• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Walchit's Glog 2018

Well started germination yesterday, got a little carried away.

I'm too lazy to type out my list for you guys so here are some pics.

Sprouting these from Justin/whitehotpeppers

And these from the auction of labeled pods from Garth/texashotpeppers

Then there are these from trades and seed trains

I may have officially lost my mind! Thanks for stopping by.
Lol! I sure hope everything pans out. Still hoping I can get these tablecloths to use for weed mat, if not I'm gonna have to use a bunch of these old pairs of slacks lol.
Is weed a vegetable..


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Hogsweed again




And I got the whole crew outside, put them right at the edge of the shade so some of them only got a couple minutes of sun.


YBS in the 1 gal. Makes a huge difference doing a pot up


Bought this Paul Robeson tomato at the farmers market today. I just read something about them being good the other day. Lol


I might start organizing the plants and get a list together for you guys one of these days, or a YouTube video when they get planted out.
Wow, Andy! You have a lot! They all look really good, too! Nice and green! I tried going back and looking for your growlist, but I couldn't find it. . Maybe I didn't look hard enough.

EDIT: I see what happened. You took pics of your list and now they're holding your pics hostage. My fault.
It was just pics of the packs of seeds... I will get a list together for you within this next month hopefully, it's gonna be a busy one

I need to use the wife's laptop to do it cause my phone freezes up and I would loose my shit if it froze after I typed 100 different pepper names into it lol
Walchit said:
It was just pics of the packs of seeds... I will get a list together for you within this next month hopefully, it's gonna be a busy one

I need to use the wife's laptop to do it cause my phone freezes up and I would loose my shit if it froze after I typed 100 different pepper names into it lol
Oh, you don't have to. I thought you already had it written somewhere. I was just curious as to what you had growing. I've had my share of freezing phones in the past. It's truly aggravating. You've been busting arse outside. You're gonna have a stellar year!


Growdown throwdown yellow brainstrain in a diy fabric pot. Pretty sure it's made out of those napkins they use at fancy restaurants

Planted so many plants today, hope they do good, I couldn't keep them watered outside in tiny pots.



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