heat What will be the next "world's hottest pepper"?

I don't know why I'm obsessed with the world's hottest pepper or any other type of world' hottest temperature or coldest or oldest or on and on but I am.

Anyhow since my new found love of these wonderful pods the hottest is on my mind.

So what do all you experts and really long fans of the Super Hots think will dethrone the Caroline Reaper?

It does have to be tested in a lab and approved by the Guinness Book of World Record people to make it official, right?

So what, when, how & who can & might be able to do this?

I have been giving people at work one or two of Judy's Reapers to try and only an Indian women will be on to try it this week. Everyone is thinking how big of a pot of chile do I have to make to use this thing.

Thank you.
I think the Next Hottest will be Judy's  "Lava" from the Reviews I seen, but Lab test might never show what is the Hottest of all,  if it never gets tested.  Why is it Bhut's, Naga's Trinidad's weren't tested till a few years ago? There could already be the Next Hottest out there in some Village that no one will find for 100 more years. :)   
I seem to recall Nigel reviewing a *really* hot pod that started life as a Yellow Morouga cross ....
Wouldn't know anything about that one would you Mr Hill ? :rofl:
Sarcastically yours,
I have plans to create a real scorcher maybe record breaker this upcoming year have it tested not by guiness just by a lab then just not do anything with it lol just for my own amusement most likely wont grow it past f2. call me dumb but im not in for anything but to see what happens
Nightshade said:
I have plans to create a real scorcher maybe record breaker this upcoming year have it tested not by guiness just by a lab then just not do anything with it lol just for my own amusement most likely wont grow it past f2. call me dumb but im not in for anything but to see what happens
I've thought about getting some of my peppers tested just for fun and to see what sort of heat I'm really dealing with, as some I've grown have seemed milder than reported levels (MoA comes to mind) while others seem far hotter (fatalii's seem far hotter than the hab level I see them listed at everywhere). Are there any specific labs to send them to for testing? And what's the usual price per test?
MeatHead1313 said:
I've thought about getting some of my peppers tested just for fun and to see what sort of heat I'm really dealing with, as some I've grown have seemed milder than reported levels (MoA comes to mind) while others seem far hotter (fatalii's seem far hotter than the hab level I see them listed at everywhere). Are there any specific labs to send them to for testing? And what's the usual price per test?
I have seen places for 50 dollars a piece
For a new pepper to be eligible for Guinness world record status, doesn't it have to be stable? Thought I'd read that somewhere. If so, that leaves at least a few years before most of the new crosses become eligible. Still leaves plenty to claim it in the meantime though on any given day. Moruga's have already proven they can be over, and 7 pot Primo's are so close to the record number already that Primo could possibly take it any day if he got the right result back.
I think it's all subjective. What one person thinks is the world's hottest may not even be on another person's top 5. Once you get to a certain point of heat it's hard to tell if one is hotter than another it's just f'ing hot. Now officially on paper, there are so many new super hot crosses coming out everyday who the hell knows. And the heat can vary so widely from plant to plant and even pod to pod it's crazy. Hell even where and how it's grown has an effect. It's going to boil down to who wants to pay the money and jump through all the little hoops to be named world's hottest and then again with so many new "next big thing" out there who knows how long the record will stand. Even if/when a new king/queen is crowned it depends on the person eating it whether or not it's the hottest to them, big difference between numbers on a test and actual experience in the mouth. Not as simple as it was when Red Savina took the title and then Bhut Jolokia. The chile world is just so saturated now with super hots it's hard to keep up with it all. Now to be tested for fun and such is cool and I'd love to see the numbers on things like the chocolate bhutlah, chocolate brain strain, all the colors of the rainbow of Judy's lavas, smileyguy's douglah x butch t (haven't had the pleasure of trying the others as they're so hard to get but this thing is one of the hottest things I've ever had). Even Ed is working on supposedly a pod hotter than his reaper. I agree with KingChile that there needs to be more super hots that actually taste good and not have a soapy, bitter, unpleasant taste. I know that having the official world's hottest is a big draw for some and that's completely cool. I imagine after putting in so much hard work and effort, having a chile crowned world's hottest would be amazing not to mention the profit to be had off of creating the next big thing. I just don't think it would stand for very long with all the competition nowadays. Again I have nothing against the world's hottest and anyone who wants to create the hottest pod. Hell I'd love to see a member of THP have that honor. Just my opinion on the whole thing.
