• This is the place to discuss all spicy commerical products, not just sauce!

show-off What hot sauce are you using right now?

Potatoes, vegetarian chili and eggs covered in this stuff is my favorite breakfast.
Purple Pulsar from PexPeppers.. With a little assist from Aleppo, Sweet 100(maybe), and SYM.

For those nights when you ask a certain youngun to make eggs. Couldn't even taste the freezer! Sweet, and every bit of the heat it claims to have. I wouldn't call it a thin sauce, but it flowed really smooth and even, which was perfect with the eggs. We weren't left wanting for anything.
Torchbearer makes some tasty stuff. If I could just crack the recipe for that damn Zombie Apocalypse sauce, boy I'd be a happy man.

Right now I'm on a 4 pack of ATX hot sauce, fermented by John M. down in Austin. Nice guy, nice product. First red scorpion sauce I admittedly enjoy.
Taco salad w/ Tropical Revenge from PexPeppers.. Mucho caliente! I don't know about 11/10 though.. Maybe 9 or 10. Unless you get a bonus for the heat when it returns to air.. I get the 'revenge' part! It definitely will keep you warm all the way thru. Great on chicken as well.
I am a hot sauce producer, collector, and connoisseur for most of my adult life. I have tried more sauces than I could say grace over. The only staple I keep (other than my own) is this sauce from Florida. I don't know these guys and they don't know me from Adam's housecat. But, in my humble opinion, this is the best all around sauce I've had to date. No "flash" but all "taste." I eat it on the regular...


Not a paid endorsement or anything of the sort. Just a shout out in sincerest respect for the craft. Those dudes got this one right. My "money is where my mouth is." - Reggie