• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

WalkGood 2013, 2014 and Beyond

This is my first Glog so excuse what ever mess I may create, lol. Took way to many pictures today (31), so Ill post the first 9 and add more in subsiquent posts but didn't think it a good idea to start out doube or triple posting just for additional pics. I will also be updating the thread over time to show growth, pods and such ... but the first few pics of are of the young ones. While Ive been growing my favorite peppers for around 17 years (guess, lol), I always limited myself to 3 varieties or less. Jamaican peppers/Hab, Jalapeño and Cayenne. When things got too tuff Id milk them till they died off and stop growing for a while and start fresh. Most years I only grew the Jamaicans which are my favorite for cooking, home made sauce and the occasional powder to rub meats with or put into certain recipes.

Current inventory:
  • 5 Jalapeño
  • 1 Cayenne
  • 1 Serrano
  • 7 Datil
  • 15 Jamaican Habs (3 large around 3 years old and 12 less than year old)
  • 12 more to be determined
The young ones below are not that old with the oldest being the JA Habs which are around 3 years old now. I happen to find THP site while looking for advice/knowledge to cure one of my Jalapeños, thanks for all the good info guys/girls! In 2012 I added Datil, Thai hot, Cayenne, Jalapeño and Serrano to the mix, totaling around 41 plants now. Hats off \o_ to those of you who grow many more, dont know how you find the time and patients when things go off. That said, Ive done my fair share of battling aphids, nematodes, snails and white fly to no end over the last 3 years. Fortunately I believe to have things under control for now so Ive decided to add 12 new peppers to the mix from the listed seeds shown below.

Ill select 12 to start near end of December or first week in January from the seeds below and give credit once I get some new ones going :)


Need to start clearing our yard to grow more & more & more peppers ;) (*WG rollseyes*)

Top left to right: two Thai Hot and one Cayenne. Bottom row all Datil. BTW I don't grow everything in clay pots, just happen to get a good deal on a bunch in yard sale for a few bucks.

Huge live Oak in background, there's 5 of them in front yard so the shades hard to avoid in first few hours of sun rise.

8 Jamaican Habs in ground and cherry tomatoe in the pot, I need to find a good place to plant the tomatoe soon.

Top left Serrano and more Datil, I'm probably going to gift a few Datils for xmass and some of the other peppers

Serrano's first fower

Serrano's different angle

Edit: final list copied to first post from post #40. These seeds were soaked in water on 12/31/12 and planted 1/1/13 \o/

Edit: This list is constantly being updated as new hooks pop. Even though I lost #5 :/ I will not give up as there are 2 other seeds in dat egg mon ....


A few links to some of my better posts ;)Did you say powder?Did you say MoA?Black light night shots & horn wormsReviews and taste impressions in no order
Doc Brent, Pia, Jason, Alfred, Scott, Michelle, Greg & Gary,
Thanks to all of you for the kind wishes and prayers, my mother passed today around 3:00 PM EST and our family does feel the loss. I haven’t been online in days and probably won’t be back 100% for a while. I promise to catch up on all your glogs soon and I’m going to leave mine as is for now, hopefully I’ll be back full time soon but will probably start back up slow and as time permits.

Chris that cracker spread you made looks killer, how did you guys like it? Also, not sure if you tried but with different peppers and condiments you can make some real enjoyable combinations.

Alfred, I sorry to read your family is going thru the same, best wishes & prayers back at you & your family.

Again thanks everyone ^_^

You will like this!

So you know I made "Ramone's Crackin Cracker Spread" for Easter :)
Knowing my Gal's Mom loves hummus.
I used only 4 of my frozen super hot jalapenos (they grew out ripping hot for a mere jalapeno) and a can of garbanzos.

She ate one bite, said it was too spicy......

