seed-train Wicked Mike's Newbies Only Seed Train - ROUND TWO

Sorry for the delayed response, folks. Trying to comb through my plants (have a look at my growlog, and you'll see why that's a mission); Redland Nursery is going to be selling a bunch at the Coconut Grove Art Festival this weekend.

To those of you who participated, thank you so much for making this seed train what it was. To anyone reading this who might be thinking of opening a seed train in the future, I wouldn't think twice about adding any of the folks.

As soon as I get the chance, I will go through to organize things, add some stuff, and start round two.

If you were in on round one and would like to be in on round two, please post something here to let me know; if I haven't heard something one week from today, I will assume you're off happily planting seeds and will give your spot to a new rider.

To those new folks interested in getting in on it, I will add new riders in the order that requests are received to whatever degree that spaces are available. Since BigB, superchunk, and Winland have so graciously bowed out to make room for new folks (thank you guys), bucdout, Debrak92, and Yellowfin2na are the first three new riders.

Looking forward to getting this up and running, and again, thanks to everyone who made the first round so successful and so much fun to be a part of.
Wicked Mike said:
Sorry for the delayed response, folks. Trying to comb through my plants (have a look at my growlog, and you'll see why that's a mission); Redland Nursery is going to be selling a bunch at the Coconut Grove Art Festival this weekend.

To those of you who participated, thank you so much for making this seed train what it was. To anyone reading this who might be thinking of opening a seed train in the future, I wouldn't think twice about adding any of the folks.

As soon as I get the chance, I will go through to organize things, add some stuff, and start round two.

If you were in on round one and would like to be in on round two, please post something here to let me know; if I haven't heard something one week from today, I will assume you're off happily planting seeds and will give your spot to a new rider.

To those new folks interested in getting in on it, I will add new riders in the order that requests are received to whatever degree that spaces are available. Since BigB, superchunk, and Winland have so graciously bowed out to make room for new folks (thank you guys), bucdout, Debrak92, and Yellowfin2na are the first three new riders.

Looking forward to getting this up and running, and again, thanks to everyone who made the first round so successful and so much fun to be a part of.
Mike, I'd like stay aboard the train and ride it for a second time around. Thanks so much for organizing and keeping it on the tracks.
thank you Mike for continuing to take care of this.  I am also going to have to remove myself, as I have what I need for this year. Will jump back in when I have more to add.
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!!!!
Hi Mike! May I please ride your train?
Hey Mike,
Thanks for the great ride I'm going to jump off in order to allow more people to get on, and I now have what I need for this season
Thanks again Mike
Thanks for setting this thing up Mike and thanks for having me aboard.
I would like to make sure my seat is available to someone else on this wonderful train so they too can experience what I did.
Thanks again Mike, everyone else who contributed and kept this thing rollin' smoothly!
I would love to hitch a ride on the train.  I originally posted on page 4 of this thread.  Please let me know if there are any spots left.
Wicked Mike said:
Sorry for the delayed response, folks. Trying to comb through my plants (have a look at my growlog, and you'll see why that's a mission); Redland Nursery is going to be selling a bunch at the Coconut Grove Art Festival this weekend.
To those of you who participated, thank you so much for making this seed train what it was. To anyone reading this who might be thinking of opening a seed train in the future, I wouldn't think twice about adding any of the folks.
As soon as I get the chance, I will go through to organize things, add some stuff, and start round two.
If you were in on round one and would like to be in on round two, please post something here to let me know; if I haven't heard something one week from today, I will assume you're off happily planting seeds and will give your spot to a new rider.
To those new folks interested in getting in on it, I will add new riders in the order that requests are received to whatever degree that spaces are available. Since BigB, superchunk, and Winland have so graciously bowed out to make room for new folks (thank you guys), bucdout, Debrak92, and Yellowfin2na are the first three new riders.
Looking forward to getting this up and running, and again, thanks to everyone who made the first round so successful and so much fun to be a part of.
Thanks Wicked Mike add me to the train. Would like to be close to the top if possible first.Got a bunch to add to the train. Wifey says Im done with my grow for this year but I'm still in the hunt for a few varieties I didn't see on the other train. Hoping to get it on this one. I'll be checking back in to see the rider list. Thanks again Mike.
Looks like this one will be Full soon....Great thing to be part of lots and lots of seeds available.Good luck guys.Wicked Mike great what can I say,absolute great pepper guy and even better asset to mankind.