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What do you do for a living?

I don't believe I've ever seen this posted on here before. I am curious as to what all of y'all do for a living and what got you into that.
I'll start: I'm a cook for a local restaurant and I bartend part-time. Cooking has always been a passion of mine. Once I get settled into my new life I would like to get my A&P as well because of my love for aircraft. I especially enjoy structural work and I shared many great moments working on and building aircraft with my father, who was an A&P.
So... Whose next?
Kind of in Scuba Steve's shoes.  I am disabled (medically retired) but trying not to be by growing produce.  Growing things and raising critters has always been my passion.  Anything that brings me closer to mother nature. 

BTW: Never saw that term before.  Medically retired.  Love it.
supposed to be winding coils for electrical transformers, but lately it has been a mystery until I get on the shop floor.  I could be doing anything from three different classes of  winding, material handling ( tow motor, reach truck, motorized pumpjacks), kitting jobs, setting up lathes, turns or induction testing coils and prob. half a dozen other things I can't think of right now.  Some days I feel like a Swiss army knife.   :banghead:
Botanical Specialist aka Field Botanist/Ecologist.
I conduct vegetation and floristic assessments to inform decision-making.  Sometimes it is to find rare and/or threatened plants and compile a management plan to ensure their survival; sometimes it is to ascertain the carrying capacity for landowners wanting to re-introduce wild game (I have to do one in a moth's time for a guy that wants to introduce Cape buffalo on his farm); sometimes it is to identify the potential impacts of a development and then make recommendations as to how to mitigate them so that a decision can be made whether or not to allow a development; sometimes (most of my time!) it is in the construction sector - implementing mitigation measures to reduce the impact of their activities; sometimes it is to compile management plans for protected areas.
Busy with further studies so that I can qualify as a taxonomic botanist. 
Currently I'm an industrial machinist, I fabricate parts for large industrial and agricultural equipment.  If you've ever watched a show like "How it Works" and see the huge baking conveyors or industrial crop sorting machinery and such that are on there, I make machinery like those. among many other things.  Mostly the parts for them like the rollers themselves, counterweights, brackets, structural frames, etc. on lathes, mills, and such.  I do quite a few things around the place including punching/bending/rolling sheet metal and also programming and operating a sheet metal laser but I spend most of my days posted up at a lathe.
went from welding to supervisor ,to c.w.i. ,and certified i.s.o. /  Q.s. 9001 auditor . back to being just one of the guys ( welding ) work for VACTOR MFG. we make the big sewer suckers you all probably see them in town . also make street sweepers, industrial excavators , number # 1 maker in the good ol' U.S.A. ! really laid back no hurry place all about quality . that take really good care of us . 
Writer, chef, musician.  Rock star dreams weren't paying the rent, so plan B was leveraging credit cards to the limit and opening my own place.  June of this year makes 20 years in business.  Now trying to ease out of that and into a hot sauce operation.  When I grow up I want to be like Scott.  :)
ex-surgical nurse, ex-programmer ...
engineering VP of a stone manufacturing biz ...
full-time asshole.
I work remotely because it's better for everyone =) ...
Seriously. We had to divide the office I shared w/ the bookkeeper on a Tuesday night. We literally cut a door out of the back-wall and put up a wall between us. Ultimately, though, I've ended up working from home, because I can't watch stupid without letting folks know about it ...