• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Wild in Las Vegas 2014 (Hardening off and flowers!!)

So now it's time to make another attempt and hope for a better year.

I didn't want to make a glog this year... but I see many already started. That motivates me to make a glog.

2013 was a year for learning and making mistakes and mostly experiments. Needless to say I found and learned a lot and I know this year is gonna rock!

So let's get started with some pics, and I'll update with th list later today and I'll be visiting glogs in a short while ;) and here's to 2014!!! :cheers:

This is my list so far, and I will update if anything changes.

-CAP 539 (C. Annuum) (Judy)

-Calusa Indian Mound (C. Annuum) (Judy)

-Tepin Sonora (C. Annuum) (Mine)

-CAP 501 (C. Chacoense) (Judy)

-CGN 20510 (C. Chacoense) (Judy)

-Cobindo-NMDUC (C. Chacoense) (Judy)

-CGN 20509 (C. Chacoense) (Judy)

-CGN 22869, PI 260429 (C. Chacoense) (Judy)

-CGN 20812/PI 159233 (C. Chinense) (Judy)

-CGN 20800 (C. Chinense) (Judy)

-Wild Brazil (C. Chinense) (Shane)

-Quintisho (C. Chinense) (Justecila)

-Cumari do Para (C. Chinense) (Justecila)

-CAP 691 (C. Chinense) (Judy)

-CGN 24360 (C. Chinense) (Judy)

-CGN 24332 (C. Eximium) (Judy)

-CGN 19198 (C. Eximium) (Judy)

- CGN21502 (C. Eximium) (Judy)

-CGN 22792, PI 260478, Aji Chuncho (C. Frutescence) (Judy)

-Chintextle (C. Annuum) (Spicegeist)

-C. Galapagoense (Spicegeist)

-Pionted Praetermissum (C. Praetermissum) (Judy)

-CAP 1144 (C. Praetermissum) (Judy)

-Goat Pepper: CGN 22794: PI 260595 (C. Praetermissum) (Judy)

-BGH 460, PI 441654 (C. Praetermissum) (Judy)

-Cumari pollux (C. Praetermissum) (Spicegeist)


-Tepin x Lemon drop F2 (Mike)

-Tepin x 7 Pot Barrackpore F2 (Spicegeist)

-Cumari pollux x Donne sali F1 (Spicegeist)

-CAP 501 x Donne sali F1 (Spicegeist)

-Bubblegum 7 Pot (Denniz)

-Pink tiger (Enrico Lai)

-Aribibi gusano (Chiliriot (Spain))


Thanks for stopping by :party:
Nightshade said:
Yea it's probably around a 15 min drive or so from you. I will let you know when I plan on going. I can't find the video of it but if you ask albertsons or other places they get there old stuff taken by a1
Yes sir, I just looked it up and it's very close. My phone says 10min and I say less than 10min LOL. We definitely need to go :D

PaulG said:
"Brother Paul what's this three part mix you speak of? Lol. I might give it a go and learn how to build soil  :D."
I use equal parts of:

compost/soil/steer poop (my own compost, recycled potting soil, steer poop from garden store)
peat or coco (I'm moving toward coco as I use up my bales of peat moss - more sustainable)
horticutural pumice (buy in bulk at the local landscape supply a half-yard at a time)
Rick told me it is similar to the mix the sq. foot garden guy recommends.  So far it seems to work pretty well.  I do fertilize my plants every two weeks with Alaska fish fertilizer and later in the season some mor-bloom.  I tried some fish/guano mix last year and it seemed to work well.
Good luck, brother Walt!
Thanks brother Paul! I just did something similar I think well idk let me know what you think. I hope it comes out good or decent at least :party:

Solem22 said:
Walt, your glog is blowing up! Everything looks great. 
Hope you have a great New Years!
Thanks Rom! Well I just feel excited about this year. I hope to learn more and hope to get some harvest this year so I can share too.

