Welcome to The NEW Hot Pepper!

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Congratulations Reaction GIF
on the subject of post editing, here's my opinion that no one asked for.

if there are not concerns about abuse of the feature, why not enable it for all posts for all members?
i think being able to edit in perpetuity is useful because it allows people to continually improve their content, and i think content (knowledge exchange) is a main point of communities like this. when given the opportunity, i happily improve my old posts for content or clarity when i come across issues. at the very least, i suggest allowing Extreme users to edit all of their posts. what's the downside?

however, i also suggest allowing all users to do this for free. as i said, i think it's more than just a convenience feature. it improves site content which is arguably THP's greatest asset. also, unlike (hypothetical) storage-related features, it doesn't cost the site anything extra.

if there are concerns about abuse of the feature (mass content defacing), i argue against post-age-based limitation. instead, i suggest rate-limiting. imo, rate-limiting to something like 10 edits per hour is reasonable and generous. and if a user saturates this limit a couple times in a row (or exceeds some other threshold like 20 edits in 24h), a moderation alert is triggered. if a user is found to be defacing their content, you can ban them or remove editing privileges. further, you can have a script to restore that user's posts from a recent daily db backup. i don't personally manage any XF communities, but i bet they have a robust addon API, so maybe it wouldn't be that hard to implement. or maybe these features already exist as core features or addons. i've seen similar things on other XF forums. cheers.
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Save drafts! You don't even have to click Save. If you compose a post you can come back to it later, it will still be there! It will last 4 days.

Playing with this feature Boss. It's pretty cool. My questions are - Can you have drafts for multiple posts? And if so, is there a way to see a "list" of your drafts? I see you can "add" and "delete" within a post, but is there an easy way to see all of your drafts? Hope that makes sense, lol.

Bookmark posts for easy finding. They are saved in Bookmarks under your username tab.

By the way - this feature is sweet! Great to be able to save pointers to "special" threads. - Thx!
You kind of answered your own question though. You can bookmark your drafts and create a label called [drafts]. :)
be careful. you should experiment, but i kind of remember drafts in XF being stored in the browser's local storage (not serverside). this means that if you use a different computer, clear your cache, use private browsing, etc, you can lose your drafts. if that's true, then don't heavily rely on it for things you put a lot of effort into. if you're typing up War & Peace over multiple sessions, maybe copy your draft into a text editor or something.
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Nope they are server-side. I just started this reply on my phone and finished in on computer.
Good job, boss! DuckDuckGo gives you a B+ for security. I don't know what that means but a B+ for anything is good! The "one tracker" that was blocked was google pagead2.
edit: for reference, CNN's page is a D and had 44 trackers blocked.
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Descargo de responsabilidad: este es un lanzamiento suave. Somos conscientes de que habrá problemas, avísenos si no puede iniciar sesión, publicar, etc. También hay que realizar tareas de limpieza, limpieza de publicaciones antiguas, enlaces mal formados, videos incrustados, etc. entrada. Pero antes que nada, ¡vamos a publicar!

¡Estoy muy emocionado de anunciar The NEW Hot Pepper!
La meta:
Aspecto y características modernas, un nuevo enfoque en los pimientos picantes mientras se mantienen todas las categorías de interés que le gustan.
El resultado:

Mucho ha cambiado, pero la base sigue ahí. Hemos condensado muchas categorías, pero dentro de cada categoría hay un selector de etiquetas de "tema" para su publicación, que, en esencia, le brinda aún más opciones que antes. Por ejemplo, aquellos que querían una categoría de jardinería orgánica ahora pueden encontrarla dentro de Hot Pepper Growing.

Verá los encabezados Hot Stuff y Hot or Not Stuff. Esto le permite seguir hablando de "temas calientes" en ambas áreas, en lugar de limitarlo a secciones calientes y no, como antes. ¡Es por eso que ves Alimentos, Bebidas y Publica tus comidas! en Hot or Not Stuff. ¡Un lugar! Pizza picante de camarones o margarita clásica, ¡una sección! ¿Necesita preguntar acerca de las temperaturas para fumar? Elija comida y "fumar". Etc.

¡Publique sus comidas! y los Glogs ahora son foros de estilo blog, así que compruébalos visitando esos foros.

La organización y mantenerse enfocado en los pimientos picantes fue clave, pero todos los temas antiguos todavía están aquí, ¡y más! The Lounge incluso tiene algunas etiquetas de temas "al aire libre" y "fotografía".🦅📷

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A todas las membresías pagas se les agregó 1 mes para compensar las 2 semanas de baja (se duplicó).

¡Sí, habrá problemas! Ojalá puedas publicar y sentirte como en casa rápidamente. ¡Gracias por su paciencia!
Congratulations. I have developed some websites and I know that what you have done is very hard. You did a good job. Now it is more comfortable to navigate from the phone. I thank you!
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