heat What pepper is the hottest....to YOU??

I'm just starting to venture out tasting hotter and hotter peppers as my garden produces them. Oddly so far it is the strange Red Fatalli I grew recently. While not Nigel or Smoken James Hot, it had a pretty good womp of heat for me. Oddly I ate a Orange Bhut the other day that I found not as hot as the Red Fatalii and very bitter, left a nasty taste on the roof of my mouth. But to be fair these peppers suffered dearly in some very hot weather and were pretty much dehydrated on the plant. When cut them opened there was no oil to speak of. 
I got a Box from Pepperlovers last year, and the one that stood out to me and made me want to grow and cross it was the Black Naga the darn piece I ate had my Taste buds messed for three days, like if I had burnt them with a hot tea.    The other peppers I got from Pepperlovers was Way Hot but the Black Naga was a beast.   
texas blues said:
The hottest 'thang I ever ate hands down is a tablespoon of AJ's trinidad scorpion puree and the hottest chile I ever
ate is the chile it was made with.
Like having your tongue tied to the bumper of a truck and being dragged down a road paved with flaming broken glass.
Yeah, but it was damn good in queso wasn't it?

I am having a hard time deciding what the hottest I have had is.  The Reaper tore my stomach up, but didn't kill my mouth like the Moruga.  The Brain Strain I had was hot, but was it as hot as the Bhut or Moruga?  The Douglah is right there too.  Hmmm then there were the Jonah and Primos.  Oh yeah, and my once declared hottest of the all Butch T.  I can tell you that I am about to eat a Chocolate Brain Strain tonight.  Will it be as hot as the others?  Hotter?  Hmmm well I can tell you this, the hottest I had was a new cross that Ed Currie is working on.  It is another version of the Reaper.  That is all I am allowed to say, but it burnt me in places I didn't know I had.  I did not save the seeds, as I promised, I ate them along with the rest of that evil bitch.  Anyway.  I will have to continue my research.  I am hoping to try the Bhutlah and the Lava this year.  I will report back later.
John Dilley says the same thing LD.  I love fataliis.  They don't really burn me hardly anymore than a habanero.  Which is not much.
JayT said:
 I can tell you that I am about to eat a Chocolate Brain Strain tonight.  Will it be as hot as the others?  Hotter?  Hmmm well I can tell you this, the hottest I had was a new cross that Ed Currie is working on.  It is another version of the Reaper.  That is all I am allowed to say, but it burnt me in places I didn't know I had.  I am hoping to try the Bhutlah and the Lava this year.  I will report back later.
You Maniac!
The hottest I've tried, and I'm growing all but one of these, from the hottest going down to less hot:
7 pod Primo
Carolina reaper
Red brain strain
7 pod lava
Moruga Scorpion
Fatalii Gourmet Jigsaw
In my experience. Hybrids. They are vigorous and not as domesticated. Even if the heat varies. Got a f4 TSMB x primo that is like chewing razor blades! Hotter than anything ive ever had.
Mr. Hill said:
I got a Box from Pepperlovers last year, and the one that stood out to me and made me want to grow and cross it was the Black Naga the darn piece I ate had my Taste buds messed for three days, like if I had burnt them with a hot tea.    The other peppers I got from Pepperlovers was Way Hot but the Black Naga was a beast.   
Nagas are a little underlooked lately but they can still hit VERY hard.
This one was harvested from my ow Naga Black plant, almost killed me today LOL :)

Not Black Naga has been the hottest so far for me.  Blew away the reapers, bhuts, and various scorpions I have had.  Plugged up my ears within seconds and proceeded to punish me for some time.
Datil said:
Nagas are a little underlooked lately but they can still hit VERY hard.
This one was harvested from my ow Naga Black plant, almost killed me today LOL :)

Haha, yeah. My Naga Morich that I've been growing the past few years are ridiculously hot! Hotter than most of the many varieties I've had that are "supposed" to be hotter. I put them ahead of any of the scorpion varities I've tried. Only a few of the 7-pots are hotter......to ME.
Hottest I've had would be a Primo, followed closely by red brain strain. As for the second burn the next day? Regular red Trinidad scorpion. That thing burnt so bad coming out it wasn't funny, and nothings come close to matching it yet.