contest VOTE! Burger Royale Part 2


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I got 4 left and my belly is already rumbling.. not sure I will be able to finish in time... lol. 
The power of the slider compels you, the power of the slider compels you. EVIL BE GONE!
D3monic said:
All this sliders talk
image.jpgStupid phone
That will end bad :lol:

Future Tales From The Loo post possibilities?
Booma said:
Musky again for the stuffed, pumping out some great burgers.

And grant for the sliders, possibly one of my favourite cook by him so far

All the others also look great, nicely done all
Thanks! =)
I kept the contest thread open last night wondering if you were dropping something w/ those ribs I saw you were cooking =)
VOTE! Burger Royale Part 2
And then there are 2 categories?
WTF is the point of the "Part 2"?
Here you go...
"VOTE! Burger Royale Parts 2 & 3"
Scoville DeVille said:
VOTE! Burger Royale Part 2
And then there are 2 categories?
WTF is the point of the "Part 2"?
Here you go...
"VOTE! Burger Royale Parts 2 & 3"
Calm down big boy lol Part 1 was last week. :)
The Hot Pepper said:
Calm down big boy lol Part 1 was last week. :)
Calm? holy crap... I am having tea right now with Tommy Chong and the master of calm-himself.... Deepak Chopra.
They say "hi" and want me to get back to the talking circle...
So, "Part 2" is which?... Stuffed? or Slider...
I just wanted to vote for my boy Musky, and I couldn't just do that. He only entered "Part 2.1" I guess...
So Ozzy got my 2nd "Part 2" vote. "2.2"? hahahaha
You did right.

Part 1 was Beef and Blend etc. last week.

Part 2 Stuffed and Slider....

Part 3 is part 4, part 5 is sex, and part 9 is yesterday.
D3 for stuffed. The spices in the meat are what put it over the edge from Ashen. Ashen's burger was a close second. If I had only grated the cheese on mine to get it to melt more I might have gone with mine. Oh well, live and learn.

I went GM on the sliders. TC and Keyboard were right there especially with the bread. Plain and simple, if I could only eat 1 of those 3, I would pick up Grants.
Well done everyone. Can't wait for the next one.
JayT said:
Got dam now I am confusimacated.  Did I vote right?  I want to vote for GM.  Why can't we have multiple choice?  Hi Scobee!!!!
I'm sending you a fart in a mason jar.
Ozzy2001 said:
I went GM on the sliders. TC and Keyboard were right there especially with the bread. Plain and simple, if I could only eat 1 of those 3, I would pick up Grants.
Well done everyone. Can't wait for the next one.
Thanks, man!
D3monic's  Boar and Pancetta, almost got my vote over Ashen on the stuffed Burger, but on the Sliders, he just killed it,  i don't know how that didn't get more votes...  Boar, & Pancetta  with a fried egg :dance: 
  :drooling:   I'd  "sicman" that in a second!
and then the Portabella-bun Slider with Habanero cherry pomegranate sauce too... that's just ingenious right there !
I am in the same boat as D3monic, I feel tacky voting for my own  burger, but got dang  I loved the flavour of it.  I wish I could have  tasted musky's , because he almost got my vote anyway.  I keep forgetting how much I love the flavour of smoke dried reaper, because I am so stingy with the last few I have . 
On the slider front , I gotta go with  keybrdkid,  that golden fried brioche bun/foccacia thing just made me want to hang it on the chain around  my neck and call it my precious.  Although I had to pretend I didn't see the word Cilantro . That shit is evil.   
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