• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

WalkGood 2013, 2014 and Beyond

This is my first Glog so excuse what ever mess I may create, lol. Took way to many pictures today (31), so Ill post the first 9 and add more in subsiquent posts but didn't think it a good idea to start out doube or triple posting just for additional pics. I will also be updating the thread over time to show growth, pods and such ... but the first few pics of are of the young ones. While Ive been growing my favorite peppers for around 17 years (guess, lol), I always limited myself to 3 varieties or less. Jamaican peppers/Hab, Jalapeño and Cayenne. When things got too tuff Id milk them till they died off and stop growing for a while and start fresh. Most years I only grew the Jamaicans which are my favorite for cooking, home made sauce and the occasional powder to rub meats with or put into certain recipes.

Current inventory:
  • 5 Jalapeño
  • 1 Cayenne
  • 1 Serrano
  • 7 Datil
  • 15 Jamaican Habs (3 large around 3 years old and 12 less than year old)
  • 12 more to be determined
The young ones below are not that old with the oldest being the JA Habs which are around 3 years old now. I happen to find THP site while looking for advice/knowledge to cure one of my Jalapeños, thanks for all the good info guys/girls! In 2012 I added Datil, Thai hot, Cayenne, Jalapeño and Serrano to the mix, totaling around 41 plants now. Hats off \o_ to those of you who grow many more, dont know how you find the time and patients when things go off. That said, Ive done my fair share of battling aphids, nematodes, snails and white fly to no end over the last 3 years. Fortunately I believe to have things under control for now so Ive decided to add 12 new peppers to the mix from the listed seeds shown below.

Ill select 12 to start near end of December or first week in January from the seeds below and give credit once I get some new ones going :)


Need to start clearing our yard to grow more & more & more peppers ;) (*WG rollseyes*)

Top left to right: two Thai Hot and one Cayenne. Bottom row all Datil. BTW I don't grow everything in clay pots, just happen to get a good deal on a bunch in yard sale for a few bucks.

Huge live Oak in background, there's 5 of them in front yard so the shades hard to avoid in first few hours of sun rise.

8 Jamaican Habs in ground and cherry tomatoe in the pot, I need to find a good place to plant the tomatoe soon.

Top left Serrano and more Datil, I'm probably going to gift a few Datils for xmass and some of the other peppers

Serrano's first fower

Serrano's different angle

Edit: final list copied to first post from post #40. These seeds were soaked in water on 12/31/12 and planted 1/1/13 \o/

Edit: This list is constantly being updated as new hooks pop. Even though I lost #5 :/ I will not give up as there are 2 other seeds in dat egg mon ....


A few links to some of my better posts ;)Did you say powder?Did you say MoA?Black light night shots & horn wormsReviews and taste impressions in no order
Love the foodie pic...great grill marks.

Regarding the mites, look up californicus mite on Google. Gasificada has used this to eradicate his mite problem. They are a predatory mite, and after ordering will be overnighted Fed Ex to your door.

Good luck!
:drooling: :drooling: :drooling:

I will keep an eye out, but not much along the lines of vintage rums here in our bottlestores :(
Just giving you a heads up, could be you spot one in a duty free shop during any travels. Or if you pop by one day out of the blue and I'm outta any good stuff, we'll take a ride to da local liquor shop and MASH UP some coconuts mon :)

very nice glog & love the food.
Thanks for stopping in and commenting, can’t wait till some grow bigger and start producing. Just noticed your Second Season glog last night, very nice ^_^

Love the foodie pic...great grill marks.
As always, thanks Brent!

Regarding the mites, look up californicus mite on Google. Gasificada has used this to eradicate his mite problem. They are a predatory mite, and after ordering will be overnighted Fed Ex to your door.

Good luck!
Now I understand the nic “Doc,” thank you for the recommendation, sounds great! My only concern was reading "avoid using any pesticide one week prior and one week after release of predators," as I use soapy water at least once a week to keep whitefly at bay. I assume this would kill my investment, a little more reading about them should help me decide, Respect mon!

Edit: Flash bulletin!!! SB MoA's are now 66% ... from IRC [11:26] <@WalkGood> holy shit, another one's cracking seed husk, now 4 for 6 \o/
While working in the garden earlier, I noticed one of my pineapple plants is ready to bear fruit so I snapped a picture, sorry for the crappy quality as I was in a rush to get back to transplanting. I&rsquo;ll try to post a pic every now and then showing the progress they make. The beauty about pineapples is that they run on auto-pilot like Shane (stc3248) likes to fly with his starters, no muss no fuss. There's nothing ever to do other than the occasional watering. Heck you don't even need good soil, they're extreemly resilient. No bugs ever harmed any of our pineapple plants, so all you need is a warm climate and they'll grow ^_^ Maybe one of the rocket scientist we have here can figure out how to cross with a pepper, imagine one mega pod ;)

For those who&rsquo;ve never grown one, if you grow from cutting the top off a pineapple it takes at least 2 to 3 years to bare fruit. Fortunately for me I&rsquo;ve done this before and the 4 we have planted are from other pineapple plants slips I grew, slips only takes 8 months. I got into growing them around 8 years ago to try and teach our younger boy, now 13, about the passion of growing. For the first few years he was really into helping in the garden and now he&rsquo;s not into it, so Papi takes care of dem now. Funny thing, when they show signs of bearing fruit he's all excited to eat dem and he still claims they are his plants, rofl ...

