contest Which Throwdowns Would You Like To See In 2013?

TDs for 2013!

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So vote! You're the one who suggested a schedule or set ones. :)
I can't believe the Battle Royale is falling behind! Come On guys and gals! We gotta keep THAT one! If it's too much of a hassle for The Boss, maybe it could be every other June.
At some point we are going to have to have a SPAM throwdown too.

I've been gone from TD's for long time.....cuz foo foo plates win...but surprised spam hasn't been a TD yet!

spam, potluck dishes, crockpot dishes, soup anytype, hot/spicy candy, tofu :lol: , bread (main meal has to be made with bread somehow) , salads, cajun, beans, rice/couscous, ...........?
2 more voters and we have 50 voters, a good number to judge by.
Like I said... there's 48 voters... :)

50 would be a good place to end this.
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