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Valentines Day?

I was just told what she wants for her valentines dinner...ribs....how lucky can I get...and she said spicy...that's a good thing...

she actually said she wanted "Ronnie Ribs"....hope she isn't turning into a canibal...or worse yet "I married a zombie"...
Pam said:
If you need a special day to get a steak and a ****, you're doing something very, very wrong.

Nah im doing it alright, i got a couple of ribs removed so i could perform machine gun fellatio on myself..:rolleyes:

Now i just gotta perfect the cooking of steaks!
texas blues said:
Hey ya'll. Mrs. Blues asked me what I was cooking for her for Valentines and what other "festivities" I might have in store for her. I replied that it was "a secret" and it would ruin the occasion should I divulge any thoughts on the matter. She saw right through that I'm sure..i.e. I haven't a clue! Enough with the card and the chocolate and the flowers...that's all a given.

Dinner at her fav steak joint is out as its been booked for months. Same same with all the other joints she likes. Looks like I will be cooking in the Blues Kitchen. It may involve king crab and filet mignon..both are her favorites. Maybe even add some hollandaise into the mix. Another favorite. Maybe some garlic mashed. Asparagus. Who knows. At this point I'm winging it and saying a prayer.

What are ya'll doing for your significant other for Valentines?

Cheers ya'll, TB.
Trying to make another baby even though I have one on the way:hell::twisted::lol:
GrumpyBear said:
would you beleive i have never had a boyfriend during the month of febuary... came close once, no dice... i haaaaaate valentines day...

TB - put some thought into dessert. chocolatey chocolate covered chocolate? and then put, like, a chocolate heart on it or something..

ah...er....I uh...already had the chocolate 'thang planned for later on in the evening.

Cheers, TB.
Sickmont said:
I'd love to cook her a nice dinner, but 4,500 miles is a bit much of a commute. So i sent her a card, but i hope it gets to England on time. Last time i sent a card it barely got there on time.

Who's this special girl then?
rainbowberry said:
You never know, there might be a naked photo of him inside ;)
Well yes, he did say the envelope was small ;)
j/k sick
chilehunter said:
I think I'll troll the local bar & see what I can get :lol:

TB - sounds like you got it planned out for food & what not, only thing missing is some diamonds for your gal.
what! ? you too cheap ? well ok heres a good deal.


sounds like a good deal, you buy her some diamonds & you get some nookie & a free gun! you cant complain, can you ? :lol:

Diamonds! I'm still paying for the last ring. Not just no but HELL NO! When she gets mad at me she says "talk to the hand...or the finger...or the ring!"

Yeah, I did have to do some careful planning. Her knee is bothering her from working out so naked twister is out of the question.

Cheers, TB.
I hate diamonds. They're cold and ugly, as is a lot of the history of mining them. They're sort of a female version of a penis extender, and why women fall for that whole mythology is beyond me. I mean, a guy has been a grunting pig of a jerk, but he waves a diamond around and a woman is supposed to go "Oh, shiny, all is forgiven, sate you lust upon my now compliant body." How shallow is *that*?

My version of "Oh, shiny" is more like a truckload of mushroom compost. Which, I might add, I got a half truckload of for Valentine's Day one year.
Did you ever notice on those diamond t.v. commercials that the girl says "i love you" to the guy only AFTER she recieves the diamond(s)?