pests What are these pests and how do I get rid of them?


I don't know what these are, but I know I want them gone!

What are they and how do I get rid of them?

Don't seem to have done much damage yet.


:banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:
Thanks... Probably going to try CH's method tonight. Does it work well? Will I get them to go away?

If that doesn't work, where does one get neem oil at? I've heard it mentioned on this board many times, but I've never seen any.

Whatever they are, I found them on some of the plants my father was keeping for me when I came to visit their farm this weekend. Makes me absolutely disugsted to my stomach to see that on my babies. I feel like I'm going to puke!
I don't get many but I use medicated soap on them. If you get plants from a nursery you may want to use it befor you plant them even if you don't see any, as they are bug factories.
holy aphids batman!!! i hate those S.O.B's with a passion!!! nuke em :flamethrower: neem works well after a while, i noticed some recently in my garage grow room ran my infected plants under water faucet and still have not seen any since
Yea Silva is right for quick manual removal run them under water, knock them off with a water hose, I got rid of them with just standard garden spray since I did not have any peppers yet and soap was too slow acting for me, and 3 weeks later I noticed that a local colony of ants was trying to farm them again on my plants. So I had to nuke the antz. Yes ants are intelligent, they farm aphids from plant to plant. An aphid produces honeydew for an ant. Aphids really suck! the juices out of the plant that is :}
Been using Neem for a while...they'll come back. I just started using Bonide citrus fruit and nut spray on them at the recommendation of some folks on here. Like Neem it is a pesticide and an antifungal. Most important thing no matter what you use is to get the WHOLE plant with it. Top and bottom of every leaf and the entire stem...if you don't you won't get them all. Also give a couple weekly follow up applications even if you don't notice any on the plants. I have been battling the little ba$tards for weeks and I'm just now getting the upper hand. Hopefully the Bonide finished them off yesterday.

Good luck!
Ive red people also use lady bugs, the lady bugs crave the alphids. You could look for some in your garden, they actually feed on alphids. Hope this helps. I usually use dishwashing soap on them.
Make sure you isolate any plants that have them or have been near them. You don't want to bring it back to you other plants assuming they're gone and then infect the rest of them.
When I had an infestation I tried everything, including Neem Oil, several other sprays etc and I eventually cut the plants down and gave them a thorough washing with soapy water. I managed to control them but didn't actually get rid of them until I bought ladybugs. So, that's the answer. Ladybugs march up and down the branches and leaves eating every single aphid. Nothing else works as well. Just my 2 cents.
I have no direct experience with aphids and pepper plants. But my father uses lady bugs on his hibiscus, which getss aphid infestation all the time. They are very effective. You can actually watch them destroy the infestation.
Those are aphids and I got these buggers too! Totally destroying my plants :( . I just found them today. I thought it was the slugs at first but these guys hid very well. Before I noticed them I collected a lot of lady bugs. They just flew away and didn't eat the aphids :( .
Just FYI I released 2 groups of about 1000 ladybugs each throughout my garden and even built them a ladybug house to try to get them to hang around...They did for a bit and they worked diligently trying to rid the garden of the little pests, there were just so many aphids on so many plants that they could never keep up...they eventually thinned out and moved on. I had a few lay eggs and colonize a couple areas of the garden pretty well which did eventually reach a steady state as far as the aphids go. However the only thing that was truly effective at controlling them on a garden wide scale was spraying. I tried Neem (semi-effective and organic) which worked well to get their numbers down, but they seemed to develop a tolerance after a while and eventually they would bath in it and go on about munching on my plants, I stepped up to Bug-B-Gone...again effective at first then not so much. Neither option ever got them all. I meticulously hand sprayed every leaf in the garden (about 120 pepper plants plus ??? Non peppers) but still they came back. The Bonide I sprayed day before yesterday comes at the recommendation of several big-time growers on here. I did a thorough inspection this morning and found exactly 0 aphids for the first time since can be used up to the day before harvest so its not too harsh and it also works on fungal diseases. Buy a 1 or 2 gallon pump sprayer with a wand and spraying is a breeze.
Just FYI I released 2 groups of about 1000 ladybugs each throughout my garden and even built them a ladybug house to try to get them to hang around...They did for a bit and they worked diligently trying to rid the garden of the little pests, there were just so many aphids on so many plants that they could never keep up...they eventually thinned out and moved on. I had a few lay eggs and colonize a couple areas of the garden pretty well which did eventually reach a steady state as far as the aphids go. However the only thing that was truly effective at controlling them on a garden wide scale was spraying. I tried Neem (semi-effective and organic) which worked well to get their numbers down, but they seemed to develop a tolerance after a while and eventually they would bath in it and go on about munching on my plants, I stepped up to Bug-B-Gone...again effective at first then not so much. Neither option ever got them all. I meticulously hand sprayed every leaf in the garden (about 120 pepper plants plus ??? Non peppers) but still they came back. The Bonide I sprayed day before yesterday comes at the recommendation of several big-time growers on here. I did a thorough inspection this morning and found exactly 0 aphids for the first time since can be used up to the day before harvest so its not too harsh and it also works on fungal diseases. Buy a 1 or 2 gallon pump sprayer with a wand and spraying is a breeze.
Bonide and pump sprayer is the very same I use, works great.
Yeah I'm using a similar spray too. Those ladybugs betrayed me! I'm going to give them another chance when I plant them at the garden I share. I cannot use sprays there since there are honey bees for our honey there. What a nightmare! I also have slugs eating up everything. I've been using beer but there are just too many of the slugs.
I had them really bad last winter. I tried using organic sprays but it burnt the leaves. My best luck and most fun to watch was I ordered some ladybugs, put a pac-n-play insect net around the plants, and unleashed them. It took only about three days to get completely rid of all the aphids. However after a week or so the lady bugs found out how to get around the insect net so I had a few ladybugs here there throughout my house.