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I think I already answered your questions before you guys asked them.

Only Veggies....BestoBest
Lacto fine
Ovo ...fine
Meato No Fine
Fisho No Fine
Pure Vegan....Crazy
Naga Jolokia Addict said:
I think I already answered your questions before you guys asked them.

Only Veggies....BestoBest
Lacto fine
Ovo ...fine
Meato No Fine
Fisho No Fine
Pure Vegan....Crazy

NJA you asked for respect for your choice and then you called vegans crazy and said your choice is best. Hypocritical I think. Now you can't complain. said:
NJA you asked for respect for your choice and then you called vegans crazy and said your choice is best. Hypocritical I think. Now you can't complain.


No I am not being hypocritical. I am in an environment where I am being rational.
Indian vegetarians take Animal products in form of dairy and call it vegetarian. Whereas egges are also animal product and that to asexual. Yet they call it non vegetarian.
This IMHO is Hypocritical.
Vegans on the other hand surpass Indians . Not only they hate animal products for food, they do not use leather , skins etc.
This I cannot digest.

But you are free to form your own opinion sir.

I am just being matter of fact.

I think this is a good idea to keep it loose like this. You can make and enter any dish as long as no meat or fish was added, but milk, eggs and butter is okay. I think by keeping it loose like this will allow more people to participate. I know for myself, if it was strict vegan type cooking I'd have to respectfully back out. So that means my butter is safe, but bacon fat is bad. :lol:
Loose sounds good!

As for not allowing 'vegan' food... that sounds :crazy:! It would be like saying that the dish MUST contain either dairy or eggs. There goes some good soups and pasta sauces, etc, etc..............
So friends. It seems that we all have agreed on the format .
We can call ourselves as "LOOSE VEGGIES".

PF sir, it all rests on your broad shoulders to decide the first fest date.
I will be leaving for India on the 9th March and back by 28th April.

I will try and participate in the first fest from India.
So please decide on dish/ingredients .

Tally Ho Captain.

Naga Jolokia Addict said:
No I am not being hypocritical. I am in an environment where I am being rational.

NJA, could you please explain your rational reasons for believing it is OK to kill a cow to make shoes out of, but not to eat.

Could you please explain your rational reasons for believing it is OK to drink milk or consume dairy products from factory farms where cows are raised under horrible conditions, but not OK to eat the meat from a grass-fed cow who spent its whole life ranging free and was humanely slaughtered.

I am just being matter of fact, trying to parse out your reasoning that allows you to call vegans crazy while taking deep offense at any suggestion you should eat beef.
PatchenPepperMan said:
NJA, could you please explain your rational reasons for believing it is OK to kill a cow to make shoes out of, but not to eat.

Could you please explain your rational reasons for believing it is OK to drink milk or consume dairy products from factory farms where cows are raised under horrible conditions, but not OK to eat the meat from a grass-fed cow who spent its whole life ranging free and was humanely slaughtered.

I am just being matter of fact, trying to parse out your reasoning that allows you to call vegans crazy while taking deep offense at any suggestion you should eat beef.

Dear PPM,

I am the last person to enter into any controversy.
I am sorry I called vegans crazy.
I think they have their own convictions and I should not call them names.
I tender my apologies to the vegans and their cause.
The matter rests here.

Fair enough. For the record while I don't follow any black and white dietary rules, I do think meat-free meals are great for all kinds of reasons and look forward to the creations everyone comes up with and using their inspiration to expand my own repertoire. More spicy recipes = win for all.
Would March 6th be too soon to have the first meat free contest?

Maybe we could get THP (or work with THP) to come up with a veggie wand or scepter for the winners maybe like a magical asparagus wand....

I will do some thinking on what the main ingredient should be and we could discuss this further in the group discussion area.
THP is not involved with this one officially. You guys do your veggie thing. said:
THP is not involved with this one officially. You guys do your veggie thing.


sorry, couldn't resist
pileiton said:
Vegetarianism has many issues and levels. Most of my knowledge such as it is comes from older books that came out before I was born or at least fairly young. Diet For A Small Planet and Reecipes For A Small Planet for instance. They discuss food combining as a way to meet your protien needs. For instance, rice and beans so that the amino acid(s) that are lacking in one food make up with the other food.

There are environmental issues with taking the resources, the grain we feed the cows for example, that could feed us directly and more effectively.

Some vegans are hardcore and also will not wear animal products as well as not consume meat or meat byproducts. Some even go so far or so I've heard as to not eat foods that were cooked in the same pan that meat was cooked in.

I hope what I posted makes sense. A little tired so will edit if necessary.

Taking the grain to feed people is not avoiding the environmental issue. Large scale agricultural practices harm the natural resources that wildlife depend on. This occurs primarily through habitat destruction. Think of all the animals that inhabit a forest. Then think of all the animals that are able to inhabit a grain or wheat field compared to the forest. The fact is diversity in animal populations and overall numbers are drastically reduced with the implementation of agriculture. The reduction in biodiversity and overall numbers is then often followed with non-native animals moving into the area because humans have created an artificial environment - so to speak. Not only did the agricultural practice destroy the habitat, any remaining animals must now compete for limited resources after other non-native animals move in.

I guess what I'm saying is that there are problems associated with either point of view you take. Eat meat or eat veggies. I'm neither here nor there on the topic and am not about to solicit anyone on the benefits of either. Just putting in my $.02
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