Looks pretty darn tasty, Gas!!
mel said:sure does look Awesome!!! Go Paulie.... Go Paulie... Go Paulie... YAAAAY!
Deathtosnails said:Paulky FTW!!11!1!1!1!!!!!
Dude, seriously nice eats, great photo work and presentation. How'd the chicken'not taste?
p.s. Did you survive not eating meat...?This veggie stuff is not all that bad
I's gonna enter but... :insert random excuse: lol
salsalady said:yea, Mel! Cheese under the broiler...always a good thing!
And NJA's fritters look really yummy also. That sounds like a perfect street vendor food.
Getting some great entries.
Gassy? Where's yours?
Celeste said:I am on a restricted diet and must not eat peppers or have alcohol.
Celeste said:I am going to have to go away now. Just as I have the time and the cash flow to cook, and inspiration to do so, I am on a restricted diet and must not eat peppers (or have alcohol, or soda- but you can pry my coffee mug from my cold dead fingers, I aint giv'n up my coffee). I'll come back when I'm allowed to have food that has flavor.