Who puts the air in a chilli pod?

Seeing as though a chilli pod is a "sealed unit", it's contents hidden away from the outside world, how is it that a pod is hollow? Also, what does the "atmosphere" in side a pod consist of? Is it the same as the surrounding air or totally different?

I realise it's a bit of a strange question but one i have never seen a thread touch on before, is there an air fairy that goes around pumping up pods?

The answer could be that the pods are porous but i just don't know, does anyone else?
plants produce oxygen, so my guess is some pretty spicy air. and i believe all plants for the most part are porous which would explain why foliar feeding works.
I read the qeustion and really though "Hmm. I never thought of that". My answer would be The Pepper Fairy put's the air there with his Pepper Fairy Pepper Puffer 2000(TM)!

Seriously though, never though of it. Plants breath just like you and me and the cell walls are quite pourous units so they must breath in the surronding air while they grow (the pepper pod).
IGG - did you send nova a little care package, & now hes off in neverever land pondering things. :lol::P

nova - ponder this, the coconut :P
cheezydemon said:
I'll beet that if you could realy bottle the stuff, you would be a millionaire

That thought crossed my mind too, what self respecting chilli nerd would be without their bottle of "Chilli Air":rolleyes: If you could prove that it was different to normal air one may be in with a chance!

And no, IGG has NOT sent me a care package-cheap bastard:lol:
(i prefer natural-not chemical for future reference IGG):cool:

Edit: MMMM, the coconut, if that is porous well then i am truly amazed!
The only way to truly answer the question about the air inside the pods is to get a submarine like in "Fantastic Voyage", get on board, then shrink it down and inject the think into the pod. Upon getting inside, don spacesuits and step into the pod itself and take samples. Maybe even take IGG and have him take off his space helmet and "sample" the air.

Nova...I too do not use false drugs. I get high on the real thing! Powerful gasoline, a clean windshield and a shoeshine!!

Cheers, TB.
ok the coconut was what popped in my head right away, dont know if it falls in the same catagory as chile pods. but you still can ponder it anyways :lol:
pumpkins,pea pods, onion stalks, chives, etc... the list could go on & then you have flowers that are inclosed.

hope you have a brand new lighter ;) :P
Novacastrian said:
And no, IGG has NOT sent me a care package-cheap bastard:lol:
(i prefer natural-not chemical for future reference IGG):cool:
I too prefer natural, but I only stray outside to one chemical (LSD-25)
and what is Kid Rock trying to say here Bawitdaba-da bang-da bang-diggy-diggy-diggy Said the boogie-said up jump the boogie ???
so back to the air question the boring answer is that they are programmed to grow like that, as are other thing like most nuts have a certain amount of air between the nut and the shell and peas and beans.
And the tripped out stoned answer is... Sorry it's just messed my head right up!
Novacastrian said:
Seeing as though a chilli pod is a "sealed unit", it's contents hidden away from the outside world, how is it that a pod is hollow? Also, what does the "atmosphere" in side a pod consist of? Is it the same as the surrounding air or totally different?

I realise it's a bit of a strange question but one i have never seen a thread touch on before, is there an air fairy that goes around pumping up pods?

The answer could be that the pods are porous but i just don't know, does anyone else?

The pods are gas permeable. Gases are exchanged via osmosis.
Davetaylor said:
And the tripped out stoned answer is... Sorry it's just messed my head right up!
Nonono, the stoner answer will go from the fact that the pods' growth is based on the fractle nature of our reality and in it (well, we'll just start out with Professor Mandelbrot's equasions) you'll notice many "gaps" or empty spaces. But then it will take you to the realm that it isn't really an empty space, it's filled with material and atoms. Then you'll make the leap into sub-atomic and go naturally straight to quantum theory which of corse can't help but take you to the Holographic Universe model. Then, being the hip stoner you are, you would bring up the new "Super Holographic Univserse" theory and then lay on you back saying, "WHOA!!! The shrooms just really kicked in".
imaguitargod said:
Nonono, the stoner answer will go from the fact that the pods' growth is based on the fractle nature of our reality and in it (well, we'll just start out with Professor Mandelbrot's equasions) you'll notice many "gaps" or empty spaces. But then it will take you to the realm that it isn't really an empty space, it's filled with material and atoms. Then you'll make the leap into sub-atomic and go naturally straight to quantum theory which of corse can't help but take you to the Holographic Universe model. Then, being the hip stoner you are, you would bring up the new "Super Holographic Univserse" theory and then lay on you back saying, "WHOA!!! The shrooms just really kicked in".

Like i said messed up! I couldn't be arsed typing a long post like that as all my posts are made on my mobile!