• This is the place to discuss all spicy commerical products, not just sauce!

favorite What's your favorite Louisiana-Style hot sauce?

I just remembered something else about the Insanity sauce. Back in the 90's, they used to make my wife sign a waiver to buy it for me. Times change.
I used to like Blair's Jersey Death, my first extreme sauce. The extract didn't bother me in that one.
Anybody who wants to make anything hotter without changing the taste... at all, ring up @salsalady and get yourself some Pure Evil. Depending on the octane level you choose, a drop could make a bottle of Crystal quite uncomfortable to use.

A few drops of the lowest power 1.5 million SHU will start making a bottle of Crystal a superhot and just about right for the hardcore among us.

I took this advice and bought some pure evil drops. I got the 1.5Million but I need to explore the other, more intense, offerings as well.

I started with a dozen drops but wanted more heat so I settled at 20 drops in a new bottle of Crystal and so far it’s lovely-a good burn with that same table sauce taste and vibe. Im loving it!

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WTH Salsalady??? Why do you take a simple hot sauce and turn it into a fiery lake of inferno????
Not It! Nu-uh! Not Me, didn't do it!

Now I may be guilty of a little bit of suggestion now and then. ;) :lol:

Or in the case of my late brother-in-law, I may have been guilty of... "try This! It's not that hot. Trust Me!" :hell:😈
I got some a couple years back, still haven't worked up the courage to open it. Probably should since I can take Reaper, but there's just something about that can... 😱
You Can Do It GIF by Kyle Gordon

It's not that hot......Trust Me!

It's not that hot......Trust Me!

Just have the 911 operator on standby when you try it..just saying.... and have someone who can translate deep wheezy sounds to English...
You know what they say about people who say "Trust me"

Funny thing, today on the jobsite, the contractor and my employee were talking to a new contractor's employee about the time the contractor, my employee and another carpenter were peer pressured into trying Pure Evil drops on a chip. Probably 8 years ago, and they still remember it! No sugar, no milk, just randomly happened after lunch. Nothing but a small, slightly shriveled up apple to help my employee, and he is definitely not a chilehead. Hey, they got a t-shirt out of it.

Hmmmm, might have to bring a little heat to the job monday.... :hell:
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