UDS? YES! I will build it!

Well, it's later. The UDS is now the BFFH (big f'n fire holder).


Novacastrian said:
UDS stands for "ugly drum smoker". Make one, i dare you!

Dropped off the barrel at my compadre's machine shop so he can cut the top off and put a rolled edge on the barrel rim. I'll pick it up next week and drill the vent holes and spot weld the bumpers that will hold the racks. It's really cool and the gang too as its a hydraulic fluid barrel and they're going to burn it out for me! I reckon I should have it ready to smoke by the end of next week and all it's costing me is a big fat NOTHING!!
The most difficult 'thang is making a decision as to what to smoke first...brisket? no wait....ribs......no...brisket....wait..
LOVE my UDS one of the best smokers i have ever used, good luck with your build make sure to post up the final product!! And don't forget to install the most important feature, the bottle opener! finished mine about a month ago
Nice! I see you're using ball valve for the vent. I'm going with 6 each 3/4" holes and using fender washers and bolts for plugs. Easy peazy...and nothing to snag up on when I want to move the 'thang.
texas blues said:
Nice! I see you're using ball valve for the vent. I'm going with 6 each 3/4" holes and using fender washers and bolts for plugs. Easy peazy...and nothing to snag up on when I want to move the 'thang.

i went back a forth between the ball valve and slide type vents, in the end i thought two ball valves and one nipple of the backside that i can plug was the easiest. no problem getting to 325 for beer can chickens and 225 for slow smokes......man i'm getting hungry....

how are the fender washers and bolts going to work? I'm having a hard time picturing it. Are you just going to take the bolts out when you want to increase flow?
The fender washers are over size and contain any excess leakage and the bolts are heavy steel type used in high rise buildings. I take a grinder to the threads so the bolt slides smoothly in and out. Another thing I'm doing is using the barrel top as a lid. I'll spot weld a handle and then also use
the bung holes as vents too. Except for the handle and upon closer inspection, the bolts towards the bottom and thermometer, it will appear to be a plain old barrel.
Silver_Surfer said:
Ask Moyboy if you're interested in building one as he's the resident UDS expert, or was that proficient barrel roller? ;)

Our beloved Pippy actually did build it and posted pics of inglorious bastard meat smokage. I for one wish that he would post more meat smoking mayhem and chaos.
texas blues said:
Our beloved Pippy actually did build it and posted pics of inglorious bastard meat smokage. I for one wish that he would post more meat smoking mayhem and chaos.

He did? I must have fallen asleep during the wait. Smoke on!!!
boutros said:
So are those guys at the machine shop still building your UDS TB? :P Any updates?

Unfortunately they haven't gotten started as I keep bringing them other crap from my construction jobs to do asap. Oddly enough, I'm the one that's slowing them up.