favorite What is your favorite Baccatum Chili and why?

My wife is allergic to any c. chinense chilis but she really does like really spicy food.

What is your favorite c. baccatum chili and why?  I think she can handle these as she does cayenne and tabasco peppers just fine.
My experience with baccatums is rather limited, but of the ones I've had, I REALLY love Orchids/Bishop Hats.  They have that wonderful sweet/creamy flavor that I get out of most baccatums.  And while they are relatively small for a stuffing pepper, the fact that they can stand upright lends themselves to stuffing easily.  I also think it is a plus that they are smaller for a stuffing pepper because you get a higher pepper to stuffing ratio, meaning the pepper flavor shines through better than a pepper with a lower ratio.
 My favorite is aji lemon. It is great fresh ,grilled , fried and or dried . It has a crisp textured walls but tin  with a lower level heat . The flavor is sweet and spicy . Just the way I like it . Goes great with almost anything .
 Birgit's Locoto are also super tasty . Little more heat as well . 
Never met a bacc I did not like . 
Man, that's a toughie! I love the Aji Pineapple, but those Peppadews and Brazil Pumpkins are among my new favorites, Baccatum or otherwise. Such a cool family of peppers, I'm always pleasantly surprised by their unique flavor profiles, and the heat is very different-feeling as well. Can't wait to try out some new ones down the line!
Brazilian Starfish are wonderful.  Sweet, crunchy, moderate heat - but I wish they were larger.
I grew Burpee Hot Lemon heirloom from Ecuador one year and it was very nice.  I'm growing again this year.  They make fantastic powder and are very prolific.
aji omni-color- very nice fresh fruity flavor cayenne hot
aji pineapple- same as omni-color but a bit better with an undertone of pineapple-hot
aji yellow- hard to discribe just plain wonderful - not too hot
aji colorado- millder with fresh fruit- mild to med
aji lemon drop- quite hot and similar to aji pineapple in many ways except for the pinapple undertone
aji panca- has a a earthy berry-like flavor quite good not hot
bishop crown- very mild and very tasty in many ways good choice
these are all good choices that im sure your wife will like but tmaybe not the very hot ones
thanks your friend Joe
Dig on Criolla Sella (although I haven't grown them for a few years) - medium hot with typical baccatum fruitiness (maybe some lemon flavors), Birgit's Locoto (never grown these) - thanks to romy6, Inca Red Drop - [prolific - used to grow these all the time) and Yellow Bouquet (never grown these either) - thanks to wayright.  Not sure why I'm not growing any this year - bad planning on my part!
ajijoe said:
aji omni-color- very nice fresh fruity flavor cayenne hot
aji pineapple- same as omni-color but a bit better with an undertone of pineapple-hot
aji yellow- hard to discribe just plain wonderful - not too hot
aji colorado- millder with fresh fruit- mild to med
aji lemon drop- quite hot and similar to aji pineapple in many ways except for the pinapple undertone
aji panca- has a a earthy berry-like flavor quite good not hot
bishop crown- very mild and very tasty in many ways good choice
these are all good choices that im sure your wife will like but tmaybe not the very hot ones
thanks your friend Joe
Thanks Joe, but actually she really does like really hot peppers.  The chinense ones just cause all sorts of violent reactions from her.  Doesn't matter how much.  I really think she is allergic to them.  She has no problem with most of my cajun food and the hottest Thai and Indian food, as long as they don't use chinense peppers in them.
Spicy Mushroom said:
I went with Brazilian Starfish for this season. It's supposed to be delicious and a little hotter than Bishop's Crown. Pretty nifty looking too ^_^
Starfish is good, grew them last year, they are a little like Padrons, though, in that the heat can be startlingly variable between peppers on the same plant. I had several that were probably close to 100,000 SHU (in my estimation), just a searing, long lasting throbbing burn that was very uncharacteristic, even for the hotter C.Baccatums I've tried (such as Aji Cito, and some Hot Lemons at the upper end). Meanwhile, some were probably only 10,000-20,000 SHU, a stark contrast, to say the least. Great sweet/tangy flavor, though, with that fragrant C.Baccatum bouquet that effervesces right up into the nostrils in a big way.
Just a beautiful family of peppers!
Looks like the Aji Pineapple is one I will plant for next season. I'm going to check my local nursery tomorrow and see if they have any baccatum plants for sale.
SavinaRed said:
Looks like the Aji Pineapple is one I will plant for next season. I'm going to check my local nursery tomorrow and see if they have any baccatum plants for sale.
I can't imagine having anything around here other than jalapenos, bells, cayennes, serranos, and if the stores are feeling adventuresome--habaneros, tabasco and poblanos.
hot stuff said:
I can't imagine having anything around here other than jalapenos, bells, cayennes, serranos, and if the stores are feeling adventuresome--habaneros, tabasco and poblanos.
I'm growing all of those plus a dozen super hots. The pineapple Aji sounds like a great tasting pepper. 