This my inventory of wild varieties. I would
be up for some swaps for other wild seeds.
Wild Seeds/pods, dates and sources:
(Source PtMD989 represents ‘PtMD989 via Bhuter via fiogga’)
Wild Brazil 2013 - GaGrowhead
Wild Brazil 2014 - c. baccatum var. praetermissum - Stc3248 2012
Yellow chiltepin 2014 - c. annuum v Glabriusculum - CPI
*Goat’s Weed 2014 - c. annuum - Venezuela, Stc3248 2012
c. chacoense 2014 - ?
CAP 212 - c. chacoense L. - catchthebear seed train
Cumari Pollux - c. praetermissum - Brazil, “ “ purple flower
CGN 22835 - c. chacoense - Brazil, catchthebear
CGN 24360 - c. chinense - BB Habanero, “ “
SSE 2090 - c. chinense - Yellow Jellybean, PtMD989
c. chacoense - ?
Chiltepin Rojo - c. annuum v Glabriusculum - orig. CPI 2012 my pod
Chiltepin Rojo - c. annuum v Glabriusculum - PtMD989
CAP 1446 - c. chacoense - PtMD989
CAP 1478 - c. praetermissum - CaneDog purple flower iso
Wild Texas Tepin - c. annuum v Glabriusculum - Crafty Fox seed train
*African Devil Piri Piri - c. frutescens - Crafty Fox seed train
*Goat’s Weed - see 2013-15 above
Pequin - Chihuahua Mexico - ? seed train
2020 - all my pods - some seeds from 2019 list,
others new varieties, a few of orig. seed left. All OP:
Chiltepin Rojo - c. annuum v Glabriusculum - PtMD989
CAP 691 - c. chinense - Red Fire, PtMD989
Texas Tepin - c. annuum v Glabriusculum - Crafty Fox
Rocopica Brown - c. praetermissum F2 - CaneDog
c. cardenasii USDA - CaneDog
c. chacoense v Exile - PtMD989
c. chacoense PutaPario - Argentina, CaneDog
c. eximium - CaneDog
PI260501 - c. chinense - Yellow Jellybean, PtMD989
CGN 24360 - c. chinense - BB Habanero, catchthebear
Capucinno Chiltepin - c. annuum v Glabriusculum - Semillas la Palma
Yellow Pequin - c. annuum v Glabriusculum - PtMD989, orig. Smokemaster
CGN 22795 - c. praetermissum - Semillas la Palma white flower
PI 238061 - c. baccatum v Baccatum - Bird Aji, PtMD989
Amarillo Chiltepin - c. annuum v Glabriusculum - PtMD989, orig. Romy6
CAP 1141 - c. praetermissum - Brazil, CaneDog
*Wiri-Wiri - c. chinense - true, wiriwiri via CaneDog
*Not really sure if these qualify as ‘wilds’, but I think of them that way and
store the seeds together because they seem unique to me.
c. eximium