pests What Are These Nasty Little Buggers? (Pest ID)

My wife found these guys congregating on my cherry tomato plant yesterday. Are these some type of stink bug? should I give them a dose of Sevin Dust? Thanks in advance.

Found this:

Found this, too... they're leaf footed bug nymphs. Can't find any info on treatment, though.
I sprayed with mineral oil yesterday. It was forceful enough to knock them off of the plant, but they were all back this morning, which is when I took this picture. Maybe the surfactant will help.
Yep. Leaf footed bug nymphs for sure! They've seemed to plague me every year since I started growing 3 years ago. Been finding adults on some of my plants already, I just knock them off the plant and squish under my boot. I have read that praying mantis are a good natural predator for them.
MeatHead1313 said:
Yep. Leaf footed bug nymphs for sure! They've seemed to plague me every year since I started growing 3 years ago. Been finding adults on some of my plants already, I just knock them off the plant and squish under my boot. I have read that praying mantis are a good natural predator for them.
I also read that lizards and birds eat them..... our courtyard is a virtual lizard haven. They need to get to work!
Phil said:
I also read that lizards and birds eat them..... our courtyard is a virtual lizard haven. They need to get to work!
If it's anole's you have I really think they don't know what they're supposed to eat. They've been no help to me either!
Yep. Anoles. I've seen them go after everything from love bugs to hornets... they haven't touched these. But I did just score a major battle victory against them. Went outside a few minutes ago and saw they were all gathered on one leaf. So I snipped the branch and stomped them all in one swift strike. SCORE!
Good deal....old wife's tale says if ya spray em with water and knock them off the plant they won't go back to that plant. Normally they attack my gardens when I'm rasing squash,watermelon,eggplant,or cucumbers...
robbyjoe01 said:
Good deal....old wife's tale says if ya spray em with water and knock them off the plant they won't go back to that plant. Normally they attack my gardens when I'm rasing squash,watermelon,eggplant,or cucumbers...
Not only do they go back to the same plant, they went back to the exact same spot on the same plant
Phil said:
Not only do they go back to the same plant, they went back to the exact same spot on the same plant
Are you finding them on all plants or just a select few? Just asking as from my experience so far they'll choose a certain 1 or 2 plants and leave the rest alone. First year, only tomatoes, last year birgits locoto, so far this year one lemon drop and my MoA, while the rest they haven't even looked at.
Everything I've read says they'll suck the life out of the plant like aphids, feeding on the sap. I also read that mature, hardy plants can tolerate these pests, as long as it isn't a massive infestation. 