food Veggie Fest # 1

I do like the idea of a vege throwdown.... but.... I do think dal is too specific... so i'll be out of the unofficial vege challenge 1...

i think you're gonna end up with a tonne of pics with mushy lentils :P
mel said:
I do like the idea of a vege throwdown.... but.... I do think dal is too specific... so i'll be out of the unofficial vege challenge 1...

i think you're gonna end up with a tonne of pics with mushy lentils :P


And who told you or what gave you an idea that we will end up with mushy lentils?
There are a million things you can make out of Lentils.

Try me in fest.


I see some of my friends ridiculing veggism and Nova wants to award a steak instead of a crown.
I want to know if this forum, this board is only about Hot Peppers and NonVegetarian meaty food?
If such is the case, let us abort the baby before she is born
Naga Jolokia Addict said:
I see some of my friends ridiculing veggism and Nova wants to award a steak instead of a crown.
I want to know if this forum, this board is only about Hot Peppers and NonVegetarian meaty food?
If such is the case, let us abort the baby before she is born

Naga Jolokia Addict said:
Pure Vegan....Crazy

Let him who is without sin cast the first stone
Naga Jolokia Addict said:

And who told you or what gave you an idea that we will end up with mushy lentils?
There are a million things you can make out of Lentils.

Try me in fest.


I see some of my friends ridiculing veggism and Nova wants to award a steak instead of a crown.
I want to know if this forum, this board is only about Hot Peppers and NonVegetarian meaty food?
If such is the case, let us abort the baby before she is born

dont get your knickers in a knot NJA... I dont ridicule veggism one little bit... however, I do think if dal is presented, you'll end up with a lot of similar dishes... If Lentils are a key ingredient then i can come up with a nice lentil salad, but... it its dal... the image to me is a brothy lentil dish... which in a lot of cases will translate to a soupy looking dish, therefore, all the dishes will look similar and just be slightly different colours.. my interpretation of this is that a lentil salad would not be considered Dal..
How about we make the theme pulses in general then? I too feel dal/split lentils is a little specific, especially for non-vegetarians.

Just an idea... it's your call, NJA.
top dal images search from google:




dont get me wrong.. i like dal... BUT... it all looks very similar and voting between contestants can be tricky.. considering you dont know how it tastes... it needs to have something extra...
mel said:
dont get your knickers in a knot NJA... I dont ridicule veggism one little bit... however, I do think if dal is presented, you'll end up with a lot of similar dishes... If Lentils are a key ingredient then i can come up with a nice lentil salad, but... it its dal... the image to me is a brothy lentil dish... which in a lot of cases will translate to a soupy looking dish, therefore, all the dishes will look similar and just be slightly different colours.. my interpretation of this is that a lentil salad would not be considered Dal..


I was not referring to you about ridiculing veggism.
Dals means split lentils.
You can use whole, mushy, powdered , soaked lentils or for that matter lentils in any physical form in your dish.

gasificada said:
How about we make the theme pulses in general then? I too feel dal/split lentils is a little specific, especially for non-vegetarians.

Just an idea... it's your call, NJA.

Whole pulses will be another ingredient I had in mind.
If you guys want to include whole lentils, then I have no problem.

Naga Jolokia Addict said:
You can use whole, mushy, powdered , soaked lentils or for that matter lentils in any physical form in your dish.

So basically the theme would be 'lentils'? I can dig it, but still reckon 'pulses' might be a better option.
Naga Jolokia Addict said:
Whole pulses will be another ingredient I had in mind.
If you guys want to include whole lentils, then I have no problem.


No worries, I'll let you get on with the organizing.

Is the time and date I selected fine with you? If not, let me know and I will delete my post.
to be completely honest.... i think the first vege challenge should be open to any kind of dish that does not contain meat.. this way you'll get more interest and more competitors... to attempt a standard throwdown and a specific veg throwdown each month can be a bit too much for each member to contribute...
mel said:
to be completely honest.... i think the first vege challenge should be open to any kind of dish that does not contain meat.. this way you'll get more interest and more competitors... to attempt a standard throwdown and a specific veg throwdown each month can be a bit too much for each member to contribute...

Sorry, NJA, I strongly agree with mel here. That is why I thought, at the very least, the theme should be the broader category of 'pulses'.
I think that is the best idea so far.
Let it be a free for all contest.

So let us all put all our efforts together and take part in veggie fest# 1


Gas has shown leadership . So he will be the referee (participant too).
So Gas.... lead us and show the way.
We will all abide by your rules buddy.


The last thing I want to do is take over.... I think your idea to start this is a fantastic idea, and I was a bit frustrated that it didn't appear to be going anywhere so I thought I would step in. I do think now that I may have been out of line and I do apologize. If I have any more ideas or suggestions, I will run them by you first.

Also, I can totally understand your want for a specific theme but also think the first one should be a broad one so as to allow more to participate and to hopefully get the ball rolling. If the Veggie Fest is a success, then I think the time will come to narrow down to specific themes.

If you want me to help organize, I will do my best to do that, but I am not willing to take it away from you. You are in charge and I am merely here to help if you request.
gasificada said:

The last thing I want to do is take over.... I think your idea to start this is a fantastic idea, and I was a bit frustrated that it didn't appear to be going anywhere so I thought I would step in. I do think now that I may have been out of line and I do apologize.

Also, I can totally understand your want for a specific theme but also think the first one should be a broad one so as to allow more to participate and to hopefully get the ball rolling. If the Veggie Fest is a success, then I think the time will come to narrow down to specific themes.

If you want me to help organize, I will do my best to do that, but I am not willing to take it away from you.


Buddy. I really want that you should be the man in charge. You have shown preciseness and clarity of thoughts.
It would be a fine thing if you take charge and lead this fest.

I really mean it.

I was a vegeatrian for about 18 months. I've got heaps of great recipes and ideas and was going to join in until I saw it was dal. Now it's back to a free for all I'm in :) I think dal is to specific and limited almost to a regional type of cooking. an aside All hail our Vegetable Overlord, gasificada :D
Deathtosnails said:
I was a vegeatrian for about 18 months. I've got heaps of great recipes and ideas and was going to join in until I saw it was dal. Now it's back to a free for all I'm in :) I think dal is to specific and limited almost to a regional type of cooking. an aside All hail our Vegetable Overlord, gasificada :D

I second you DTS