Venting my frustration of 2 and praising thehippyseedcompany for excellence

Neil! Katana URUSEI!

Neil is top notch, i also bought seeds from peppermania (not exactly the best germination rate but good service) and (excellent germination currently, aji cristal up in 4 days, but very pricey)

I support the fact that you should disclose the bad companies for the good of all.
thanks mate for the great rap, glad all is resolved :)

The chilliseedbank has been taken over by Mick and Scott, 2 reallly nice Blokes whom have been up here chatting and figuring out how to get the chilliseedbank back to having happy customers,as hasn't over the last few Months,, so thats that 1

dunno bout the other dudes, but they buy off me as well if its the WA co. shit most seedco's in Oz do, just don't say or really care and if put up what co bought what, be a bloody long list as sell/swap with companies all over the world

If you have a Business then it should be run How you would Like to be served as a Customer, getting what ya asked for, getting emails back (i hate that) and ya stuff sent asap. and if ya stuff not grow WHY its not Rocket Science But most people want automation "why don't you put carts on your site?" "why don't you make it automated"
well i could but when you go and buy stuff do you just buy it or like to ask questions "hi could i get the naga jolokia" Ok which 1, the Pc-1 non hot thing, or the ,Morich, bhut, bih or Dorset as want the right stuff.. Then after sales stuff or questions, sometimes shit happens and seeds just don't grow and it happens, its no drama to pop another Pack over But try telling that to an Automated site.

Unfortunately a lot of companies Don't actually grow chillis they just Buy and resell others, so wouldn't know anyway and probably shit themselves when get asked a question and why don't reply "whats the internodal distance on a Morich" um 7-8 cm why would any1 want to know that, dunno but If some1 ever does

prefer to use just Hands as can't go out with Katana's / sai's / tonfa's or any weapon really but have to use/learn as Part of training stopped going to/teaching class's few yrs ago after 21 Yrs due to the Arthritis, but since that went been training self here (no1 up here qualified to learn from lol), the Pants well they multifunctional and Yes sell them, well Georgina does all i do is wear them as Love them and asking her bout putting a page on the site with what pairs she has available as Varies due to the available materials, most are 1 of kinds.

but great to hear ya stuff's all fixed ..:D
theHippySeedCo said:
thanks mate for the great rap, glad all is resolved :)

The chilliseedbank has been taken over by Mick and Scott, 2 reallly nice Blokes whom have been up here chatting and figuring out how to get the chilliseedbank back to having happy customers,as hasn't over the last few Months,, so thats that 1

dunno bout the other dudes, but they buy off me as well if its the WA co. shit most seedco's in Oz do, just don't say or really care and if put up what co bought what, be a bloody long list as sell/swap with companies all over the world

If you have a Business then it should be run How you would Like to be served as a Customer, getting what ya asked for, getting emails back (i hate that) and ya stuff sent asap. and if ya stuff not grow WHY its not Rocket Science But most people want automation "why don't you put carts on your site?" "why don't you make it automated"
well i could but when you go and buy stuff do you just buy it or like to ask questions "hi could i get the naga jolokia" Ok which 1, the Pc-1 non hot thing, or the ,Morich, bhut, bih or Dorset as want the right stuff.. Then after sales stuff or questions, sometimes shit happens and seeds just don't grow and it happens, its no drama to pop another Pack over But try telling that to an Automated site.

Unfortunately a lot of companies Don't actually grow chillis they just Buy and resell others, so wouldn't know anyway and probably shit themselves when get asked a question and why don't reply "whats the internodal distance on a Morich" um 7-8 cm why would any1 want to know that, dunno but If some1 ever does

prefer to use just Hands as can't go out with Katana's / sai's / tonfa's or any weapon really but have to use/learn as Part of training stopped going to/teaching class's few yrs ago after 21 Yrs due to the Arthritis, but since that went been training self here (no1 up here qualified to learn from lol), the Pants well they multifunctional and Yes sell them, well Georgina does all i do is wear them as Love them and asking her bout putting a page on the site with what pairs she has available as Varies due to the available materials, most are 1 of kinds.

but great to hear ya stuff's all fixed ..:D

Good 'Gawd! I want to party with this man!!
Neil is Awesome. I've had a better experience with buying through him than any other seed supplier. I had some Trini perfumes refuse to germ, and he sent me replacement seeds ASAP.
If I ever make it to Oz, I definitely plan on looking him up. The Katana pic just seals the deal for me. That's how I garden, except with my Khukri. lol.
Another big thumbs up on the service from Neil he is always just an email or two away and fast great service even to the uk got a few plants from his seeds in pots now!
Yup...another two thumbs up for Neil @ THSC. I ordered seeds from him for my next years grow season since it's the end of their season down in OZ. Super friendly and fast response!