teejay said:
I seem to recall Nigel reviewing a *really* hot pod that started life as a Yellow Morouga cross ....
Wouldn't know anything about that one would you Mr Hill ? :rofl:
Sarcastically yours,
LOL Yeah That one is Hot one but world Record who knows, I do think Judy's lava would be stable sooner and it is super hot too and most likely hotter then the Yellow T.M.cross!!  
Vertically Challenged said:
I ate a reaper, a Moruga and a naga all within a few days I found it impossible to rate them other than they were bloody hot.
when you get to a million scolville I think you're splitting hairs lol.
I have found it similar to this as well.. After about a mil like you say I can't really tell the difference in 'heat' but what I can tell is the difference in effects. Like a bhut will feel really hot but if I eat a brain strain or brown moruga I get effects like tinnitus, teeth feeling like they are being pulled out, ears popping, and numbness. But the heat feels roughly the same pain wise.
Hottest Ive had so far is the brown moruga from Judy. But when it comes to superhots the brainstrain gets my thumbs up. Best tasting super I've had so far. I also like the carolina reaper and the yellow bhut.
I think "the Hottest" is only a Guinness and merchandise matter...SHU may vary a lot depending on the growing conditions, so maybe even the Reaper isn't the hottest, but the pods that Ed had tested were the hottest ever tested...
And maybe there are varieties/crosses around the world that we don't even know that are hotter but will never get tested: look at what happened to Mr.Hill, he accidentally got a Yellow Moruga cross and the two biggest reviewers (Bill Moore and Nigel) say that it's the hottest pod they've ever had.
Consistency.  That is key.  remember when NMSU tested Moruga Scorpions (supplied by Fatalii)?  The tests ranged between 2.2 mil down to 800&something K.  Individual fruits will even vary on a bush.  Never mind bush to bush, grower to grower, location to location.
Taste-testing most certainly isn'y going to tell me which is the hottest: only the hottest to you on that day with that particular individual fruit.  It is in no way replicable.
And I second what Vertically Challenged says:  once you up there in the 900k upwards of a million plus SHU's you are burning and you not sitting there going "Hmmm Jim, this one feels like a 1.1mil SHU's.  What do you think?".  No sir.  You are a train wreck.  Red, sweating, drooling and just feeling really goggle-eyed and crap - "Make it stop" is the only thing that springs to mind.
Also don't forget the different capsicanoids in different chilis - resulting in very different burns in different parts of your mouth. What may be unbearable for one (Ahhhhh back of muh throat!) is actually easy-going for someone else.  I personally hate the lip burn associated with capsaicin and prefer the effects of dihydro-capsaicin.
Having said all that:  The hottest beastie overall for me is the Primo - all-over burn and stayed for a long time.  The most brutal (that I would never want to repeat again) was a 7 Pot Jonah (floored me) and a Douglah (left me dizzy and hallucinating).
Personally it matters nought to me though what is the hottest - truth is that if you had to ask Joe public they will tell you straight up:  the Ghost Pepper.
And no-one is ever going to topple it.  The media buzz is over.  Anything else now is a wannabe. 
I had a steady supply of Reapers this year so comparison was easy. I had one for breakfast every morning for a good month and a half, so I was immensely familiar with the heat level. In that same time, I had no less than 5 other peppers that were not a little, but CONSIDERABLY hotter than the Reaper. I know that because I would have multiple supers in a day. Start the day with a fresh Reaper, and have a tasty Brazilian Ghost for desert after lunch, and finish the day with a Brown Moruga nightcap.
Reapers were no match for a few. Brown Moruga included. The other one that really stood out was a cross from joemomma. It was a Congo x Chocolate Ghost. Not the tastiest pepper, it was rather bitter. But my lord. Right up there with the Brown Moruga.
The TASTIEST by far was a Naga x  7 Pot from Judy. Really hot, but a super mild and genuinely sweet flavor. That overwhelming floral tendencies were greatly subdued. It was easily on par with a Reaper for heat, but a TON better flavor. Easily the best tasting super hot I've ever had.
Reapers are hot no doubt, but it's only a matter of time until someone spends enough to dethrone it. Might be Ed himself...
Personally I see no point to it. But to each his own.
RobStar said:
"The TASTIEST by far was a Naga x  7 Pot from Judy"
Yip, that's called a Primo.
It looked NOTHING like a Primo. And tasted nothing like one either. (I've had a ton of those)
It looked a lot more like a typical Naga Morich, Smaller than a bhut, no tail, and in the more standard wedge shape. And BUMPY. 
So no. It isn't/wasn't a primo.