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Valentines Day?

Armadillo said:
I'll have to read that again. When I first read it I thought about Herpes zoster. We call it "Gürtelrose", literally translated "belt rose". You find it on mammal's epidermis... :shocked: But usually it isn't bee humped.

herpes zoster....aka "shingles". I haven't experienced child birth but shingles ranks high on the pain-o-meter. Its the pain that keeps on giving. Oddly there are capsicum salves that are supposed to relieve the pain. Burning pain added to burning pain to relieve burning pain...go figure. Kinda like...3rd degree burn on torso...add more hot coals or blowtorch as needed.

Cheers, TB.
Why thank you for asking Pam. I'm feeling rather sickly i.e. chills but no fever, stomach achy but not naseus, body aches. Flu? I dunno. Thought I would kill it with some tequila last night. Tried one shot and barely got it down it tasted so bad. Everything tastes like the whole Chinese army just walked through my mouth barefoot. I'm hanging in there. Mrs. Blues and I are rescheduling our V-Day activities.

Cheers, TB.
texas blues said:
Why thank you for asking Pam. I'm feeling rather sickly i.e. chills but no fever, stomach achy but not naseus, body aches. Flu? I dunno. Thought I would kill it with some tequila last night. Tried one shot and barely got it down it tasted so bad. Everything tastes like the whole Chinese army just walked through my mouth barefoot. I'm hanging in there. Mrs. Blues and I are rescheduling our V-Day activities.

Cheers, TB.

Sounds like the AIDS. Please send me all your smoked Salmon and peppers.
texas blues said:
herpes zoster....aka "shingles". I haven't experienced child birth but shingles ranks high on the pain-o-meter. Its the pain that keeps on giving. Oddly there are capsicum salves that are supposed to relieve the pain. Burning pain added to burning pain to relieve burning pain...go figure. Kinda like...3rd degree burn on torso...add more hot coals or blowtorch as needed.

Cheers, TB.

I had chest shingles a few years ago. Toothache is kindergarten stuff compared to it.
Capsicum salves work great on neuralgias, also on zoster neuralgias, but do NEVER use them on FRESH shingles!
imaguitargod said:
Sounds like the AIDS. Please send me all your smoked Salmon and peppers.

You can have the salmon, but you will only get my pequins when you pry them from MY COLD DEAD HANDS!!

Cheers, TB.
Wow, I have two cards and a picture message so far, (no he wasn't naked) not bad for someone who's never received hardly anything before.
rainbowberry said:
Wow, I have two cards and a picture message so far, (no he wasn't naked) not bad for someone who's never received hardly anything before.

You go girl! We neanderthals here on THP bow before you. You need only to command. Our feet are like wings. Ack! Gotta' quit flirting now...Mrs. Blues, aka Queen of the Nile and All That is Holy...coming down the hall...

:changes THP site to porn site:

Cheers, TB.
My Valentine dinner didn't go 100% to plan.....

I did some southern fried chicken and I used to much batter, and it ended up being to much. So we removed the batter and the chicken inside was to die for......

I cooked up some home made pasta and made some home made pasta sauce. Well the pasta was great but the sauce didn't taste how I had pictured it in my head....:lol:. It ended up tasting a lot like black bean sauce...

Then I made Golden Syrup Dumplings, and they were rather horrible compared to the ones I usually make (but can't find the recipe).....

So all in all I spent a good 4 hours or more preparing dinner and it was a bit of a flop....

I got....."It was nice....but not as nice as last year".......Last year was dinner at the top 5 star restaurant in Newcastle at $140 a head, not including drinks or desert......

I went to bed alone after replying to her comment in a non traditional manner....:lol:
moyboy said:
My Valentine dinner didn't go 100% to plan.....

I did some southern fried chicken and I used to much batter, and it ended up being to much. So we removed the batter and the chicken inside was to die for......

I cooked up some home made pasta and made some home made pasta sauce. Well the pasta was great but the sauce didn't taste how I had pictured it in my head....:lol:. It ended up tasting a lot like black bean sauce...

Then I made Golden Syrup Dumplings, and they were rather horrible compared to the ones I usually make (but can't find the recipe).....

So all in all I spent a good 4 hours or more preparing dinner and it was a bit of a flop....

I got....."It was nice....but not as nice as last year".......Last year was dinner at the top 5 star restaurant in Newcastle at $140 a head, not including drinks or desert......

I went to bed alone after replying to her comment in a non traditional manner....:lol:

Moy..I feel your pain bro.


Cheers, TB.