contest VOTE! Second Annual Memorial Day User-land BBQ Contest

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Some schtuff ...

- The new, so far unreleased Lucky Dog Hot Sauce will be involved ...
- There will be at least a little bit of Pure Evil involved ...
- Treats from Wicked Mike will be involved ...
- Pi Rho goods from my stash will def be involved ...
- De Roo stuffz, involved ...

I have 3-4x other conversations going at present to bring more goodies from my favorite vendor-members, so stay tuned ...

Also, thanks to Bumper for offering to help sponsor some shipping!

I think JayT offered above, and possibly tctenten too, or will at least be entering ...
GM- your box #4 is being delayed a day so I can make something that needs to be in the box for the BBQ competition.  :cool:  (trust me, it's worth the one-day delay~~~)  :D
We tried some PiRho stuff and that was GOOD!  not the same item as what GM posted though.  And Dee-Roo's (SmokenFire) sauces are awesome!  We totally scarfed on Swamp Juice, closely followed by the tropical one. 
Got a box headed Grant's way today. Here's what's inside:
Those little orange Mexican mangoes, cooked down with kiwi and Yellow Congo. 

A mild sauce, made with Rainforest.

It's not a sauce, but a hot syrup. Fresh pineapple and citrus paired with Aji Lemon Drop and vanilla. The consistency of a thin maple syrup. You get the bright, fruity acidity up front, followed by the sweetness, and rising warm flavors from the peppers and vanilla. Not terribly hot. Makes a good glaze for grilled chicken or seafood. Goes great on pancakes. Hell, I'd brush my teeth with it.

A mustard-curry sauce, again with Yellow Congo.

Yes, you're reading that right. Call me Caligula, I have no regrets. It's an SB7J base, so it's got a nice wallop to it.

I soaked yellow mustard seed and dried thyme for a few days in cider vinegar, dark Bavarian lager, and brown sugar. Pureed some of it, reincorporated it, and worked in some very finely minced Moruga Scorpion, placenta removed, before letting it sit a few more days. It's grainy and sweet, and the heat is totally manageable and pleasant. I may never look at soft pretzels the same way again.

Oh, and there's something in the box for you too, Grant. I seem to remember you expressing a fondness for them. ;)
Edit: typo
Boxes flowing in today!

First up ... I ordered a box to have stuff for prize boxes from SL's offer the other day, and she added some fun extras for the contest ...


Someone's getting their hands on some Infused Pure Evil *BOLD* ... and there will be more Chipotle BBQ, too ...

I'm gettin' into the spirit of giving, but I'll wait to start making prize box teasers until after the TD this weekend!

More, later ...
salsalady said:
Yay!  It all made it intact! 
Did I send an empty dropper bottle?  That was supposed to go with the 6mil PE bottle.
I don't think so - but I'm sure anyone can get one from Amazon easily!
Also arriving today, prize-box stuffers that Wicked Mike was generous enough to donate!

I haven't had a sauce from WM and my curiosity is rather piqued, so I'm probably going to treat myself to Leah's Sauce or the curry-themed one, and the rest of them will get added into boxes - full disclosure and all! ;)


He was kind enough to include some fresh pods for me, too!



... of which I'm now using a pair in my soup tonight! =)

Boss sent me a packed box after the THP Awards, and I'll pass along a couple items from Boss's box to a prize-winner, too ... so thanks Boss!

Sharing is caring, after all ...
salsalady said:
Did I send an empty dropper bottle?  That was supposed to go with the 6mil PE bottle.
grantmichaels said:
I don't think so - but I'm sure anyone can get one from Amazon easily!
 I'll send one down to you.  Save the trouble for the winner to track one down.  :)  Prolly cost a whopping $.80 postage.  :lol: 
Wicked Mike's sauces look terrific!  And those pods???  SCORE!!!  Very Nice!  I'd be hard pressed to let any of them go~
salsalady said:
 I'll send one down to you.  Save the trouble for the winner to track one down.  :)  Prolly cost a whopping $.80 postage.  :lol:
Wicked Mike's sauces look terrific!  And those pods???  SCORE!!!  Very Nice!  I'd be hard pressed to let any of them go~
Okay, there's plenty of time yet re: the dropper ...
Yeah, definitely would love to taste each of those sauces, but beyond one of them, that's not happening ...
Well, not without a prize-winning entry of my own!!! =) #KeepHopeAlive
Talked to SF today, too, and there's De Roo heading down from Chicago ...
The prize boxes will be loaded with goodies this year!
Can't wait to see what people throw down ...
The winner might need that eye dropper full of Red Eyes for the 6mil!  Word of advice, don't get it on your eyelids!  I am looking forward to this contest, both contributing to it, and to defending my title!  I have a not so secret weapon now ya know!
I'm new here.
We cook BBQ and people vote on the entries?
Then we also donate sauces to go into a prize box for the winner?
How many winners are there?
There's 8 bottles of 4 sauces from SnF alone. Just wondering how this works...
Scoville DeVille said:
I'm new here.
We cook BBQ and people vote on the entries?
Then we also donate sauces to go into a prize box for the winner?
How many winners are there?
There's 8 bottles of 4 sauces from SnF alone. Just wondering how this works...
You just cook, and I give away prize boxes. I buy extras all year long, and give shit away for karma ...

If someone wants to donate their prize to soldiers, I think SL can help tell me where to send it ...

Some folks are generous and help me behind the scenes to lessen my cost, for instance last year tctenten shipped the prize box to AUS to Bumper so we could include International folks who often get excluded.

I ask vendor members for a deal to be included, and they've often given a discount, or added extra items, or in the case of WM tgis year, sent it without accepting money ...

JayT won last year, with a hella spread, and offered to donate/sponsor some sauce this year - after receiving a THP-like proze box last year ...

It's just a weekish long grill-fest contest ...

You gotta bring it, the entries were pretty siiiiiick last year!

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