contest VOTE! Toast TD

Vote for the best meal with TOAST and a drink TOAST!

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I voted for Rooze because he truly brought the spirit of the throwdown to it, (even though I know mine tasted better) ;) but I really wanted to vote for FD. That cracked me up. If only there had been a banana leaf.

P.S. Wheebz came home yesterday and definitely could have entered the throwdown, but chose not to. He should be put up for public ridicule. You know, he kind of reminds me of Bear in a way (except for the lack of hair on his head).
The pulled toast should have been up against the Mountville dog.
I voted for Rooze because he truly brought the spirit of the throwdown to it, (even though I know mine tasted better) ;) but I really wanted to vote for FD. That cracked me up. If only there had been a banana leaf.
Banana leaf is hiding in the bottom right :dance:

Frydad's Pulled Toast

I voted for Rooze because he truly brought the spirit of the throwdown to it, (even though I know mine tasted better) ;) but I really wanted to vote for FD. That cracked me up. If only there had been a banana leaf.

P.S. Wheebz came home yesterday and definitely could have entered the throwdown, but chose not to. He should be put up for public ridicule. You know, he kind of reminds me of Bear in a way (except for the lack of hair on his head).

meh I voted for FD just for that reason, In my opinion I dont think "the spirit" of the throwdown, is to out spend or out foo-foo I think its to capture the essence of what the ingredient or dish is , so to me FD truley did toast justice, no offense rooze yours looked fantastic. but it was a TOAST TD, and I try to always look at the dish and not the foo :) piling crap on top of toast is a cop out, but actually using toast as the main ingredient is brilliant

I had to go with Paul. Rooze will have crowns...that is evident from the DC posts. But...toast is a staple...not an "item to deal with"...and I think Paul did it justice. I wish I had been able to lose once again enter this TD, but sadly...between the kiddo's, and "waking up" around lunch time in a daze...I didn't make it.

I think this TD would have been robust if not for being on the heals of a TD marathon. Everyone looked great...CHEERS! :beer:
you do realize he did it as a joke right?

yes I sure did :P, but I still stand by my vote, there were many good entrys, however as Lunch Box said rooze did very well "But...toast is a staple...not an "item to deal with"

so again, just covering toast with stuff and making it look pretty to me does not make a toast win, however by the looks of the votes we have a bunch of girls goin oooohhh that looks pretty lol , so congrats rooze ;) I hope nobody is offended cause I am being humorous here so dont get them panties all wadded up :P
I've gotta say...rooze entry is very impressive....but there's no way I'd attempt to enter a throwdown unless there's a limit on the number of ingredients, dollar wise or quantity wise.

This certainly isn't meant to be a criticism of anyone in any way!

It's just not doable for someone like me. I live a very sheltered and frugal life!! LOL

BTW...yes...I did vote for rooze!!

~Dig :dance:
Who am I to judge....

...I won two of my 5 crowns doing exactly what rooze did. (pulling a paulky) ;)

It was outrageous and he surely deserves the "W"!

But I voted for FD4.'s toast on TOAST, man!!!!! :woohoo:
Thank you all, thank you all...

I did it to keep things light on the heels of last months monstrosity.

All kidding aside, we did eat it and it and it was very good. We laughed like schoolgirls (sum did) because we expected it to be gross.
It was like a bbq potato chip sandwich. Topped with sauce and pikliz.

Everyone here knows that stuff tastes good...not that you'd ever make it when people come over or something.
Kinda like riding a moped...

I say we consider in a few months (so we can all save up) have a "Pullin a Paulky" throwdown. :)

Rooze you are quite talented and the toast crown will be well deserved.
Cool. Thanks FD.

I did get my panties wadded up when I thought about the "Excess Factor"....but you know, a lot of that stuff I keep in the cupboard/Fridge and use it all the time, and it was a Holiday, and a mans gotta eat, right?

No one died or went crazy and fun was had all round.

All kidding aside, we did eat it and it and it was very good. We laughed like schoolgirls (sum did) because we expected it to be gross.
It was like a bbq potato chip sandwich. Topped with sauce and pikliz.

Kinda reminded me of a wish sandwich.....

.....a wish sandwich is the kind of sandwich when you have two pieces of bread.......and you WISH you had some MEAT!......

BOW BOW BOW..... :rofl:

I say we consider in a few months (so we can all save up) have a "Pullin a Paulky" throwdown. :)

I think that is an excellent idea!!!

My vote went for FD. All of the others were more extravagant but FD was the only one to use toast as more then...well toast. It wasn't an accompaniment it was the dish.
Thank you kind fellow(s)...truly a pleasure :) (though it's not over yet!).

Spoken like a dude that's layin' on the ass-whuppin..... :rofl:

Excellent job sir. I'm not even sure why I entered after seeing your pictures. I didn't have the fight in me after one short week since I successfully defended two crowns to match your effort. I'm sure that is why there are so few entries this time around! :clap:
Thanks Paulky!

I must say that you chaps have some mighty fine staying power - it felt like the last TD ended about an hour before the start of this new one. I guess that's 'cos the last one was such a mega mammoth affair and it took longer than usual. So kudos to those that came out from such a short break and throwing down the goodies for the Toast challenge. Awe inspiring stuff, no doubt.

PS - I'm actually gonna try and cook Frydad's Pulled Toast deal later this week. There's something just so wrong about it that it seems like the right thing to do :)
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