contest VOTE! Bayou Battle

Who made the best?

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It would look sadder if I didn't vote for myself, that would mean I didn't even like my own cooking. :D

Facts got to eat it. By all rights it coulda' been good enough to vote for yourself! Ain't no shame in voting for your 'sef really. It ain't braggin' when you tell the truth compadre. Do your 'thang your 'thang. BTW..we need more deep fried hotness next weekend. Putting in my request for shrimp!!
I just took my Big-Three, and sautee'd some more shrimp for it...a little midnight snack...and I'm SERIOUSLY craving scromps at the moment...

I hafta ask for yourself? Really? I mean...even if you really think yours is the best...isn't it an honor issue? I am disturbedly attracted to my own creation here...but I still want to toss a few of these entries on the floor, and roll around in them for a spell...

I wouldn't vote for my own filet in a sea of hot dogs; if that were the case.
I just took my Big-Three, and sautee'd some more shrimp for it...a little midnight snack...and I'm SERIOUSLY craving scromps at the moment...

I hafta ask for yourself? Really? I mean...even if you really think yours is the best...isn't it an honor issue? I am disturbedly attracted to my own creation here...but I still want to toss a few of these entries on the floor, and roll around in them for a spell...

I wouldn't vote for my own filet in a sea of hot dogs; if that were the case.

That's OK Lunchbox, I did the voting for you. :)
+1 for the Coach. If I was voting on which one I would like to eat, I would have voted for Buddy. But I LOVE Mexican food and I thought his was maybe a little more Mexican than Cajun. Everyone's dishes looked AWESOME!!!

I hope I didn't insult either (or both) of you guys. :eek:
Wanted so bad to vote for LC but went for Coach in the end. Great job to both of you. Also SL........wonderful extra love you throw into it.
so I did a throwdown last night, but by the time we were all finished eating food, it was 8:50 and there was no way I could have gotten all the pictures posted and write out the entire thing

it was freakin good too
I always vote for myself if I enter. My stuff is awesome. I wish there was a way we could all vote for 3 items or even two. I think you'd see some different results.

On iron chef there is always three things the judges give points to. Of course taste is out of the question here. We could so many points for originality, plating and how tasty it actually looks.
I always vote for myself if I enter. My stuff is awesome. I wish there was a way we could all vote for 3 items or even two. I think you'd see some different results.

On iron chef there is always three things the judges give points to. Of course taste is out of the question here. We could so many points for originality, plating and how tasty it actually looks.

Yup...I was my own deciding vote BOTH times I won this thing. I was kind of uncomfy with it the first time....and just seemed like the thing to do last month. EH!, a win is a win, I suppose...but not as sweet as could have been. Fact is, quite a few have already voted for themselves....and I think that's just fine.

I like your ideas. I think the dynamics of the competition could change every month or two....just to shake things up....provided it wasn't too much of a hassle. Right now (this month) it's just a simple and seperate poll.....which is okay.....but, I mean, there aren't even any photos of the FOOD in this thread. :lol: I would find it hard to scroll through all 12 pages of the other thread in order to make a decision.
Hot Stuff, your's was great looking... but if you had my gumbo, it would make you homesick.

Gumbo was the first thing my Grandma taught me to cook about 40 years ago, and it took two days to make it up proper.

I would be glad to meet you halfway to bring ya some... but please bring 10 cartons of cigarettes with you (they're about $2.50 a pack cheaper in Missouri). :dance: :woohoo: :dance:
When does the vote close? For reasons unknown to me at the moment, some entry pics aren't displaying on my iPad, like SLs, so I need to review the pics at lunch time today. I really liked what I made, and it was excellent, but I can't vote for myself after seeing all the masterpieces everyone made! Wish I could vote for everyone! :)
When does the vote close? For reasons unknown to me at the moment, some entry pics aren't displaying on my iPad, like SLs, so I need to review the pics at lunch time today. I really liked what I made, and it was excellent, but I can't vote for myself after seeing all the masterpieces everyone made! Wish I could vote for everyone! :)

Dude....your po-boy was amazing!
When does the vote close? For reasons unknown to me at the moment, some entry pics aren't displaying on my iPad, like SLs, so I need to review the pics at lunch time today. I really liked what I made, and it was excellent, but I can't vote for myself after seeing all the masterpieces everyone made! Wish I could vote for everyone! :)

I've got the same question, when do the votes close? Great lookin po boy there Dave, I be thinkin bout that one at lunch today.
Right now (this month) it's just a simple and seperate poll.....which is okay.....but, I mean, there aren't even any photos of the FOOD in this thread. :lol: I would find it hard to scroll through all 12 pages of the other thread in order to make a decision.
There's a link to each entry in post 1.
Yup...I was my own deciding vote BOTH times I won this thing. I was kind of uncomfy with it the first time....and just seemed like the thing to do last month. EH!, a win is a win, I suppose...but not as sweet as could have been. Fact is, quite a few have already voted for themselves....and I think that's just fine.

I like your ideas. I think the dynamics of the competition could change every month or two....just to shake things up....provided it wasn't too much of a hassle. Right now (this month) it's just a simple and seperate poll.....which is okay.....but, I mean, there aren't even any photos of the FOOD in this thread. :lol: I would find it hard to scroll through all 12 pages of the other thread in order to make a decision.

I guess it's all good...

Oh, and I just finished the pot-o-jambalaya...took me a day and a half (no one else in the house would touch it)...I think I had about 8 helpings. I'm here at school (work), and a little dizzy walking back from the lounge...that's a good sign, no?

Anyway, I like the idea of casting multiple a "pick your favorite 3". the results would still be valid, based on whomever appeared in everyone's top 3 the most.
Yup...I was my own deciding vote BOTH times I won this thing. I was kind of uncomfy with it the first time....and just seemed like the thing to do last month.

As this was my first Throwdown I just figured that everyone entered would vote for their own entry. I have to agree with everyone, there were some really awsome looking entries.

I like your ideas. I think the dynamics of the competition could change every month or two....just to shake things up....provided it wasn't too much of a hassle. Right now (this month) it's just a simple and seperate poll.....which is okay.....but, I mean, there aren't even any photos of the FOOD in this thread. :lol: I would find it hard to scroll through all 12 pages of the other thread in order to make a decision.

Now I'd be all over this. If we could give each entry say 1 to 5 points in say 3 different area's that would be great. Then if we were to give our selves 5 out of 5 in all area's it wouldn't really matter because the numbers from others would balance it out. Might be a good thing if at least the final plating picture in here. I like that the Boss links to the entries in the other thread but if I had 1 picture here it might cut down the time it took to make a decision.
Just my humble opinion.

I've really enjoyed being part of this throwdown. All the light hearted banter, the tossing around of ideas, Paul if you want I'll still fix some Armadillo for you, it was alot of fun. And given that Cajun isn't something that you can just throw together in a couple of minutes. Really had to do some planning and all. Now, where did I leave my beer? :beer:
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