what's you're plan for 2008?

I have a short list this year:

Unknown Thai variety
Unknown Indian variety
Unknown Turkish variety
Hungarian Death chilli (heirloom seed)
Italian Pepperocine
(maybe adding Naga or Bhut)

Omar's Lebanese
Amish Rose
Summer Cider
(probably adding more later, and also eggplants, cucumbers, carrots, herbs, etc.)
Hey Daisy have you grown the Omar's Lebanese before. I just got my seeds and they came highly recommended, apparently quite a biggie too.
I've grown it and its great, but then I couldn't find it anymore??? Now I found it again and this time I'm saving the seed for sure!
I am also going to give it a try this year. Daisy what type of eggplant do you grow that is another thing that i want to try this year it looks like there are a lot of cool looking eggplants.

Hey Daisy have you grown the Omar's Lebanese before. I just got my seeds and they came highly recommended, apparently quite a biggie too.

Hey potawie what flavor does the Omar's Lebanese have? And how hard are they to find?
I've never tried it yet but I got my seeds from http://www.tomatogrowers.com
"Omar's Lebanese #5442 (30 seeds) $2.25
The seed of this variety reached America via a Lebanese college student who obtained it from farmers living in the Lebanese hills. Juicy pink beefsteak fruit has exceptional flavor that is rich and delicious. Tomatoes tend to be quite large, averaging 1-1/2 pounds. Indeterminate. 80 days"
Tomatoes tend to be quite large, averaging 1-1/2 pounds. Indeterminate. 80 days"

The average is 1 1/2 pound but can grow to 3lbs!
Another huge tomato is Giant Belgium with an average of 2lbs and can grow to 5lbs. But omar's lebanese is said to be better tasting.
thepodpiper said:
I am also going to give it a try this year. Daisy what type of eggplant do you grow that is another thing that i want to try this year it looks like there are a lot of cool looking eggplants.


I have been growing Nadia Hybrid and have never been disappointed....from tomatogrowers.com
habman said:
The average is 1 1/2 pound but can grow to 3lbs!
Another huge tomato is Giant Belgium with an average of 2lbs and can grow to 5lbs. But omar's lebanese is said to be better tasting.

I never had much luck with the Belgium giants last season. I'm also growing Zogola for another large type. Its ironic how the largest tomato is the delicious which is said to be one of the worst for taste.
since this seems to have turned into a tomato thread, how do you all feel about the brandywines? i've heard some people swear by them and others hate them citing average taste and a propensity to crack. I wannna go all heirloom this year.
Daisy7117 said:
I have a short list this year:

Unknown Thai variety
Unknown Indian variety
Unknown Turkish variety
Hungarian Death chilli (heirloom seed)
Italian Pepperocine
(maybe adding Naga or Bhut)

Omar's Lebanese
Amish Rose
Summer Cider
(probably adding more later, and also eggplants, cucumbers, carrots, herbs, etc.)

Just added to the list:
Wild Tepin (from AJ)
Guntur Hope Chilli
Ethiopian Thunder Chilli
Baby Pepper Chilli
Zimbabwe Birds Eye Chilli
GrumpyBear said:
since this seems to have turned into a tomato thread, how do you all feel about the brandywines? i've heard some people swear by them and others hate them citing average taste and a propensity to crack. I wannna go all heirloom this year.

I like the brandywines, but they take a long time to mature...the poor taste usually occurs from picking too soon...they require lots of heat and sun so I found that growing them in black plastic containers on the patio worked best...also, they require a lot of fertilizer (cow manure (soil) and fish emulsion (foliar spray) worked best)
I'm trying a few different tomatoes this year, as I like to can them - either whole of as juice.
From RareSeeds.com:
Jersey Giant
From Tomatogrowers.com:
Giant Belgium
German Pink

Last year, I canned 120 quarts of juice and 20 quarts of whole tomatoes. I would have doubled that, but a late summer drought with intense heat (for our area) did them in. Plus, I didn't stake them, which I will this year, though I may need to use trees to hold up the Bulgarians and Belgiums.

well kinda late for posting this but the chiles I'm growing for 2008 are

aji omnicolor
aji red (aka, aji rojo ?)
aji yellow
beaver dam
black pearl
bulgarian carrot
habanero neon yellow
habanero peach
habanero white #2
jamaican hot chocolate
jamaican red (squash)
lemon drop
orange plum **
scotch bonnet (red ?)
thai dragon
thai hot
thai orange
thai red
thai yellow

** this chile is a mystery species because it doesnt look like what other sites show for "orange plum" but where I get it from they say its a orange plum, so :confused: the seedlings I planted some have purple stocks & hairy. it could be some type of baccatuum or chinense ?
i am also a late-lister...but here goes

green bell
big bertha
sweet banana
corno di toro
orange hab
hole mole
kung pao
cayenne slim
cayenne thick
cayenne carolina
cherry hot
red hab
red savina
dominican hab
naga jolokia PC-1
jalapeno M
jalapeno reg.
bulgarian carrot
scotch bonnet
i think that is all.
i just transplanted about 1/2 of my seedlings into 3" and 4" containers. i have about 65 plants in the garden and at least 1/2 of them have blossoms or are producing fruits. hoping it is a banner year.