US Seed Trading Parcel - Round 2

The new list will go up when the third round starts.

The new round does not start until I have received both parcels. Judging for the current demand I may make 3 parcels and I will have to work out logistics.

Cleaned out a few pms, I dont figure it will be long until I have to do so again.
I'm going to have the parcel back to you by the weekend however, you can count me out on the next one. Pretty slim pickins towards the end of the list...
Hmm. That's surprising. Well hopefully round 3 will have the fruits of this season in it. I imagine most people only have so many extra seeds they didn't plant this season. But if delay round 3 to the end of August or so I would variety would be the spice of life.
Oh believe me, there is PLENTY of seeds stuffed into this thing however, one can only get so excited about thirty baggies full of Orange Habs...

I am shocked as well. Did you find some varieties you needed? Althought there is usually a fair number of common seeds there usually probably 70-80 varieties if not more by the end of the cycle.