Every day after I wake up I take a walk around da yard to check things out, even along the river. A week back I had moved my original egg crate outside in 1/2 day of sun ... Looking in I found #5 (Butch T Scorpion) is starting to hook \o/ Can you imagine it&rsquo;s now Feb 2[sup]nd[/sup] and these were planted on Jan 1[sup]st[/sup], there&rsquo;s still hope for the rest ^_^ &hellip; I&rsquo;ll try to take a pic later but it&rsquo;s a little deep, dam I love it when these things defeat all odds.
Every day after I wake up I take a walk around da yard to check things out, even along the river. A week back I had moved my original egg crate outside in 1/2 day of sun ... Looking in I found #5 (Butch T Scorpion) is starting to hook \o/ Can you imagine it&rsquo;s now Feb 2[sup]nd[/sup] and these were planted on Jan 1[sup]st[/sup], there&rsquo;s still hope for the rest ^_^ &hellip; I&rsquo;ll try to take a pic later but it&rsquo;s a little deep, dam I love it when these things defeat all odds.

Awesome! Sometimes these things just take their sweet time. I had three cells I had written off, pushed off to the side of my germinator, even lying on their side. One day I went in to toss them and each one had a leggy sprout growing upward at a 90 degree angle looking for light, lol. I kept them and they look pretty good, now.
A lady at work told me about a time when she tossed scraps into her compost bin, and a month or two later she looked at her pile and a pepper seedling was poking out of the top. That's nature for you.
Awesome! Sometimes these things just take their sweet time. I had three cells I had written off, pushed off to the side of my germinator, even lying on their side. One day I went in to toss them and each one had a leggy sprout growing upward at a 90 degree angle looking for light, lol. I kept them and they look pretty good, now.
Brent that&rsquo;s a cool story, gotta just love Mama Nature ^_^ I still have faith for some of the ones I have that haven&rsquo;t popped yet. Last year I had some seeds pop months after and I&rsquo;m not surprised as I do my stuff without heatpads or lights, well other than da sun. As always I appreciate your comments, tks :)

A lady at work told me about a time when she tossed scraps into her compost bin, and a month or two later she looked at her pile and a pepper seedling was poking out of the top. That's nature for you.
Stefan as I said to Doc, Mama Nature is killa ^_^ and thank you for sharing your stories & wisdom :)

Here&rsquo;s what I harvested today, did anyone say tostones, banana chips or stuffed plantains &hellip; I&rsquo;ll try to shoot some pics when I do something with them on Monday but I&rsquo;ve been busy all day gardening, barely had enough time to take pics and tomorrow is superbowl party. Been fighting the same war that STEVE954 is fighting with mites, against every fiber in my body I tossed 6 Datils today :/ kept only two that looked the best. I spray treated every plant I have with a light soap/water mix and treated the soil with stronger soapy water mix &hellip; gallons and gallons were used up but it's important IMO to treat both the upper and underground war, never know where some might escape to ...


New chip dip I made probably 5 to 6 times hotter than last I pictured in the glog. Apologies for not posting the names of them or exactly how I make them but no trademarks on dem yet ;)

Same dip I pictured in glog before that I gifted my brother-in-law after his operation. Both of these will be eaten up tomorrow.

Updated my Excel tracking on seedlings; another SB MoA popping 5 of 6 now but no leaves yet, I&rsquo;m not sure the last will pop but stranger things have happened. Today noted another Butch T Scorpion hooking, lost the first one that hooked back on 1/10/13, so I feel good about this one as it looks stronger. I'm not giving up da faith for the rest except #2, which fell onto the pool deck and I don't need to tell you about humpty dumpty :D

Edit: I forgot to mention, I believe #10 is going to hook tomorrow, I see something happening in dat egg ... seriously happy mon a Goat FTW
Keep on fighting the "war on bugs" my bruddah! The mighty broad mite saga contiues in my back yard.
QFT and the summer isn&rsquo;t even here yet :0

That bean dip looks amazing!83% on the MoAs! G'waan do yu ting bwhy!
Thank you and so does the Jerk Chicken you posted, looks so good I&rsquo;m off to eat lunch, hehe. The only down side I see right now are that all 5 of my MoA&rsquo;s look to be helmet heads (seed husk still on), check the pics and update below.

