• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Walchit's Glog 2018

Well started germination yesterday, got a little carried away.

I'm too lazy to type out my list for you guys so here are some pics.

Sprouting these from Justin/whitehotpeppers

And these from the auction of labeled pods from Garth/texashotpeppers

Then there are these from trades and seed trains

I may have officially lost my mind! Thanks for stopping by.
Nice I wish my Starbucks had a pile!

And Tristan, mine are still in pretty small pots. No room to transplant cause I started a bunch of annuums and tomatoes!
Free shit is always a good thing! I used to drive the tractor into town (7 miles), with the wife following me with a trailer to load up horse poo. I bet I put 20-30, maybe 40 yards into the garden. Coffee grounds have me pretty excited as my daughters best friend just opened a coffee shop. I need to get with her for sure, her business is cranking!
I have 3 bins, about a yard each mixed with leaves, cow poop, and re-ground wood chips to make them smaller, and anything else I can put in there. The key is to keep them damp, not wet, and turn the piles weekly, or they turn to ash. I can't seem to keep up with them; with everything else going on, so they tend to stall from drying out....
Didn't get much done today.
Pretty sure the tiller needs a belt. It had a bunch of wire and roots wrapped up in the tines.
And I need about ten more loads of that horse shit.
Once I get these rows figured out, I need to try and get some drip irrigation ordered. I don't wanna hand water 4-5 hundred plants lol
Got some more rows done, this rain put a stop to my work though. Probably a good thing, scooped 2 more loads of poop on to these rows, I'm pretty tired of working with my cousin shovel.


Got this hogsweed starting to ripen up too


I guess after this rain passes I might start trying to harden off plants
Walchit said:
Got some more rows done, this rain put a stop to my work though. Probably a good thing, scooped 2 more loads of poop on to these rows, I'm pretty tired of working with my cousin shovel.


Got this hogsweed starting to ripen up too


I guess after this rain passes I might start trying to harden off plants
Wow, Andy! Lots of hard work happening at your place. Your beds look fantastically and your plants are gonna be crazy big! How's that Bloody Riot Orange coming along? Kinda curious about that one...and the Cinders. Lol. Nice stuff!
I will round up those plants and get you a picture Adam! The growdown plant I potted up to 1 gal is 2-3 times the size of the rest of the plants. Thinking about putting up to something while I harden off... Didn't know if that would be too much of a pain it the ass. Maybe pot up a few.

I'm really hoping the horse manure works for me. I was planning on making a hole and filling it with some kind of mix to ensure they at least have a little soil I know is good to start out in. If I had more time and money I would add some more amendments lol. One day I will probably turn those rows in to raised beds or something. I like the idea of not bending down all the time.

This next month will be a busy one
I'm with you there, Andy. I'm planning on duplicating my previous 3' high raised bed. Knees are fine I'm just really tall so it's awesome to have things close to waste high. The fields are comin along mon!!