contest Vote! Five Dollar Feast

Who made the best use of $5?

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The Hot Pepper

This one is unique folks. Who impressed you the most with a $5 bill here? That's what it's all about.

Who pulled off the impossible?!

Special thanks to P2K for the TD selection!
I'm glad Lincoln showed up.

He's still alive. A lot of people don't just don't get it.

There was a little-known french documentary that addressed the subject.
I can't embed it, but I'll post a link. Please check it out.

The bastard has been scaring my dog for months!!

Tip of the $5 hat to Paul. All the entries looked so damn good...and a testament to what us nut-jobs can do with $5. But, I have to agree with my wife...Paul's was a full-on spread that was TOTALLY outside the box...that I'd love to dig into.

SL...amazing use of 5 bucks...great job, and I have a feeling yours will be up there at the top.

JayT - You are the pizza master!

FD - That looked great...not a big fan of fried stuff, but I loved the theme, and the cohesiveness.

Zdeck - Not just yeah...BUT HELL YEAH. Toss up for second with SL...that sammie gave me a tingly feeling.

DD - Also an excellent job...and plates like yours are exactly why I didn't choose shrimp to display my own Scrawmp-FAIL.

Sum - That was unique, and looked great. Not a flan of fan, but the main course looked DY-NO-MITE!

Awesome job, folks!!!
They all look good, but my vote goes to the person who I think made best and most appealing use of the $5 in ingredients without heavy reliance on staples.

They all look good, but my vote goes to the person who I think made best and most appealing use of the $5 in ingredients without heavy reliance on staples.

What? That flan was all staples :lol:
Yeah it looks like his main dish was mostly all purchased, and dessert was staples, kudos to Sum.

By the way, never seen a flan without egg.
Plus the fact the the flan is something that was prepared, not just an accompaniment like bread.

Again, is wasn't an easy decision...they all look good...but only one gets the vote.

Yeah it looks like his main dish was mostly all purchased, and dessert was staples, kudos to Sum.

By the way, never seen a flan without egg.

Ha! Even had FD come in to look at the post to see if I was missing anything.
Eggs. The Flan totally had eggs in it! Damn, Lincoln and his noise! Edit my post if you like.
I was wondering! Okay I added it in. :)
(pssst- salsalady made a baked egg and cream dessert,too..... with carmalized brown sugar on top~~~~~)

I really enjoyed the creativity people used to get their ingredients. The salad bar (GREAT idea!) and I noticed it looked like others asked for small or single portions of whatever they needed. And as always, the final dishes show such a wide range of inspirations. I wish we could eat them all!
Pulled the trigger for SL on this one, a true $5 feast with 3 courses--the main course a feast itself. Thoughtful use of staples and calculated shopping. Win!
I feel like a fool. I thought I knew how to eat on a budget. Boy was I wrong. This is unbelievable. I think you all did great. But SL Killed it! :beer:
Frydad that Sriracha saussseee is my favorite!
I'm glad Lincoln showed up.

He's still alive. A lot of people don't just don't get it.

There was a little-known french documentary that addressed the subject.
I can't embed it, but I'll post a link. Please check it out.

The bastard has been scaring my dog for months!!


I was seriously counting on him making it tonight. I HATE it when I make a mean Paella, and he doesn't show.
I'm so glad he did.

Lincoln... that guy!


^----- Hit that... have a laugh... or two. Justice!
Wow, great entries everyone.

SL you are one mean lady at stretching a dollar and it looked fantastic

FD great southern home style comfort food at it's finest.

Sum I love me some good Piella

DD dem shrimps were the cats meow

In the end my vote went to Frydad. He had me at R&R.
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