I came back to the table a little later, and she had devoured it all!! (I did taste it several times before she arrived though :) )
She later said the first bite was too hot, but after that it was great...lol

(I am avoiding condolensces per your request :) so figured this story would be good :) )
Oh . . . Ramon, sweetie. Words . . . I can't imagine. I'm so so sorry. By the love you show your family, your plants, us, on this site . . . someone taught you that love is a behavior. I thank God for your mother, all that she taught you. Although I've never met you, so many of us have met your works, your love, your soul . . . kind and gentle man. Stars have ceased to give light, but we still see their light . . . we clearly see your light and in that light, we see the light of your mother's life. " . . . ilumine su rostro sobre ti . . . y vuelva a ti su rostro y te conceda la paz." Peace. Peace . . . peace, mi hermano.
Ramon, my brother, loosing a parent at any time is hard and especially so when it's your mother, the one who gave you life. As we celebrate Easter when Jesus returned home to the Father, celebrate also her returning home and embrace the hope that Easter brings, the tomb was empty. I hope that your time of sorrow is short and filled with the wonderful memories of the time you had with her. Take your time brother, we'll all be here with open arms when your ready to return.

I'll light a candle for you and your family :)

Peace of the lord be with you,
Whoa 16 posts to reply and loads to catch up on, my apologies for being away, I needed the time and will probably be slowly returning. I want to thank each and every one of you for your warm wishes, I’m not sure where to begin but rest assured that I will catch up over the next several weeks or months ^_^

Jason, thank you for the prayers and I hope you and your family are doing fine after your loss, I know it’s not an easy thing to get over. I know you can relate; it’s not a good experience to pass, I lost my father 2 years ago and that was very hard for us as well. Both my parents were/are great people as I’m sure yours are so Prayers go back at you as well :)

Shane thank for the all the kind words, wishes and understanding ^_^ I hope you had a great time with mom during her visit ^_^

Chris, I’m happy you guys enjoyed the cracker spread, there’s millions of ways that it can be deviated (as I'm sure you now know) into very tasty varieties. Funny how mother inlaw loved it, I’ve found similar responses from people who claim they don’t like hot peppers. Sometimes I’ll make several batches from light to super hot and it’s fun to watch the one’s that claim they don’t like hot peppers work their way up to the scorcher and change their opinions.

Daniel, thank you … yes many great memories and both my wife and I try to tell stories to our boys everyday. Fortunately for them, they both remember their grandparents very well. Both loved hot peppers and we had plenty of time to get together every weekend for years ^_^

Annie, thanks for all the kind words and great exchanges we have had over the last several months, hope we continue. I believe my mother has now joined my father in the after life, hope it’s a great place to be and that all her great memories return to her :) I think you would have enjoyed them, they both loved to listen to all kinds of music, dance and the great family get toghers we often had once a week ... we were very close and they are both greatly missed.

Erin, gracias my pepper loving friend ^_^

Manolo gracias mi amigo ^_^

Bill, thank you from our family to yours … very elegantly worded my friend and thank you for the candle :)

Scott, thank you ^_^

Alfredo, gracias mi amigo :)

Sawyer, thank you mi brethren :)

Jamie, thanks mon ^_^ and the rain has been good here, nice jump on the babies :)

Steve, thanks for checking up on me … family is doing better and the plants are jumping ^_^

Some minor update ...

I took a few pics last week and didn’t have the time to edit and upload till this morning. Here are the 3 MoA’s I have going, they seem to be jumpin on a daily bases and are even larger this morning than when I took these pics last week.

Largest one of the 3 MoA's, which is even larger by the day. The leaves on MoA's are huge, but that is hard to see in pictures. I'll probably be transplanting the 3 soon to bigger pots.

White Bhut baby

Trinidad Scorpion

Chocolate Scorpion

Red Bhut Jolokia, not sure why this one's such a slow grower but it's coming along.

2 Jamaican Hab/SB mix, while it's impossibly to show on da net within 4 days of adding fresh seaweed both took an incredible jump in explosive growth and lush coloration. I seriously recommend fresh seaweed if you can get it, over time I will be adding to all my plants and I don't believe in washing this type.

Small harvest the other day ... loads of small little buds on all the plants, hoping to have a big harvest in the next month or two.

Thanks all for the kind wishes and warmth ... as always, thank you for looking and reading ....