• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

WalkGood 2013, 2014 and Beyond

This is my first Glog so excuse what ever mess I may create, lol. Took way to many pictures today (31), so Ill post the first 9 and add more in subsiquent posts but didn't think it a good idea to start out doube or triple posting just for additional pics. I will also be updating the thread over time to show growth, pods and such ... but the first few pics of are of the young ones. While Ive been growing my favorite peppers for around 17 years (guess, lol), I always limited myself to 3 varieties or less. Jamaican peppers/Hab, Jalapeño and Cayenne. When things got too tuff Id milk them till they died off and stop growing for a while and start fresh. Most years I only grew the Jamaicans which are my favorite for cooking, home made sauce and the occasional powder to rub meats with or put into certain recipes.

Current inventory:
  • 5 Jalapeño
  • 1 Cayenne
  • 1 Serrano
  • 7 Datil
  • 15 Jamaican Habs (3 large around 3 years old and 12 less than year old)
  • 12 more to be determined
The young ones below are not that old with the oldest being the JA Habs which are around 3 years old now. I happen to find THP site while looking for advice/knowledge to cure one of my Jalapeños, thanks for all the good info guys/girls! In 2012 I added Datil, Thai hot, Cayenne, Jalapeño and Serrano to the mix, totaling around 41 plants now. Hats off \o_ to those of you who grow many more, dont know how you find the time and patients when things go off. That said, Ive done my fair share of battling aphids, nematodes, snails and white fly to no end over the last 3 years. Fortunately I believe to have things under control for now so Ive decided to add 12 new peppers to the mix from the listed seeds shown below.

Ill select 12 to start near end of December or first week in January from the seeds below and give credit once I get some new ones going :)


Need to start clearing our yard to grow more & more & more peppers ;) (*WG rollseyes*)

Top left to right: two Thai Hot and one Cayenne. Bottom row all Datil. BTW I don't grow everything in clay pots, just happen to get a good deal on a bunch in yard sale for a few bucks.

Huge live Oak in background, there's 5 of them in front yard so the shades hard to avoid in first few hours of sun rise.

8 Jamaican Habs in ground and cherry tomatoe in the pot, I need to find a good place to plant the tomatoe soon.

Top left Serrano and more Datil, I'm probably going to gift a few Datils for xmass and some of the other peppers

Serrano's first fower

Serrano's different angle

Edit: final list copied to first post from post #40. These seeds were soaked in water on 12/31/12 and planted 1/1/13 \o/

Edit: This list is constantly being updated as new hooks pop. Even though I lost #5 :/ I will not give up as there are 2 other seeds in dat egg mon ....


A few links to some of my better posts ;)Did you say powder?Did you say MoA?Black light night shots & horn wormsReviews and taste impressions in no order
Stefan_W said:
I really love your idea of putting the white ghost pods in with the white onion. Stealthy and very ghost-like!

Great haul, your pods look amazing! Can't wait to see what you come up with for meals with all of those.
Thanks Stefan ^_^ So far I’ve used that white sofrito on grilled steak, chicken and in sandwiches but been too busy for posting pics. I’ll see if I can get something up this weekend. This sofrito works great on almost anything if you like onions & peppers, I think it helps to use good olive oil too.
Sawyer said:
Awesome recent updates, Ramon. Thanks for providing the recipe links.
Thanks John, hope you have an awesome weekend brethren!
Ramon!!! Been a while since I checked in, sorry bout that! All your pods are picture perfect. Your MoA's are spot on, and loving the looks of the white ghost. Where did you get seed for that strain? Looks like you have awesome genetics on that plant! Im super impressed mon! Keep up the good work brotha!
Hi Ramon,
   Welcome back! Interesting review of the White Bhut... I have no idea what a cumquat tastes like... that's a citrus fruit, yes? And Anise too? That sounds like a very aromatic pepper. I'll bet it was good in sofrito. I have a White Bhut pod I got from coheed, but it doesn't look as much like yours... I'll have to give it a try, and I may have to get in on some of this sofrito action too... Cheers!
Sawyer said:
I'm all out of likes, I can't live without them...
No likes needed here, I’m just happy to see ya :) That said I feel the same when I’m out and visiting your glog too ^_^
Jamison said:
Ramon!!! Been a while since I checked in, sorry bout that! All your pods are picture perfect. Your MoA's are spot on, and loving the looks of the white ghost. Where did you get seed for that strain? Looks like you have awesome genetics on that plant! Im super impressed mon! Keep up the good work brotha!
No need for any apologies Jamison, I know how busy you are between work, family, move, grow and personal time it’s a miracle you have time at all. I feel the same and do feel bad that I can’t get to all the wonderful glogs or fall behind on yours too. Starting Monday I’m going to be so busy I’m not sure I’ll have enough time to even keep mine up to date. Regardless I appreciate the likes you send my way and all the positive vibes ^_^

