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Wild, Indeed, Community Thread

Just getting this started so I can get a url.
I will post more about this in a couple of days.

Happy New Year, 2021!
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I keep coming back to this thread to catch-up and just look at the pictures this year. It's great to see so many wilds being grown.

I'm really missing mine this year, only started a few and they failed early on. Next year I'm maxed out on crossing plant grow-outs but going to make sure I make space for a good selection of wilds as well. Thinking C.Galapagoense, C.Flexuosum, C.Praetermissium, C.Tovarii at minimum plus anything else I can track down. The first three I've grown before, the C.Tovarii I've only ever planted seeds! Torn between the first two as to which has been my favourite to grow so far.
I keep coming back to this thread to catch-up and just look at the pictures this year. It's great to see so many wilds being grown.

I'm really missing mine this year, only started a few and they failed early on. Next year I'm maxed out on crossing plant grow-outs but going to make sure I make space for a good selection of wilds as well. Thinking C.Galapagoense, C.Flexuosum, C.Praetermissium, C.Tovarii at minimum plus anything else I can track down. The first three I've grown before, the C.Tovarii I've only ever planted seeds! Torn between the first two as to which has been my favourite to grow so far.
Can't go wrong with C.tovarii. I have grown a few wilds and that plant always is up there as a favorite.
Thanks for visiting the Wild, Indeed thread, @ChilliCrosser.
I will have at least a few seeds of the varieties I've shown in
this thread if you are interested. Waiting for the stubborn
praetermissums to ripen up their pods. I probably should
have started them before Feb. 1 :rolleyes:
Hoping to get some input or just discussion about self-incompatibility in C.flexuosum or pollen-tube growth issues. There have been many plants grown of this species all over the world and the berry size from plant to plant varies greatly. Even many parthenocarpic fruit.

Has anyone experienced this? Want to share experience or photos? I have two plants this season and the variation in fruit size is substantial--30% probably just from a visual. I've seen far greater range in pod size over the years but not digging through photos.:halo:


  • 2021-09-21_07-27-03.jpg
    150.2 KB · Views: 102
Thanks for visiting the Wild, Indeed thread, @ChilliCrosser.
I will have at least a few seeds of the varieties I've shown in
this thread if you are interested. Waiting for the stubborn
praetermissums to ripen up their pods. I probably should
have started them before Feb. 1 :rolleyes:
I needed a break from my crossing data management :rolleyes:
Wasn't fishing but genuinely appreciate your offer, need to check what I still have stashed away. If I'm short or fancy something different I'll let you know.
Yes, knowing when to start them is always tricky. I'm probably going to try some in the coming months indoors to give them a good run or give me time to spot non-starters in plenty of time.
Hoping to get some input or just discussion about self-incompatibility in C.flexuosum or pollen-tube growth issues. There have been many plants grown of this species all over the world and the berry size from plant to plant varies greatly. Even many parthenocarpic fruit.

Has anyone experienced this? Want to share experience or photos? I have two plants this season and the variation in fruit size is substantial--30% probably just from a visual. I've seen far greater range in pod size over the years but not digging through photos.:halo:
I don't have any expert knowledge to add here but I'm interested in what you just posted. In the couple of seasons I grew them in the past I had two plants each year, one had much bigger pods but I'd assumed it was just some local environmental issue with where they were in my garden. I had seeds from two different sources, so that might also have been the reason. No photos from back then I'm afraid :-(
Hoping to get some input or just discussion about self-incompatibility in C.flexuosum or pollen-tube growth issues. There have been many plants grown of this species all over the world and the berry size from plant to plant varies greatly. Even many parthenocarpic fruit.

Has anyone experienced this? Want to share experience or photos? I have two plants this season and the variation in fruit size is substantial--30% probably just from a visual. I've seen far greater range in pod size over the years but not digging through photos.:halo:
Hey, John, maybe @CaneDog will chime in here.

Sorry I can't help with this. Guess I need to grow
both Tovari and c. flexuosum next season :D
If you need Tovari seeds I have some about 5 years old but should be ok,if not Chris Fowler will have some fresh seeds on his site soon Inc C.Flexuosum,grap the rest from Mr Paul.😉
I have @Mr.joe's gift from last season, so good to go there.
I will search around for some flex seeds. I know Semillas la
Palma has a good selection of wild varieties, as well. If
they didn't get hammered by the volcano on la Palma.

Thanks for the offer, my friend!
I have @Mr.joe's gift from last season, so good to go there.
I will search around for some flex seeds. I know Semillas la
Palma has a good selection of wild varieties, as well. If
they didn't get hammered by the volcano on la Palma.

Thanks for the offer, my friend!
If you need Tovari seeds I have some about 5 years old but should be ok,if not Chris Fowler will have some fresh seeds on his site soon Inc C.Flexuosum,grap the rest from Mr Paul.😉

I'm sure we can all dig up what everybody needs here. I also would suggest Chris Fowler as @talas mentioned. He is a very close friend and sound as a pound. One of the benevolent and honest people in these circles. I'm sure a google search with his name and welsh dragon will bring up his seed shop.
Yes, knowing when to start them is always tricky. I'm probably going to try some in the coming months indoors to give them a good run or give me time to spot non-starters in plenty of time.
Given this year has been the worst outdoor grow season for me ever & the few wilds I started either didn't germ or succumbed to the elements early on I've gone ahead and tried to start a few. Also gives me more time to re-attempt should I get the inevitable failures.

I'd rather manage plant size and give them a good head start than end up with another season with no wilds :cry: I have a bit more winter grow space at least this year. Is it just me or does grow space always seem much bigger when filled with imaginary plants? :)

Went through my seeds and started germination last week for these:
  • C.Flexuosum
  • C.Praetermissium (seeds from a previous grow, need to identify which one!)
  • C.Lanceolatum
  • C.Galapagoense
  • C.Cardenasii (CGN 20497)
  • C.Tovarii
I have a few others for next year as well but will need to start those nearer the time as even in my optimistic imagination I can't fit them all in the space I have.
It's been a while! We had a bit of a storm that toppled many of my regular plants as they weren't staked very well but the wilds just brushed it off like nothing happened. Here's the wild bed today - too many damn peppers to pick...


I did take a bunch of jellybean and wiriwiri off a while ago and was going to come on here to ask what I should do with them. It was right at the time of the forum upgrade so that didn't work. In the end I just shoved a bunch of jellybeans in a whiskey bottle filled with apple cider vinegar and an assortment of spices. We'll see how this turns out in a year.


Hey, Siv, the wilds bed looks great, and so do those
Yellow Jelly Beans and Wiri-Wiri pods. The apple cider
vinegar experiment looks great. Should be spicy, indeed!