contest Which Throwdowns Would You Like To See In 2013?

TDs for 2013!

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Something I have been thinking about, not that I mind a set format if that's what the peeps want, but isn't part of the fun of the throwdowns talking about what we want the next one to be? Maybe we could have a calender of them as defaults, but still leave each month open to popular opinion.
The more I think of it, the more I like it... Could you add a "Catch of the Day" category boss? It could be fresh or saltwater, and anything you like, shellfish, fish, crustaceans, etc... but you have to catch it yourself no more than X number of days before the TD, and it's gotta be packin' heat...

too restrictive, people can't get out of the cities, don't have fishing gear, won't shoot a gun...and if yer not lucky on the day or what you usually hunt is out of season..... feeling like it needs to be able to make with ingredients available at any reasonably stocked grocery store.

A person could make sausage with ingredients purchased from any grocery store. Having to go out an

The only thing fresh that I'm gonna "catch" comes on a nice styrofoam tray, from my butchers' counter!!!! :)

YYYEEEEEPPPP! SOLD! to the Lady on the left....

6 set and 6 options is an option. The Monthly Banter is kinda fun, but I can see where Teh Boss would like to have some f it all decided so we don't have to debate for 3 weeks whether or not to do Another Pizza TD. Actually, if the votes and comments show the preferences, maybe ....

(7) top TD votes
(1) Battle Royale in June
(4) Monthly discussion votes

The (4) discussion votes could be SPAM, breakfast, soup, Italian, Mediteranean, other ethnic....and more ideas....Keep It Hot!
Stick, I really really like the "catch of the day" idea!
Not for a throwdown, but for a cooking with fire thread.
Lots of us here fish/hunt, and that would be. Great way to show off what we caught and cooked.

Go pull something out of the pond and start it!
Stick, I really really like the "catch of the day" idea!
Not for a throwdown, but for a cooking with fire thread.
Lots of us here fish/hunt, and that would be. Great way to show off what we caught and cooked.

Go pull something out of the pond and start it!

Yeah... you're right. Like SalsaLady says, it's too restrictive for one reason or another. No ice on the ponds here yet, but I can manage something from the beach...
The catch of the day would be great WATCH, that's the problem with me at least. I don't have a fishing/hunting lisence to be able to parttake in such a thing. So I would have to sit out of the TD just for that reason. Its hard enough to make it to a TD with my work schedule, but to deal with that and try to get a lisenceand try to find the time to fish. There's just no way. However, as mentioned already, to see it in another thread would be awesome.

I'm down with 6 set one Royal and 5 options.
The catch of the day would be great WATCH, that's the problem with me at least. I don't have a fishing/hunting lisence to be able to parttake in such a thing. So I would have to sit out of the TD just for that reason. Its hard enough to make it to a TD with my work schedule, but to deal with that and try to get a lisenceand try to find the time to fish. There's just no way. However, as mentioned already, to see it in another thread would be awesome.

I'm down with 6 set one Royal and 5 options.
OK, took your advice, and frydad's, and started a thread in Cooking with Fire. Cheers!
yes they do! So,....HHFamily... get your collective butts down to the market, CATCH a feesh and post some pics.

I ain't gonna buy a lisense, (sicop) , and I will demolish some serious Dungeness Crab within the next week.........

(EXPLATIVE!!! it's 5.8 degreesF right now.................

EFFIN COOOOOOOOOOLD!) Gotta go pull wire in the AM... )
Dinners past! :).


Don't have time to read the whole thread, but I would like to see Mediterranean...which would include Italian.

Mexican...and JERK!!!

Although...having a jerk TD is the same as handing me the crown.
Don't have time to read the whole thread, but I would like to see Mediterranean...which would include Italian.

Mexican...and JERK!!!

Although...having a jerk TD is the same as handing me the crown.

You are our resident SPAM advocate, why you gettin all crazy with foods that are a little too broad?
Voting between a Spaghetti 'n Meatballs and Spanakopita would be very difficult.

Mexican AND Jerk? as in another fusion thing? Hellz-to-the-No!
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