4 days of germing bud. I should expect a sprout tomorrow right?
I have no doubt that yours will pop, dem good great seeds STEVE954 has supplied us with ^_^ Will be interesting to see how quick you, Greg and Doc speed past me, from what I&rsquo;ve seen Mama sun is slow for me this time of year ;) Oh and Pauls already have leaves FTW

SB MoA update with pictures, while I had stated that 5 of 6 have popped I had not included a picture because it&rsquo;s hard to see and still is but here&rsquo;s an attempt. All but the lower right egg are the ones, although so far I see all 5 with seed husks still on :/ I did burry one a little deeper the other day but it&rsquo;s still emerging with a helmet, guess I&rsquo;ll have to wait and see &hellip;

The next 5 pictures are poor attempts at closer pictures of each one. I have circled where I can see the definitive action to make it easier to see. But it&rsquo;s easy to tell they&rsquo;re all helmets getting ready to emerge &hellip;





Here&rsquo;s a few nuts that didn&rsquo;t get drank last summer :D Doubt anyone cares much but what I do is throw a few coconuts in well shaded area that has loose soil. Cover them with leaves and a few weeks later they&rsquo;ve sprouted. I don&rsquo;t have to dig to transplant them cause of loose soil and never water them cause we get good summer showers. Since I already have 4 nice size trees that produce, I normally gift all the bablies to friends or relatives, these are 2 that stayed behind after last summers gifting. This summer I'll probably plant another 14 or 15 nuts ^_^

I'll try and update the others later today but not much changes with dem yet ...
STEVE954's post made me hungry so I had to run off earlier to eat :D

Seedling #5 Butch T Scorpion progress

My nephew went fishing in the keys over the weekend and brought me back a little tail, yellow tail that is, lol. PJ joined THP under the nick Goldenowl and while he grows some peppers, he&rsquo;ll probably remain low profile and not post much if any at all. Now that I&rsquo;ve outted him, I wanted to say to him here \o_ Hats off and thanks for the fish mon! If you ever wana go fishing in the keys his younger bro is the best fishing captain down there IMHO, he&rsquo;ll hook you up every time with what ever is running. I use to take the two of them fishing when they were young, but now his bro will fish circles around me and has been feature on video catching Snook by hand with a shrimp held in his fingers, totally amazing IMHO.

Did anyone say lunch :) Raw yellow tail snapper w/home made blackened seasoning, sofrito starter pan fried in extra virgin olive oil. The rice is pan fried in the left over olive oil, w/added seasoning & a little extra sofrito starter.

Flipped over

Close up

Finished, served with Habanero, Onion & Garlic rice and Plantain chips.
Ah........Blackened Snapper That looks tasty. .......now I don't have a taste for the "junk salad" tghat I was making toite..........thanks buddy!....... :D
Don't give up too fast on some of the super hots. I still see sprouts popping up in seed trays that is going on a month old.

Back to the grow room for me....................I hear the plants calling........................."Feed Me"
Now I'm hungry again. I have gained 5kg since licking my screen every day!
Funny I was able to go thru your last several updates without getting hungry ;) Although I am certainly envious of that beautiful crop you&rsquo;ve got going ^_^ Keep dat pod porn coming mon!

Ah........Blackened Snapper That looks tasty. .......now I don't have a taste for the "junk salad" tghat I was making toite..........thanks buddy!....... :D
lol, thanks man but your steak still driving me crazy, I&rsquo;m still thinking bout it!!!

Don't give up too fast on some of the super hots. I still see sprouts popping up in seed trays that is going on a month old.
Absolutely not, they'll be in da create till summer and beyond ;) ... You wana get a chuckle, remember that crack I made about #2 and humpty dumpty cause it fell and cracked all up. Well I picked up the pieces and set it carefully back into the egg carton and this evening when I checked it appears to be rising a hook from dat mess. I&rsquo;ll know for sure but it looks like #2 the Trinidad Scorpion is gonna hook \o/ if this does turn out to be the case, I'll post a picture ma&ntilde;ana.

Back to the grow room for me....................I hear the plants calling........................."Feed Me"
So what are you feeding dem monsters? I&rsquo;m guessing your MoA&rsquo;s will pass mine by like a fright train ^_^

Butch T looks proud! One bag of sofrito starter please!
Thanks Steve, you should really try making some and see how you like. I doubt you&rsquo;ll need any of my help but I don&rsquo;t have a problem helping out if you need a chief onion peeler :D
[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)] "[/background][background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]The beauty about pineapples is that they run on auto-pilot like Shane (stc3248) likes to fly with his starters, no muss no fuss"... :dance:[/background]

Man...great updates brotha! Good to see things popping over here. That snapper looks fantastic! I used to spend a lot of time around Fort Lauderdale testing Navy stuff...I hit the canals daily and the jetties too...fisherman's paradise down there for sure. Those canals are a trip. Throwing topwaters on light line for Peacock Bass or Snakehead...but hooking up with a 5' Tarpon or nice Snook instead. Can't wait 'till I can get back down there. Keep the updates flowing
Glad to see the little guys coming up, but man I hate helmet heads! Butch T looks great, though!

