favorite What is your favorite Baccatum Chili and why?

I have some Aji Lemon seeds.  I'm going to have to get some of these Aji Pineapple seeds I'm hearing about.  Are you early, medium or late flowering?
hot stuff said:
I hear that aji cito are real hot. Anyone try these?
I grew them in 2012, they're pretty warm. I'd put them hotter than the Lemon Drop. I've seen estimates of 80,000-100,000 SHU, which sounds about right from my taste experience with them. They make a great pineapple-ish flavored powder, mmm! If you want seeds for them, shoot me a PM, we can do a SASBE, perhaps?
Awww, stop it!!
I have yet to experience consuming a baccatum, and you all are building up the suspense.
My Aji cito is full of flowers and I expect my Aji crystal, bishops crown and starfish are not far behind.
WOW, this post just made me HOT
Hendrix1326 said:
I grew them in 2012, they're pretty warm. I'd put them hotter than the Lemon Drop. I've seen estimates of 80,000-100,000 SHU, which sounds about right from my taste experience with them. They make a great pineapple-ish flavored powder, mmm! If you want seeds for them, shoot me a PM, we can do a SASBE, perhaps?
That would be awesome.  Is it an early, medium or late flowering plant? PM sent.
HP22BH said:
Awww, stop it!!
I have yet to experience consuming a baccatum, and you all are building up the suspense.
My Aji cito is full of flowers and I expect my Aji crystal, bishops crown and starfish are not far behind.
WOW, this post just made me HOT
Whoa, tiger, easy! You will quite enjoy them, I am confident. Baccatums are among the best species of peppers in my book. Unique flavor/burn, and the plants are so cool and productive as hell! I would like to do a bunch of them for next season, or perhaps this fall I will sprout some seeds to keep through the winter for a harvest next spring. I still have yet to try that particular experiment.
To add another relevant reply to this thread, Bishop's Crown are an amazing one, kind of closer to the C.Annuum taste, but with a tempered and soft edge to the flavor profile. Also, the Aji Cristal is a wicked cool one and even in my Northern Michigan climate, the plant got about a meter tall, and hundreds of pods! They are an awesome pod to substitute for Jalapenos, since they are similar in size, and not all that much hotter.
i had an unripe starfish and i could just taste the hint of goodness, can't wait for ripe. I got lemons for next year too.
My Aji Lemon just opened up it's first flower yesterday. Cool looking bloom with that golden splash of colour inside! Really hoping it starts setting fruit right away! Also have some b. crowns starting to flower. Will be my first time trying baccatums too this year and if I like 'em this thread is definitely helping with the 2015 plans.
My girlfriend is looking forward to the baccs too, she loves the heat but the supers are a bit extreme for her aside from light seasonings.
Every one I've tried I've loved except for Aji Colorado. I think (just my opinion) that one would be better dried. So Brazillian Starfish, Aji Lemon, Aji Pineapple, Bridget's Locoto (thanks Jamie!) all are stellar. I've grown the Starfish. If I can grow it anyone can, its low maintenance.
hot stuff said:
I have some Aji Lemon seeds.  I'm going to have to get some of these Aji Pineapple seeds I'm hearing about.  Are you early, medium or late flowering?
My pineapples are blooming right now...most of my chinenses are either runts or light years ahead
romy6 said:
 My favorite is aji lemon. It is great fresh ,grilled , fried and or dried . It has a crisp textured walls but tin  with a lower level heat . The flavor is sweet and spicy . Just the way I like it . Goes great with almost anything .
 Birgit's Locoto are also super tasty . Little more heat as well . 
Never met a bacc I did not like . 
also criolla sella is just like an orange version of the aji lemon/birgits locoto type, all three are delicious! bishops hat/crown are also quite tasty but very little heat!
aji cito, aji pineaple, aji benito, aji limo, aji amarillo were all delicious as well
AaronRiot said:
My girlfriend is looking forward to the baccs too, she loves the heat but the supers are a bit extreme for her aside from light seasonings.
Some of the Baccy's mentioned here will surprise you with the punch they pack! especially fresh  :P
Baccatums have to be the coolest peppers there are,,the different shapes and colors ,,from Queen Laurie to Champion to Inca Red Drop,,,Blondie,Aji panca,,,Aji Blanco Christal.......
So many beautiful peppers!! Only one I personally dislike is Blondie,,but she is soo damn pretty! 
Aji omnicolor scores points for producing ripe fruit before the others produce flowers. It's flavor has a tasty fruitiness as well.