Why do you keep torturing yourself?

I'm not sure I classify as a pepperhead yet.....but I think I'm getting there....I'm starting to think my eggs just arent any good without homegrown pepper powder on 'em. The pepper powder goes into, in fact, almost everything I cook, now. I think my favorite one was labeled Thai Trinidad Scorpion. I'm not sure if thats three different peppers in a blend, or one kind of pepper powder. (have to ask my supplier...Patrick?)

Does it count that I cant seem to stop eating wasabi peas? (much to my childrens dismay).
I know what wasabi is -Just wondered how it rated next to peppers.
Just 'cuase, I do that, "oo, my mouth cant take anymore!" ->ten minutes passes< "I want some more (and I may regret this in the morning)"
Naga Jolokia Addict said:
I don't understand why people get problem at the rear ?

I never had such a problem.

I regularly have issues with what I like to call "chilli follow through", but I do remember one time where I used just a little too much Mad Dog's 357 Collectors Edition that resulted in a burn when doing a number 1's. That was a unique, yet rather concerning experience.
pappywith4 said:
eat 3 -5 7 pods at a time and you will LOL:onfire::onfire:

My tolerance level for hot peppers is pretty high. I eat to enjoy and not to torture myself.

By the way, my daily intake of hot peppers is also pretty good in the sense that I start my breakfast with a spoonful of Naga Chutney pickle, I have either Naga pickle or Thai hot pickle in lunch and same during dinner.

I always eat my potato chips/wafers as evening snack with my Naga Hot sauce.

Never had any problem.Either at top or bottom level.

I ate 20 habanero poppers once....see Tales From the Loo: When chile's attack! I've repeated that episode several times. I'm almost addicted to the next day ritual as eating them the day before. Me so stupid!

NJA...you sir are on a whole 'nuther level of hotness unknown heretofore to me.
texas blues said:
I ate 20 habanero poppers once....see Tales From the Loo: When chile's attack! I've repeated that episode several times. I'm almost addicted to the next day ritual as eating them the day before. Me so stupid!

NJA...you sir are on a whole 'nuther level of hotness unknown heretofore to me.

texas blues,

The tolerance level is high because, I was born in a chilli pepper wholesale trading market with about 100 and odd chilli shops around my house in Madras south India.

We Indians , usually have very hot food from childhood(as compared to US)

May be this is the reason I am immune to secondery heat...LOL

So, (forgive my ignorance) if you are immune to the heat, what is the point of eating it three times a day?
LOL, my mother asks me this same question everytime - "Why do you put your tongue through so much suffering? What's the point?"

Some people will never understand the passions of a chilehead. ;)
And its good for ya...if I stop eating hot stuff, I can feel the difference. Keeps me from getting sick it seems too...haven't had a cold/flu in yrs.

Well, they do have more VitC than oranges...and are usually cooked with garlic and stuff too. ;)

All good antioxidents and immune boosters. :woohoo:
redeyeguy said:
Whoa, I almost completely forgot about that! What the hell happened to her? Is she still alive? :mouthonfire:

She is hale and healthy like a Bhut eating Mule.
All set to create more records.Her name is ANINDITA
