contest VOTE! Burger Showdown Throwdown


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Woohoo 59 votes the week poll may be the sweet spot, most ever. Let's get that 1!
Always enjoy the burger throwdowns... disappointed i couldnt get in on this one as i had an idea in mind. Great spread of traditional, inventive and plain over the top which i think is also reflected in the fairly even voting.
In the open catagory SmokenFire got my vote but Key and Cheril were right up there. Also thought JayT's burger was awesome and if it was in the open catagory it would have been right up there too.... head to head he was unfortunate enough to come up against an absolute beast effort from D3.
Well done everyone... there isnt a single burger here i wouldnt monster through  :clap:  
JoynersHotPeppers said:
Yes and Grant nailed mine, Shu Mai-Style Asian burger - Been on an Asian kick for a bit now
yep catch me on a lot of  different days and that soy ginger fish sauce combo would have swung my vote.   Good chance I will try a version of it by end of summer for sure, minus the devilweed of course.
Wafer thin onions might have helped too, as  I love lots of onion as topping but have an weirdly obsessive hatred for thick sliced onion ( onion rings excepted), which strangely  you both actually ended up using. 
I know you said you pulled it at 180, was that intentional or just where it ended up being when you checked it.  Would you drop finish temp on a repeat cook? 
Ashen said:
yep catch me on a lot of  different days and that soy ginger fish sauce combo would have swung my vote.   Good chance I will try a version of it by end of summer for sure, minus the devilweed of course.
Wafer thin onions might have helped too, as  I love lots of onion as topping but have an weirdly obsessive hatred for thick sliced onion ( onion rings excepted), which strangely  you both actually ended up using. 
I know you said you pulled it at 180, was that intentional or just where it ended up being when you checked it.  Would you drop finish temp on a repeat cook? 
Since it was raw pork, I did not want to risk going low so treated it like other pork products that are not local sourced and known to me. 
well this one took some thinking on my part in a few instances. But I was able to sort out my votes in the end.
I think ironically the hardest category for me to vote on was the one that everyone else seemed to have the easiest time voting for: Demonic vs. JayT.
Really, in my personal opinion, there was really nothing wrong with either burger conceptually that I could see. You both stayed in your category parameters and did exactly what you meant to do. I had to subtract something I slightly didn't care for from both your burgers, so it was reasonably fair in the regard.
But ultimately I ended up flipping a coin on this one, and Demonic won the toss. So to the victor go the spoils.
As for the other categories I had trouble with... in the Open Season category Green chili monster's Empanada burger was going for the goal (one thing I didn't like but I'll let that slide.) nice concept. Then I saw HybridMode01's burger and my mouth dropped open.  Well done indeed.  
And then there was Wheebz vs Grantmichaels. An interesting challenge to vote for because I had to remind myself that at the core of this category was a stuffed burger challenge. So in my opinion, if I gave wheebz a pass on the tater tot buns, things came down to me on the different stuffing ideas. which sort've pushed me in one direction by default. So Wheebz got this vote. But props for creativity Grant. I see you worked hard on this burger and it was certainly detailed and creative.  
63 votes so far very cool!
Still time...
I have another possible entry for our next non-beef lol. I kid, i kid, no peacocks were injured in the taking of these photos. He came by to see how the peppers are doing, i toss him the occasional pepper. Bird peppers of course!


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Cool but only because i havent seen parrots here, no geckos or iguanas yet. There are all the monkeys along the silver river though. You have read how they have captured three nile crocs so far and speculate there could be more of those as well. Oh and the coupke green anacondas they have pulled out of the st johns river i believe.
I think Rex has a lot of iguanas over his way.
lol swamp ass florida. dude i had to have sweat out 2 liters this morning so far so needed to come inside and end the yard work. was out laying wrath on some fire ant mounds i discovered mowing yesterday. sprayed the garden with azactam, fertilized everything, and felt like i was about to fall out lol.
D3monic said:
I miss having lizards and geckos running around. Would be nice to live in the appropriate climate again... Just not swamp ass Florida
Yeah, down in Miami the iguanas are everywhere. When I would hang out at my friends down there, there was always big-ass iguanas in the trees in the backyard ...
We have the little green parrots, specifically ...
I did see re: the nile crocs ... could live without those, they're notoriously aggressive if I'm not mistaken ...
There's been populations of Savannah monitors caught in the 'glades, too, also a result of released pets, like the pythons ...
The geckos are all around my house, ever increasing, and years ago it was the case at my mom's - including some HUGE one's in particular ... I posted a picture of a 14" one a while back, that lived behind her shutters ...
Quite the bastard, too ...
D3monic said:
I miss having lizards and geckos running around. Would be nice to live in the appropriate climate again... Just not swamp ass Florida
So fucking hot here ... ridiculously humid right now, too ...
Student of Spice said:
lol swamp ass florida. dude i had to have sweat out 2 liters this morning so far so needed to come inside and end the yard work. was out laying wrath on some fire ant mounds i discovered mowing yesterday. sprayed the garden with azactam, fertilized everything, and felt like i was about to fall out lol.
Unruly humid here today =(
yes, then you get that guy out of orlando who keeps losing his king cobras lol. 
i would love to see a full comprehensive list of all the invasive species in florida. those parrots look pretty. yeah you read correctly Grant they said they are very aggressive and have the highest human death count.
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