Hope you had a happy new year :party:


Time for a small update...

Things are coming along and most are taking off slowly but surely LOL. More have been sprouting in the last few days. Some which I'm very excited about. But first...

I started fixing some soil and screening the fox farms a bit and adding some old soil just to make it a bit less hot when I pot up my seedlings. Last year I bought a soil that is organic but it had LOTS of hard pieces of wood chips that didn't look very well composted, but the soil itself was very nice and black. I did this.

1 part fox farm.
1 part old soil.
1 part organic soil
1 part coco

I also added about a cup of worm castings, and a bit of Jobe's organics (to add mycorrhizae and other beneficials)

The mix seemed kinda light and nice, so I'm actually gonna test it on a few seedlings to see how it does.

This is what that organic soil had. No likey for young seedlings.

Here's how it turned out.

Now a few pics of the ladies :D.

C. Galapagoense (Spicegeist)

Cumari do Para - C. Chinense (Justecila)

CAP 691 - C. Chinense (Judy)

CAP 501 x Donne sali F1 (Spicegeist)

I have a few more, I just didn't have much time since I started doing the soil and cleaning my grow area.

Thanks for stopping by :party:

Here's a few more. I dig the hair :D.

CGN 19198 - C. Eximium (Judy)

CGN 24332 - C. Eximium (Judy)

CGN 24332 - C. Eximium (Judy)

Cumari pollux - C. Praetermissum (Spicegeist)

And last is a pic I was supposed to take of how the soil looks after I mixed everything. No matter how much I try to crush it always stays soft and falls apart nicely. Now I hope it's good :)

Did I mention it was a PIA to screen it? Lol, we do crazy things for the stuff we love.

TGIF, and have a great weekend! :party:

The kids are looking great Walt and the soil mix you put together looks like it will work well for you!
How big was the screen you used to sift through the fox farm?
Have a great weekend  :cheers:
The kids are looking great Walt and the soil mix you put together looks like it will work well for you!
How big was the screen you used to sift through the fox farm?
Have a great weekend  :cheers:

Thanks Rom, and that's a good question. Idk really. I didn't have it planned but you know everywhere you go you're always looking for stuff to aid in your grow out. Well I thought about the rocks that were coming out... soooo... when the wife and I were at the dollar store I remembered those rocks... sooo... I got the cheap dollar colander Lmao. It works, but it's a pain! Oh well :D.

I think your soil mix looks good, Walt.  Light and fluffy should
get the seeds and plants in the mood!  When I screen my compost,
I use 1/4" hardware cloth.  Some chunk-ettes get through but it
goes much quicker!
Pics and plants are all looking very nice!
Haha I'm sure it was a pain but those holes look like the perfect size for the job!

Hey, whatever works right...and it's cheap!! ;) 

Yup at least till I find something better or more suitable, but for now that'll do.

Wow, you got this one started!  :dance:
I'm very excited to see how this will turn out, both parents were really awesome peppers.  I may ask you for seed later on if it survives!

Yes sir, that's for sure I just can't wait to see how the pods look/taste. Chacoense with a frutescens should be interesting, but I'm also waiting on the Cumari pollux x Donne sali F1 :D. Let's see what happens.

I'm amazed how good the galapagoense is doing, it has nice hardy genetics, and I hope it turns out like the mother plant. I'll definitely keep it going and share these.

I think your soil mix looks good, Walt.  Light and fluffy should
get the seeds and plants in the mood!  When I screen my compost,
I use 1/4" hardware cloth.  Some chunk-ettes get through but it
goes much quicker!
Pics and plants are all looking very nice!

Thanks Paul, that means a lot to me. I just never knew or had the idea what works best for young seedlings. Noob mistake you know. When I started screening the old soil I quickly said, "no way in hell these seedlings were gonna grow in this!" So I'm glad I took that into account and fixed it. Now lets hope it performs well.

