• Do you need help identifying a 🌶?
    Is your plant suffering from an unknown issue? 🤧
    Then ask in Identification and Diagnosis.

Wayrights 2eleven

Thank you Gary!
I am glad the seeds are doing well! :woohoo:
You should let Beth know if ya have any problems
She is a super cool lady! She will remedy the problem! :dance:

I got the last of my Okra and Cukes in today!
So,, except for weeds I am done!!


Nice! Congrats!
I'll email Beth tonight. Thanks for the tip.
Good luck with the weeds!
Thank you Mr. Mod! :lol:
I hope to see a little progress in the next few months!

Noah, How is your Giant tree hab coming along?
I cant wait to see how big that thing gets this year!

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It is actually just coming out of winter dormancy now. After being outside in the sun for almost a month now I have some tiny little leaves coming out to say hello. I need to get around the house and get some pictures of all my plants soon.
It is actually just coming out of winter dormancy now. After being outside in the sun for almost a month now I have some tiny little leaves coming out to say hello. I need to get around the house and get some pictures of all my plants soon.

Noah, If you don't mind my asking, and I don't mean to hijack Kevin's thread, but I have a question about the Habanero de Arbol. I have six little seedlings growing...They look real healthy and all, but the leaves and the stems look nothing at all like any C. chinense or C. baccatum that I have grown. They look for all the world like C. annuum plants: smooth, narrow, pointed leaves, and slender stems with the nodes spaced far apart. These are growing right alongside some Devil Tongue seedlings that are behaving as you would expect chinense to, so it's not the growing conditions....

How did your Tree Hab look at around 8 weeks? Thanks!
I dont mind one bit!! :beer:

I am also interested in hearing about that one!
I got some seeds for it but it didnt make my cut list this year!

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Kevin I can tell you to not grow it. If you do it will take over all your sun. With how your Birgit Locoto craziness grew last year, a tree hab would for sure reach 15' no problem. But it is a fun plant to grow, it never bushes out, at least for me, and just keeps reaching for the sky. If you need seeds I have plenty and can send ya some. I'll get a good post made up for you guys. Oh and credit for my plant goes to Smokemaster, got the seeds from him in mid 2009.

Rather than double posting, as it took two posts, here it is made up over in windchickens thread.

Kevin I can tell you to not grow it. If you do it will take over all your sun. With how your Birgit Locoto craziness grew last year, a tree hab would for sure reach 15' no problem. I'll get a good post made up for you guys. Oh and credit for my plant goes to Smokemaster, got the seeds from him in mid 2009.
C'mon man! Now how is that helping me, when you tempt me like that! :rofl:
15'?? hmm... :rofl: :rofl:

Seriously tho, mebbe next year!
I also got my seeds from Smoke but I just couldnt make room!

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Very nice start to your outdoor grow Kevin. ;)

So when are ya gonna turn over yer operation to the very capable hands of Dr. Franken-right? :lol: :rofl:

Once ya carefully hand-pick an unassuming, ordinary chile pepper plant to further yer diabolical research on, ...

...yer loyal but disfigured henchman will bear witness to yer maniacal rants of... :crazy: :eek: :crazy:

....."It's ALIVE!!!"....."It's ALIVE!!!"....."IT'S ALIVE!!!" :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Yer C. cardenasii is looking like a fine young sapling there, and already stretching for the clouds...


...i'm guessing that if Jack ever runs outta those magic beans, he could always hitch a ride up on one of yer super-charged Peppa Trees. ;)

Lookin' Great there Kevin...keep us updated. :cool:

So yea! Its only been a few days but,
I am very happy to say I got most of my plantout done!! :woohoo:
It took several days and even more mixed drinks! :beer:

Well, now that ya got nothin to do....you know where Virginia is?

My garden could sure use a fella with your back expertise.

Just sayin. :D

On a serious note - things are lookin great Kevin.

Keep on keepin on my friend.
Thank you Rick!
I spent months planning and weeks working and now it is sort of a letdown!
Like the day after christmas!
Nothing to do but watch!! :beer:

I would love to help ya dig your garden!
But I dont like roadtrips! :beer:

Stop using that left handed shovel and your back wont be as tight!
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Hey Kevin,

Hope you and yours are OK down there. Those were some NASTY storms. Even had some come rippin through here this morning around 3am.

Stay well my friend.
Thank you Rick,luckily the storms lost all their ferocity before they got to me!

Was thinkin of yall also, when I saw it headed up there!

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I been checking out all these great growlogs here!
and I felt a lil guilty for my lack of updates! :beer:

My garden seems to be going very slow!
But I say the same thing every year at this time!
Its all good :cool:

I have still not fed these, but that will end shortly! :dance:
Mid May is what I usually shoot for, as far as starting my food regimen.

So ... not much change since last time, but here it is!!!!!!

Some Pimente De Neyde's

Buforum,, to tha right , behind it is a Galapagoense




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May and June is when all the growth happens on my pepper plants, yours are ready to explode with growth so give them the food they need now. Did you till in organic matter in your dirt or do you just rely on a good feeding schedule to do the trick? Plants look like they are just getting rooted good in the new soil. With all the wild your growing it will be like capsicum heaven when they all grow up! A little bone meal down each row and watered in might just give them the kick start you want, worked for me in the past. May have to visit to try all your wilds one afternoon if that's alright with you. Feed'em. :P