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contest VOTE! Ethnic/Regional Sandwich II


  • SumOfMyBits - [url="http://thehotpepper.com/topic/33306-begin-ethnicregional-sandwich-ii/page__

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Once again some very enticing entries -- you all really make voting tough but in the end how could any Texan not vote for the Brisket !!
TB is a bot. I programmed his profile to music: blues, food: salmon and salmon: language: Spanglish.
Northern part of Ontario, was a mining town but is now a ghost town. Lots of European immigrants, mainly Irish, Italian, and Finn until the mine shut down and everyone left for the bigger and brighter lights of the city. I'm guessing wherever those Italian immigrants came from (post World War One) they brought this sandwich with them or they put whatever they had together at their disposal as a cheap lunch for the townspeople.

With regards to how this is ethnic/regional, pork on a bun with my ingredients is an Italian variation of a plain piece of pork between plain bread whereas pork on a bun with say, Vietnamese ingredients is a Vietnamese variation of a plain piece of pork between plain bread. At the end of the day, it's what you add to the pork between bread which makes it ethnic/regional.
TB - your mom just voted for my sammich.


Once again some very enticing entries -- you all really make voting tough but in the end how could any Texan not vote for the Brisket !!
Easy - vote for the Torta - you know you see those all the time in Tejas too, only mine's better!
DTS for the win!

Thanks for introducing me to this crazy sandwich DTS. And you knocked it outta the park I know the best traditional sammie in Portugal doesn't even look as damn good as yours!

Tomato and beer sauce, and oozing cheese, over a sammie with cured and slow roasted meats whaaaa? Gimme!

Sorry guys this one was easy for me. Slammin' sammies from all, seriously, but dayum.
I'm torn - I love DTS entry, I just think of a sandwich as something I pick up and eat, not a knife-and-forker.

One man's opinion.

I would eat the hell outta that thing though. it looks delicious. :woohoo:

With regards to how this is ethnic/regional, pork on a bun with my ingredients is an Italian variation of a plain piece of pork between plain bread whereas pork on a bun with say, Vietnamese ingredients is a Vietnamese variation of a plain piece of pork between plain bread. At the end of the day, it's what you add to the pork between bread which makes it ethnic/regional.

Yikes! That's like saying curried beef is Indian food.
I'm torn - I love DTS entry, I just think of a sandwich as something I pick up and eat, not a knife-and-forker.

One man's opinion.

I would eat the hell outta that thing though. it looks delicious. :woohoo:

My fave brunch sandwich Croque-Madame is a forker. I hear ya on it though, but it follows the rules of if it's a known sandwich in that area then it's a sandwich.
Did you ever have grilled cheese and tomato soup and dunk the sandwich? Comfort food. I pictured those flavors, kicked up about 10 notches with the cured meats, beer, heat etc. The Portuguese got it goin' on. DTS have you had that before or did you google the craziest sandwich you could make for a win?
lol. I was looking through Wikipedia's list of sandwiches and I saw it. Looked awesome and it had everything someone like me craves. Like you said it's a comfort food sandwich.

Beer in the sauce, spicy, 4 different cuts of meat, salt hit, gooey cheese. Beer in the sauce and it's traditional to drink it with beer. I'm moving to Portugal!

You don't need a knife and fork LDHS, you just shove your face into it and start inhaling :rofl:
Went with the Philly-Wit'

I guess if I was a native, I would prefer the sliced provolone over the cheez whiz...
But I'm not pretentious (see: Busch Light), and I imagine I would eat the ass-end out of the cheez whiz ones too!!

Great job JT!!

Geeme, you were a VERY VERY VERY VERY close second in my book. Very close!

Sum, 9th.
So I should be able to figure out the two secret ingredients in Wikipedia?

Here I go...

I could only find one recipe for this sauce on the interwebz. And it didn't seem right. It seems this is a very secret sauce :D Honestly though scovie, you could go with any tomato based sauce, add some port and beer and cook it down. One of my secret ingredients was a teaspoon of lemon zest :D
:stop: Hold the half-a-raw onion and I'm so with ya.

that was my only complaint about the brisket sammich too - I was a little stunned by the heap o raw onion. I would never do that to a brisket sammich. Maybe a thin wedge of onion - yellow preferrably. I'd prefer cole slaw or even better, nothing.

I'm more of a "meat on a plate, sauce on the side" kinda guy when it comes to brisket, but this was a sammy throwdown so I get why TB corrupted it with bread. It's too bad - that brisket has an awesome lookin bark on it, I'm sure it was quite tender & delicious. But it loses points for the bread & onion to me.

Sorry TB. I hope this doesn't damage our once budding romance. :dance:

come on voters - don't be so judgemental - read my ingredients...open your minds. You don't need a fancy shmancy artsy fartsy photograph to understand why the Torta should win.

From all appearances there's one enlightened member of THP so far.
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