Trying to catch up...
Plants and pics are fantastic!
Love the shots in the dark where the hairs on the plants light up...good work!
Reading further back...you know we learn as we go, and get better at reading our plants, so just chalk it up to experience. Anyone here that's been growing for a while would be telling a story if they denied having similar experiences. I know I've killed my fair share ;)
About the soil, as you know I plant in dirt. They're in potting soil while young, just cheap old MG green bag stuff. I just started feeding them (the larger ones) with seaweed extract, fish emulsion, and Hasta Gro. Full strength seaweed, half on the others alternating. I go slow because you can always add more, can't always survive an over dose, how did I learn that? By killing innocent plants...LOL
Once in the dirt, if growth is robust, they get nothing. If they seem pale they get a bump. I don't use the fish stank once I see flowers, geese that stuff is nasty, dang dogs lick at a drop if it hits the ground...silly critters. This last season when the plants were 5' tall and it just started to cool down some, I hit them with a few doses of full strength Hasta Gro (organic 6-12-6) 2 weeks apart. They loved it.
Keep it green Walt!
I like what I see!
Trying to catch up...
Plants and pics are fantastic!
Love the shots in the dark where the hairs on the plants light up...good work!
Reading further back...you know we learn as we go, and get better at reading our plants, so just chalk it up to experience. Anyone here that's been growing for a while would be telling a story if they denied having similar experiences. I know I've killed my fair share ;)
About the soil, as you know I plant in dirt. They're in potting soil while young, just cheap old MG green bag stuff. I just started feeding them (the larger ones) with seaweed extract, fish emulsion, and Hasta Gro. Full strength seaweed, half on the others alternating. I go slow because you can always add more, can't always survive an over dose, how did I learn that? By killing innocent plants...LOL
Once in the dirt, if growth is robust, they get nothing. If they seem pale they get a bump. I don't use the fish stank once I see flowers, geese that stuff is nasty, dang dogs lick at a drop if it hits the ground...silly critters. This last season when the plants were 5' tall and it just started to cool down some, I hit them with a few doses of full strength Hasta Gro (organic 6-12-6) 2 weeks apart. They loved it.
Keep it green Walt!
I like what I see!

Thanks Scott!! Very kind and inspiring words!

I know the soil they have now is garbage, but not too bad. I'm feeding them now as it looks. I can't go saying, "naw they don't need it" I made that mistake already LOL.

I believe the soil has minimum nutrients from what I know I used and mixed with the soil. So feeding them now is a good idea, but I only give them light doses of seaweed extract between waterings, and they seem to like it.

I'm starting to get the feel for the soil I'm keeping Paul's recommendation and I have it in my notes. Now I never knew and I know I searched but not hard enough... Vegas does have a composting company or place. Thanks to Nightshade for telling me about this place. It's only 10min away so I definitely need to get some compost from that place. I'll post a pic of it in a bit.

Here take a look, we have insane supply of compost and now we need to go raid that place :D.

Think it may be free?
Our county has free mulch made from ground up branches, I scarfed 24 yds :D
I tilled some in and the cover crops are doing well, so all is good.
Think it may be free?
Our county has free mulch made from ground up branches, I scarfed 24 yds :D
I tilled some in and the cover crops are doing well, so all is good.

Well the site says they sell by the ton or cubic yard, but I'm pretty sure I wont need much and be way cheaper so idk. Nightshade might know. I would still bet it's a lot better than the bagged compost from the store. I have to visit that place and ask and check it out. Should be cool.

If I remember correctly it was around 15 a cubic yard but it is supposed to be crazy good im thinking about going not this saturday but the one after or the next. I think im going to get 3 or so cubic yards im going to try and barter a little bit.
Amazing pics Vegas. You got the plants in the dark then a flash? I especially liked the seedling with three coty's.
Nice soil making walkthrough as well. I am going to need to rake out a bunch of big chunks of wood from my plot sometime in the next month or so. Got kale growing now, so gonna let that go, but the time is approaching.