Whats up with the weather? Too freaking cold.

Last night here in Denver Suburb, the temperature went down to almost freezing...34 F. Not very peppary weather.

Luckily, I had only planted out only one pepper plant.
Sanj said:
Last night here in Denver Suburb, the temperature went down to almost freezing...34 F. Not very peppary weather.

Luckily, I had only planted out only one pepper plant.

Same here in Toronto, Sanj. In fact if you look at most posts, many have been complaining about the same freakish weather...
We've had typical April weather all month long. Plus it has been super wet - more than 7" above average for the year.

Not to hijack the thread, but if you have read anything about 12/21/12, one prediction is the earth will rotate on its axis so that the Northern Hemisphere will become more like thr tropics. I almost think that is what is happening. We didn't get hot last year until the end of July and we didn't get cold until January. It just seems like the calendar is a month or so ahead of Mother Nature.

mike think you have a very good point..bad weather all over ive talked to peeps from trinidad,portugal,u.s and south america all are having much lower temps and as for the u.k our autumns just seem to get longer..2012 busy year lets hope the maya where wrong..but.:think:
wordwiz said:
Not to hijack the thread, but if you have read anything about 12/21/12, one prediction is the earth will rotate on its axis so that the Northern Hemisphere will become more like thr tropics.
Ah good old pole shifts. There is no exact place of where the pole wiil wind up in a polar shift. Basically the magnetic field of earth will shut down for 24 hours (there's goes that nice radiation protection we have) and then reappear in a seperate location. It could be 2 degrees from where it was or 60 degrees from where it was, no one really can predict it.

Now the main problem is after it settles. Within 24 hours the earth recorrects itself to the standard upright position which will basically wreck havic on the planet and flatten most things.

Yep another nice little "reset button" the universe has preprogramed into it.
while you guys are having colder than normal weather, our summer weather pattern (a large high pressure system that just "parks" over north Texas) is developing......highs 95F up and lows in mid 70s...was 77F at 4 am this morning. Just like today, the High is parked over us and is shedding all the cold weather (in New Mexico that usually comes to us) to the north....heat index today supposed to be >100F...very very sticky
rainbowberry said:
I don't mind a mild storm though, only problem is that our village always seems to have a power cut (power out for Americans?)

You live in a village? How Kewl :cool:

Do you have an idiot in your village? I'm available.....:lol:
Yup..it is suppose to go down to high thirties again tongiht. Bringing my plants in again. Oh well, we can complain, but cannot change any thing..
wordwiz said:
We've had typical April weather all month long. Plus it has been super wet - more than 7" above average for the year.

Not to hijack the thread, but if you have read anything about 12/21/12, one prediction is the earth will rotate on its axis so that the Northern Hemisphere will become more like thr tropics. I almost think that is what is happening. We didn't get hot last year until the end of July and we didn't get cold until January. It just seems like the calendar is a month or so ahead of Mother Nature.


It has been colder than normal recently mostly due to a decrease heat put out by the sun.