And that Yellow Tail looks to die for, man...simply awesome! Glad I'm currently eating dinner!
Man...great updates brotha! Good to see things popping over here. That snapper looks fantastic!
Thank you it&rsquo;s always nice to read this from a master chef & grower ^_^

I used to spend a lot of time around Fort Lauderdale testing Navy stuff...I hit the canals daily and the jetties too...fisherman's paradise down there for sure. Those canals are a trip. Throwing topwaters on light line for Peacock Bass or Snakehead...but hooking up with a 5' Tarpon or nice Snook instead. Can't wait 'till I can get back down there. Keep the updates flowing
Sounds cool, dem Tarpon give one hell of a battle, especially the 5 footers, dem hard to hook cause of the boney mouth area and fantastic to fight! If you come down this way look me up, maybe we can do some fishing or tip a few coconuts :)

Glad to see the little guys coming up, but man I hate helmet heads! Butch T looks great, though!
One of them threw her cap over the night but no leaves a spring yet, I have hope they&rsquo;ll all follow their sister &hellip;

And that Yellow Tail looks to die for, man...simply awesome! Glad I'm currently eating dinner!
Thank you! Hope I have time to cooked the left over fresh filets for lunch again, if so I&rsquo;ll post some pics later &hellip;

Not sure if anyone read my &ldquo;humpty dumpty&rdquo; comment about #2 egg in post #247 but check this out, started to hook last night and here&rsquo;s what she looks like today. Heck I should drop the rest of the eggs and see what pops up ^_~

SB MoA&rsquo;s, one of 5 shed the helmet and I covered up 3 with a little soil, the one that&rsquo;s standing tall still has her Sunday hat on :/

Most of my seedlings are developing very slow compared to our northern brethren&rsquo;s grow but once things warm up and we get closer to summer they&rsquo;ll hopefully catch up.

Lastly I&rsquo;ve been spraying every other day for mites :( and I believe I&rsquo;ve slowed dem down but I doubt the war is over. I going to dust the most affected off with some diatomaceous earth to see if this has any effect. Even if it does not, what falls to the ground will catch and snails that have gotten past my ground defenses :D
Here&rsquo;s what the leaf damage looks like:

Thanks all for looking, I&rsquo;m off to do some dusting and hope to have time for another killer lunch, have a great day!
Awe the life of a pepper king. Great sprouts and great food. How envious am I. I hope foodie pics of that lunch are coming. Us greedy folk love foodie pics
Awe the life of a pepper king. Great sprouts and great food. How envious am I. I hope foodie pics of that lunch are coming. Us greedy folk love foodie pics
Pia thank you for dem kind words, makes mi day girl! When I left here I went out to work on the plants, man I gotz some bad stuff going on with mites. 24 hours or so after STEVE954 got hit, the mites hit my in grounds and I've now been fighting a war since last week. In all the years I've grown here I've never been hit so bad, look and see below :( BTW I did include lunch today and that was truely enjoyable ^_^

No it&rsquo;s not snowing in Florida or I wasn&rsquo;t trying to get rid of any illegal contraband, lol. As I said earlier, I&rsquo;ve been spraying every other day for mites and today I decided to try dusting with diatomaceous earth. I read this helps but have never tried other than dusting the ground for snails but I haven&rsquo;t had any snail issues since last summer, hope this gets dem! My in ground plants are desimated from these horrible pests and if all else fails I&rsquo;ll burn them and stick with my potted ones, unfortunately they now also have them so I&rsquo;ve probably not made a dent yet :(




Now for the good part ^_~ not sure everyone loves fish as much as me but I had 2 filets still fresh left over from yesterday and enjoyed lunch so much then that I decided to cook the same but the finished product is different and no rice, lol.

While I prefer my fish moist like yesterdays, I decided I need this cooking a little dryer so I did not use olive oil in the pan. Only the olive oil already in sofrito starter, seasoned the fish and pan fried.

In all honesty I was surprised as it still came out moist but not dripping so I believe it&rsquo;s what I was shooting for. Once done, I pressed the fish in a clean plate, put into a Mexican tortilla and covered with NY white cheddar and then back to da pan &hellip;


Once saut&eacute;ed to lightly brown on both sides the tortilla becomes crispy enough to eat by hand. The final fish quesadilla served with plantain chips below, dam this is mouth watering \o/