contest VOTE! Bayou Battle

Who made the best?

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These were all great spreads.....and I congratulate everyone on a job well done!

But in the end, I have to give my vote to HSL and her amazing table of food.....

...and to think that she didn't even know Cajun food 3 weeks ago! :clap:
Had to go with Paulky...perfect mix...not over-blown, and looked like a genuine meal on the table. The cajanadas were a close second, and HS's shrimp creole was right up there too. After looking over all the entries, I cast my vote based upon which one I would want to sit down to. Paulky's spread had me imagining I was in front of that table, and I couldn't wait to try each and every thing.

Why thank you, Lunchbox! What a nice thing to say! :)
STRUGGLING with the decision.... got it narrowed down to 6.... what to do.... what to do.....

Everyone outdid themselves for this; regardless of who I vote for, ALL look awesome!
I've only been around for a few of these TDs but this was the best by far. What a great collection of goodnesss. I loved the simplicity of Hot Stuff's shrimp creole and those local smoked Andouilles of SL and the Poo Poo Platter from TB, but in the end Paulky's presentation and the crawfish corn chowder drew me in. :dance:

Paulky, that better have been Keystone in that glass or I'm retracting my vote :beer:
First of all, well done one and all.

But, it comes down to just one vote, and all I can say is it's a good thing I live on the Right Coast. Otherwise SL and Family would've had a guest for dinner. Awesome meal SL. Reminds me of my Grandmother's table in SW LA many years ago. Thanks for the memories.
I've only been around for a few of these TDs but this was the best by far. What a great collection of goodnesss. I loved the simplicity of Hot Stuff's shrimp creole and those local smoked Andouilles of SL and the Poo Poo Platter from TB, but in the end Paulky's presentation and the crawfish corn chowder drew me in. :dance:

Paulky, that better have been Keystone in that glass or I'm retracting my vote :beer:

Oh, you know it was! :rofl:

I'm far too focused on the food to buy Abita....(really...I couldn't find any!) The chowder is amazing...

This was an amazing contest. Truly everyone put forth mighty effort, and I wish I could vote for all of you! But since I can't, I'll give honorable mention to the top 4 runners-up for my vote:

SumBits - good golly that was some sandwich madness! If I was into sandwiches, that would have definitely gotten my vote.
Coach - that was one joyful, heavenly spread - weeeeehooo!
Logchief - I have got to find a way to invite myself to dinner!
Paulky - you were in my top-two tie, as that looks absolutely fantandiddlyastic.

But that said, SL absolutely outdid herself, and proved she's got Southern blood in her veins from somewhere! If we ever manage to have a TD get-together, I want to be on your team!
Dont really like any seafood so this one wasn't as :drooling: for me as other throwdowns but my vote went for Coach - Cajun Feast. :clap:
Hey look your plan worked, someone gave you a vote.
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