contest VOTE! July 4th-ings Throwdown

Best 4th-ings on a plate!

  • Rymerpt - [url=

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Shorerider got my vote for money shot, very nice plating and attractive dish. Something you would see at  a fancy restaurant
As far as Best dish it was a toss up between joyner and  the count.
I ended up going with the count because this picture  is what really sold me on his dish. The smoking beans, sausage and pork. Should of chose this as his money shot.
I went with GIP for the best dish, because it was what I would want to try out the most out of all of the dishes.

I went with Shorerider for the photography. Very well plated dish.

I was planning on entering this one. After all of my friends showed up to my BBQ, we started partying, and I completely forgot to take pics of the latter half of my cook.

Everyone made some great dishes for this TD!
Thanks to all for the comments on my plate, it was a lot of hard work, but it was worth it, like all good food is.
I chose GIP's meal, simply because after having my stuffed Jalapeños (called "Poppers" apparently  :P ), GIP's stuffed peppers looked delicious. And that sauce, over the sausage...... Oh man :shocked: . I'm a sucker for a homemade sauce, so that added bonus points for me. And the sliders and potatoes were just like I would have made them. Great plate GIP.  :clap: 
For best pic, I voted for JHP. To me it was a photo I could see in a food magazine, and really captured Grill style cooking which is what July 4th (in America) is all about. Great pic JHP.  :clap:
I went all out on this TD, I wanted to push myself like never before. I lost sleep, spent the days before actually cooking, thinking about the best possible plate I could produce.
I learnt a lot of new things, in the end that's what it's all about. Pushing your boundaries, your comfort zone and your skills to become a better cook. 

I went with Shorerider for my votes.
Everything from the clever title, to the amazing BBQ did it for me
even that salad !
(no throwing this lettuce on the ground) :lol:
I am most fortunate to have tried his sauces, and can imagine its pairing with that chicken !
and those sweet and savory kebabs :drooling:
then there's the plated pic :shocked: WOW    :onfire:
beautiful plate, excellent job mate!  :clap:
we are all going to have to step up our game if you keep entering throwdowns :onfire:
excellent job everyone
hope you all had a fun safe 4th
I voted for the Count's dish because of this picture! But alas, (even after being suggested by THP) he didn't tag this picture so I had to go with SR's picture. What a masterpiece! It was a tough vote but those beans (oohh those beans) and meat on the grill brought my mouth to it's knees (is that even possible? lolol).
Good job everyone!

I mean, C'MON MAN!!!
Lots of great stuff. Ashen got my vote on the meal. Lots of tedious effort on his part to put together a killer meal. The Count almost had me though.

For the pic I went with Shorerider. I don't really know much about photography or how to judge it other than it being clear where you want the focus and some light. And like most others I wish the Count had that grill photo in there. That shoulder looked amazing.
Agreed Ozzy.
Ashen's *meal looked killer. Especially his aspergrass. LOL I'll have Hogleg's portion too! bwahahaha
Why didn't you tag your plated pic, Ashen? It could have been a contender!
*Everyone's meal looked awesome enough for me to mow down!

See what I mean???
Ozzy2001 said:
I don't really know much about photography or how to judge it other than it being clear where you want the focus and some light. And like most others I wish the Count had that grill photo in there. That shoulder looked amazing.
Don't worry it's a layman's vote I didn't expect everyone to be a photography instructor. You look, and you vote for the best pic, even if you don't necessarily like that dish, but the pic cannot be denied, was the general idea. So you guys are doing fine. ;)

Also it was awesome to see how it elevated everyone's game in general. Kudos.
I guess I am a little too familiar with entertainment of, shall we say, the adult kind.  I made the assumption that "money shot" was of the end result  :P
My mistake for not taking the time to read it thoroughly.  I still think there were several others with better photos anyway.  Everyones meals looks amazing   :drooling:
I want to go to JHP's for chicken that brother can crush all things chicken.
Ashen had a beautiful plate and I love stuffed tomatoes yummy

Rymerpt loved the desert!! Crazy baby crazy!!

GIP the king of the stuffed peppers!!

Gimme as I said earlier loved that potato salad !!

And never Count him out !! Count you were my second choice awesome spread

Ozzy you and the Count were neck and neck man brother you are a pit master great looking ribs

Then Shorerider wow Wow WOW Great job my Brother absolutely beautiful everything cooked perfectly. Looked like a meal served in high end restaurant. Heather loved it as well said it belongs in a magazine.
You may have a lucrative career in food pornography photography brother!!
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