Seeds on the White are from Greg (PIC 1), I should have enough to send you some on the next pull if you want, should be in a month or so as she’s filling up with little girls pods now. Strange that the first few pulled hardly yielded any seeds but I’m getting some from the others that I recently pulled. Thanks for da kudos mon and have a great weekend ^_^
stc3248 said:
That white safrito looks killer! Flowers/pods are poppin! Welcome back my friend!
Thanks Shane and WB to you as well :) I apologize for not having the time to taste your powders yet but hope to have some tonight, they look great. Hope to write something up about each a little at a time. I loved the last few updates you did, man you have a lot of work picking and processing, great job!!!! Have a great weekend brethren ^_^
stickman said:
Hi Ramon,
Welcome back! Interesting review of the White Bhut... I have no idea what a cumquat tastes like... that's a citrus fruit, yes? And Anise too? That sounds like a very aromatic pepper. I'll bet it was good in sofrito. I have a White Bhut pod I got from coheed, but it doesn't look as much like yours... I'll have to give it a try, and I may have to get in on some of this sofrito action too... Cheers!
Thanks Rick, it’s great to be back. I’m still taking notes on the White Bhut taste, the cumquat rind is spot on, I’m a little confused if the anise is from the smell or taste but I certainly spot it while eating them, so your aromatic point is well taken. Your right about the sofrito as well, we made 3 omelets this morning and everyone loved dem, hope you do give it a try and let me know what your taste impressions are as I love to discuss how we perceive taste and sometimes we learn from each other ^_^ Hope you have an awesome weekend brethren!
Al-from-Chile said:
down here folks say ... sofrito is like mentolatum - it works with everything :D

cheers, Al
Hola Al and thanks for stopping in mon! I’ve never tried Mentolatum other than mint in my mojito’s :D Regardless you are right about the sofrito, it goes great on anything. I keep one or two different tubs in the fridge and find myself using it more than hot sauce as I love fresh peppers. The stuff doesn’t last us 3 days, lolz. Have a great weekend brethren!
Sanarda said:
Beautiful white pods and that harvest is awesome. Great things going on in SoFlo. Is this rain normal for this time of year? I have been in Orlando several times in July and I don't ever remember this much rain.
Thanks for the kind kudos Pia, only bad ting is all the bugs in full force during summer. I zap dem and the next day dem back :/ Yes these rains are typical of the summer rains we had while I was growing up, other than the last 10 years when we had untypical summer rains. Plus we are in the tropical belt so we have the possibility of squalls anytime of year. But I do believe we are now getting back to how our summer rains were. I think that nature has a way of taking care of itself, so if the trees, plants and peppers need it mami nature supplies. I hope you stay dry while visiting O-ville … have a great weekend \o/

I haven’t posted an update on the MoAs in a while so here goes. The one to the farthest left is the largest and full of green pods, the one in the middle is the second largest and almost as full of pods. The last one on the far right is the smallest and does have pods but I wouldn’t say she’s full. They seem to be about 50/50 between cup and saucer pods (A shape) and regulars (C shape or less). All of them are over 3' tall now and continue to grow, I might take the largest one up to bigger shoes eventually. Their stalks are like a broom stick, thick and strong ... only down side I see is that any passing bug loves them and they're so bushy that anything can hide well in there, even da pods ;)








Bump for a few mas ...
JoynersHotPeppers said:
Thank you Chris for da bump mon!
PaulG said:
Great looking MOA's, brother!

Thanks Paul :)
annie57 said:
MoA's beautiful Ramon: TREES!!! Love that white bhut sofrito. :D Clandestine, indeed!
Thanks Annie … I’m sure you’d love da sofrito and it’s just as great with the JA Hab, hint ^_^

Small harvest this morning

Two of the pods have these strange cracks but they are not leaking, gave her the lick test :O  Anyone know what that's from? Heat stress possible.

Size comparison with a key

Not sure if anyone noticed the small Red Bhut Jolokia at the bottom of the harvest, it’s only 2 fingers long and two of them on the bush have ripened this small. Hope this isn’t an indication of some cross as was earlier suspected by some. Regardless they taste great and she’s a keeper, hehe.


That’s it, hope everyone has a great weekend and thanks for stopping in ^_^
Looking ace, plants and pods alike! Like little trees haha. I got your moa seeds, many thanks to ya! I can only hope they end up looking as good as yours.

Rock on! \m/
Sanarda said:
beautiful pods. And those MOA's look like shaped mini trees. They have a beautiful shape on the tops of them. Manicured pepper trees... TERRIFIC!!!!!
Thanks Pia hope you are having an awesome time in Orlando and thank the bugs for that manicured look, lols. They chowed down all the lower leaves and now dem after da upper ones but I’ve been fighting back. It’s a miracle that the plants are as strong and producing better this second round of pods with all the bugs. I beat them back and they’re back to fight again tomorrow, I’m dead serious it’s uncanny this time around :/

Thanks for stopping in ^_^
stickman said:
Have you had any rain recently Ramon? My Tomatoes crack when they suck up more water than the skin on the pod can handle... Wouldn't surprise me to find that peppers do the same thing under the right conditions.
Rick you hit the nail on the head, it’s been raining a lot and that must be it, thank you for the insight brethren ^_^
Peptacular said:
Looking ace, plants and pods alike! Like little trees haha. I got your moa seeds, many thanks to ya! I can only hope they end up looking as good as yours.

Rock on! \m/
Thanks Taylor and I do hope to grow one into a tree, just give me another year or two, dem girls are only 5 or 6 months old. Good to hear you got the seeds, I expect to see some monster MoA’s at your place in 5 months mon, lolz. I’m sure yours will do great, good luck with dem, treat them like gold and take lots of pics.

Gotz a package from Devv in da mail … Tanks for da Reaper seeds Scott, hat’s off mon \o_
Edit: T=true Reaper seed, F=funky Reaper seed and WH=Well Hung Reaper seed, lols. To see some of his wonderful pictures of them Click Here.

PaulG said:
+1 Stickman - my peppers split in the late fall
rainy season, as do my tomatoes.  
Def looks the same.
Thanks for the second verification, I've not had that happen before ... although this year the rain is back for summer like normal. BTW I wasn't going to toss them as they'll still make great powder :)