contest VOTE! Second Annual Memorial Day User-land BBQ Contest

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Left over pomegranate molasses glazed pulled lamb with butter lettuce, cucumber, coriander, lemon juice and sour cream dressing, and a tortilla with some spoonfuls of TC's Natalie's Nectar sauce (great sauce mate, all the ingredients are there on the palate, balanced and delicious!)

Rightio, just dropped in for fun
Beef Cheeks, love them or well.... love them, so damn good
Trimmed up

Rubbed with Honey Hog BBQ, into the weber with cherry and peach wood, at 275f

Once they hit 160f internal, i placed them in a tray with some liquid, rub and brown sugar, then continued to cook until roughly 200-205f and nice and tender



BigB said:
B, is the corner the only lit part and the it slowly spirals around as the briquettes start the others?
Yes, google the snake method. I used it yesterday as well but I did a slight alter and burned from both ends. You light a chimney and place those coals near one end to get the fuse started. 
grantmichaels said:
There are really basically no rules ...
Just post it up ...
The voting is multiple choice, so the cream will rise to the top, people's choice style ...
Throughout the course of the week I'll start getting an idea how many ways to subdivide the pile ...
There's some interesting offers from members to use to help get a bunch of prizes out there - for instance, HM01 offered to send some jelly, and Ozzy's offered some future jelly, and Boss's offered to pick an entry himself for a membership prize etc etc ...
I think since JHP understandably doesn't need heat, if he wins I'll use his winning's to get a box to a soldier with SL's help, and then I'll send him some beer-making shit myself ...
It seemed to just work last year, and so long as it doesn't go sour, I'll just keep wingin' it each year for as long as it's fun ...
Grant, when does the contest close?
^^ Never mind. I have a few free minutes to put this together.
Ruben at the Campgound.
It all started the other day on the WSM. Got some meat smoking from my other thread.
I'll repost a few of the better pics if Pookie doesn't harass me for double posting.



Now, out to the camper to do these Rubens right.
Home made pastrami,
Strong aged swiss
Thousand Island dressing
Light Rye bread
All on the RV grill for a lunch out in the wilderness


Jeff H said:
Grant, when does the contest close?
When Boss kills it. I suggested he might kill it when the TD starts next weekend, but he can leave it open and let non-burger people keep going at it, too. It ends when he locks the thread, but not before Friday - you can count on that ...
Booma said:
Rightio, just dropped in for fun
Beef Cheeks, love them or well.... love them, so damn good
Trimmed up

Rubbed with Honey Hog BBQ, into the weber with cherry and peach wood, at 275f

Once they hit 160f internal, i placed them in a tray with some liquid, rub and brown sugar, then continued to cook until roughly 200-205f and nice and tender



Almost missed this goodness!

I have to comment on the juicinext ... BOOMa!

I've noticed the juice surviving through the cooks has been steadily increasing ...

The marbling has too, though ... but I'm wondering if you are also going hotter for the last two-thirds of the cook to keep the duration a little shorter, to limit the drying? ...

My last brisket I cooked at 205F for the first two or three hours, and then ramped it up to 275F ...

Jeff H said:
^^ Never mind. I have a few free minutes to put this together.
Ruben at the Campgound.
It all started the other day on the WSM. Got some meat smoking from my other thread.
I'll repost a few of the better pics if Pookie doesn't harass me for double posting.



Now, out to the camper to do these Rubens right.
Home made pastrami,
Strong aged swiss
Thousand Island dressing
Light Rye bread
All on the RV grill for a lunch out in the wilderness


Oh hell yes! That's totally my jam ... but especially at brunch time, on Sunday ...

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