Whats up with the weather? Too freaking cold.

The peppers moved to the garage in hopes of adapting to the outside temps and we had a day or two of sun... then the bottom dropped out AGAIN! Here it is May 26th and we have the furnace on, it's dang cold out. The peppers may never get out of the garage if it doesn't warm up. We planted the tomatoes out but they will just sit there until it warms up. Not planning to take any chances with the peppers. They look good but at this rate my late started ones will catch up with the others before we can put them out.

Looking for warmn weather!!!!!

The weather is really driving me crazy. Last night, the weather dipped below 40. Had to bring the plants inside. I had to turn the furnace back on. Sh*t...I think we are going to have one heck of a time growing pepper this year here in Midwest and Rocky Mountain region. Just plain O' sucks.
We've had lots of sun lately but cool nights. Going down to 3-4C tonight so plants are all going back in the greenhouses. They did alright outside at 6-7C last night but that's a bit colder than I like them them get.
I just heard that tonight its going to get into the lower 40's But at least tommorrow it is suppose to warm up and be sunny, I hope...
It's interesting to read all of this. The whole time I thought global warming was all caused by man:lol::lol:. Like I've always told people. There are FAR to many variables in nature to put into the picture. Weathers what it is. Weather and a million things can alter it.