contest VOTE! Noodle Throwdown

Who made the best noodles AND dish?

  • dragonsfire - [url=]My

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • keybrdkid - [url=]Past

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Them "smoke signals" take a while to get out over DialUp!  :lol:
Thanks  for the vote, Boss.  Much appreciated! 
This meal was as you described.  Bits of crunchy, creamy sauce, squeeze on the lemon, FRESH al dente pasta, which was why I was having issues getting everything else to cook up and get on the plate at the same time.  Try to saute veggies, cook pasta, brown chicken, make the creamy picatta sauce....
I had to cook the pasta on the outside BBQ side burner cuz I ran out of room on my broken inside stove.  Running back and forth, stir the sauce, flip the veggies....still trying to make this an actual edible family meal for 4.
Aw, well,  Ya do what ya gotta do....  and in this case it worked out.  We had an enjoyable afternoon with family and a good dinner to boot.   
(plus- the guys did the dishes!  :shhh: )
THP said something like this:
"Chicken cooked golden brown, not covered in sauce so you have crunchy areas, awesome sauce, perfect fresh pasta.  I bet lemon zest would go great in flour dredge."
"And my merkin needs starching"
And maybe 'iffy' on the last one, but Scovie said it's true, so must be...
salsalady said:
Student of Spice made 2 different dishes, but both the same basic pasta shape. Different fillings, different pastas, and dang!  all those perfectly formed tortellinis!!!
Hot Stuff did the gnocchi with that crawfish cream sauce.  I'm a total sucker for creamy tomato sauce!  And BREAD with evoo, s& just sign me up for cardiac clinic!
HOT STUFF!  That's it, vote cast!
Thanks SL! Made my day. :)
Noodles. Wow.
I voted for which noodle/ pasta I would eat just plain. Thickness, texture flavor.
SalsaLady did it for me.
If this were a "Pasta Meal TD" it would have been even harder, cuz y'all are some truly amazing, creative chef's.
So if anyone needs me, I'll just be over here feeling sorry for myself that I can't eat everyones dish. :mope:
SalsaLady!!! :cheers:
I had to think about this one. As such, I was a little picky. perhaps too much so for not knowing anything about pasta other than what I am reading. haha.
Anyways, here is how I chose my vote, among other things.
My research tells me that the type of dough you use seems to be important depending on what pasta you are making. More specifically, the egg yolk only version vs. the type that contains egg whites. I assume you all used a finer flour.
Apparently, egg yolks contain 50% fat and proteins and 50% water. Egg whites contain 90% water and 10% fat and proteins- which makes them a neutral flavorless and colorless filler.  This actually has a use, which I will get to in a minute.
The trick seems to be incorporating as many egg yolks (fat) as possible without changing the pliability of the dough. Too much fat changes the elasticity of the dough. 
Egg whites, on the other hand, are useful when making ravioli. Stuffed pasta should have extra elasticity and durability for shaping ect. When egg whites are added to a fine flour, the flour immediately absorbs the water. Instead of those egg proteins having to mobilize nine times their weight in water, all the water has disappeared, and it is suddenly much easier for the proteins to find each other and hook up to create new protein structures. These extra protein structures maintain the ravioli dough's integrity while you form the shapes you desire and cook it.
Thus, I decided to look at the entries to see who matched their doughs correctly to the dish that they made. And also, what I preferred in a dish vs. what stood out as a bit odd. So I ultimately decided that Tctenten gets my vote.
Salty has the edge...
Less than 2 hours.
Less than 2 hours.
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