food Veggie Fest # 1

I'm also thinking about cheese whiz and celery....but does that violate the veggie rules?

How about a bloody-mary on the side?
OK folks, there's been a bit of confusion over when or what the Veggie Fest is going to be so stay tuned and final details will be released very soon.

Just briefly...

The first Veggie Fest will now be an open competition. You can submit any vegetarian dish provided it does not contain meat (including fish) or any ingredient derived from meat (e.g. fish sauce or stock made using meat, etc). Eggs, Cheese, Animal Milk and all other dairy products are fine... just not meat.

A thread will be opened on Friday 21 May where participants can post their entries. The duration of the event is yet to be determined but you will have at the very least two days to get your entries in.

So get them thinking caps on people!
Go GAS!!! you are now the vege king :P

I think we can use chicken and eggs.

Define: meat (

The flesh of animals (including fishes and birds and snails) used as food.

Meat is animal flesh that is used as food. Most often, this means the skeletal muscle and associated fat, but it may also describe other edible tissues such as organs, livers, skin, brains, bone marrow, kidneys, or lungs.

Is that clear everyone? :lol:
What about deep fried insects?
I reckon an exception can be made for insects provided the insect must be found dead already - no killing will be tolerated. ALL other animals are still out regardless of their life status prior to rounding up the ingredients. :lol:

No, insects are out too. If the ingredient is an animal in any way, shape or form, it is OUT (and that means no human meat neither).

For all those whom are a little frightened or knocked out of their comfort zones by vegetarianism, please don't look at this as a vegetarian competition, but rather a vegetable appreciation competition. The fact that eggs and dairy products are still allowed should offer you some comfort and support in dealing with the terrifying experience.
How 'bout a Labia throwdown?... get yer minds out the gutter you know, Labia (black-eyed peas) duh lol ;) or maybe throw some kinda taco or muffin in there, I figure its all good as long as you dont have any bacon strips hanging around.
gasificada said:
I reckon an exception can be made for insects provided the insect must be found dead already - no killing will be tolerated. ALL other animals are still out regardless of their life status prior to rounding up the ingredients. :lol:

No, insects are out too. If the ingredient is an animal in any way, shape or form, it is OUT (and that means no human meat neither).

For all those whom are a little frightened or knocked out of their comfort zones by vegetarianism, please don't look at this as a vegetarian competition, but rather a vegetable appreciation competition. The fact that eggs and dairy products are still allowed should offer you some comfort and support in dealing with the terrifying experience.

Excellent! Fried chicken embryo's are good eats in the veggie throwdown!
dead mammals and bugs are out, unborn chickens are in... hrmm I understand vegetarians but why cant you just make veggie versions for the offical throwdowns? last few throwdowns did not require any meat, lets see sandwich, pasta, mango hrmmmm no meat required so why alienate yourself just cause your a vegetarian. Im not meat biased either I eat lots of veggie only sandwiches with portabella serving as the "meat" of the sandwich , I also make a lot of cucumber based sandwiches as well, so lets find a happy medium where everyone competes equally and may the best bacon.. err I mean vegetable dish win! :)
I need to use chicken stock is that okay?