Novacastrian said:Woot, thats balls rollin now TB!
texas blues said:Nice! I see you're using ball valve for the vent. I'm going with 6 each 3/4" holes and using fender washers and bolts for plugs. Easy peazy...and nothing to snag up on when I want to move the 'thang.
DarkTrak said:*The dork with glasses stands raises his hand mumbles: Ummm...whats a UDS?*
Silver_Surfer said:Ask Moyboy if you're interested in building one as he's the resident UDS expert, or was that proficient barrel roller?
texas blues said:Our beloved Pippy actually did build it and posted pics of inglorious bastard meat smokage. I for one wish that he would post more meat smoking mayhem and chaos.
boutros said:So are those guys at the machine shop still building your UDS TB? Any updates?