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Use these three words

One time at band camp, while working on a deep dark sunburn, another flute player gave me a wedgie that nearly gave me a bushfire.

Candy, marbles, concert
While at the Elvis Presley impersonator concert I enjoyed the concert, while Candy played with my marbles. 
Metric, Dumbo, Epoxy. 
Due to the instructions being wtitten in Austailian, and no known metric conversion notes, several inches had to be added. Dumbo was flying sideways untill the epoxy fully set.

Quimby, yardstick, ammo
While Schwarzenegger is a far cry from Mayor Quimby from the Simpsons, he certainly has fired off some ammo in his time. 
Lychee, Roller-derby, Cactus
My lychee and cactus smoothie with six raw eggs and Joyners smoked pain powder has me pumped for the roller-derby. Look out bitches!

Gus, yodle, chew
Uncle Gus had a party trick where he could chew a mouthful of Reapers while trying to Yodel.

Roundabout, Anime, flour.
Roundabout the time my son got over Pokemon cards he became obsessed with anime. He now uses up all of my flour making Deathnote cookies and telling me "eat one dad they are gooood".

Saltpeter, icedtea, gerbil
While drinking icedtea with my Gerbil, I'll often be found adding Saltpeter to a batch of fertilizer in preparation for the coming chilli season.
Crystal, crackers, cornbread. 
Recently I stumbled upon some funky cornchips that containd a sparkling crystal salt on top. I crumbled them up and whipped up a batch of toxic jalapeno corn bread.

Intruder, jam, flipflop
Sherlock- "It appears the intruder spread the jam with his flipflop before eating the toast Holmes"
Toupee, Plum, Stool.
I spun on my stool. Mom got mad. Ate a plum not a prune. Mom got mad. My hair fell out so I bought a toupee. Mom kinda giggled, so did dad.

Traffic, icy-hot, raisen
Many of the folks from Raisen India, fight the traffic after work in order to get home and enjoy an icy-hot Reaper milkshake.
Curdle, esophageal, fajitas.
I see to have develped esophageal problems after the reaper salsa I put on my fajitas curdled the sour cream.

Zippo, mashmellow, hairspray
Doesn't everyone toast their marshmallow using a Zippo and hairspray? 
Jungle, sicko, bushveld.
Being the sicko that I am I have traveled to the bushveld of Zimbabwe and search the jungles for the origin of the Zimbabwe bird pepper.

Adobo, balut, Olongapo
During my travels to olongapo, I had to mask the nastiness of balut with my secret stash of adobo.
chinchilla, submarine, nucleophile
While I was out trying to find a submarine my wife traded her chinchilla coat for a free pair of electrons. She wanted to go to the Halloween party as a nucleophile.

Ropongi, jikatabi, entertaining
My use of the words Ropongi and jikatabi is not very entertaining because I don't know what the hell they mean.

Vegetable Chow Mein, Foot Powder, Epee
I wore my jikatabi around Ropongi on the weekends while stationed in Japan. I found Ropongi very entertaining.

Epee had restuarants all over the place, but you seldom see them around anymore. Vegtable chow mein was never served in one of his restuarants to my knowledge, but pounds and pounds of foot powder surely was used after one of many of his great races.

Philips, marmalade, chew
The marmalade I made was really hard to chew. I needed a phillips screwdriver to pick it out of my teeth.

Fawn, dentle-floss, mustard