Just getting this started so I can get a url.
I will post more about this in a couple of days.
Happy New Year, 2021!
I will post more about this in a couple of days.
Happy New Year, 2021!
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I have some seeds for this, may have to add them to my grow list for next yearReally happy with this one, the Capucinno Chiltepin from
Semillas la Palma. Last season, I got very few ripe pods,
but I managed to pick three dozen or so today, and am
hoping for a few more in the next week. As you can see,
this baby is loaded. The ripest pods down in the interior.
Looks like a productive plant, leo. The annuum v GlabriusculumChiltepin of sinaloa mexico
Also, I guess my Tepin from Crafty Fox (via seed train)
is a cross. The pods are conical rather than round. Rats.
Thanks for clarifying that, CF. Whatever it is, it certainly was my mostI thought I mentioned before I was mixed up when I called it a Tepin? Pretty sure it's a Pequin. I wasn't sure at the time, but mine has always kicked out oval pods. These seeds for mine came from a wild one in Uvalde, Texas.. Which I also keep forgetting starts with a 'U' and not a 'H'.
I even went back and looked at the messages from when I first got them and Jeanette also was calling them Pequin. Not sure where I got confused but I didn't really understand the differences well before either and read enough on it to stew my brain a little. Now that I have a Cap. Tepin, I still don't see much difference, except in the pods.. Eventually I'll get it.
Here's the smaller Uvalde Pequin.. Just brought it in last night. This is the one that got bit off by the rabbit in it's first season. It's also no stranger to the pruners. There's at least a couple of clones of it floating around here. Hard to believe this is almost 3 years old now.. Still waiting to see a wild one growing around the neighborhood, with as many as the birds take. I lost count of how many handfuls of these I picked this year, but it was more than a couple. The one I don't trim is too hard to get in a picture, gangly thing. They are both due for a winter cut.
Fiberpots > Plastic.. Pretty sure I've never repotted this. It's coming though.
Besides Cap Tepin, I plan to expand on the wilds a little this year, hopefully adding the Galapagos wild Frutescens that Bhuter gifted me, and I have to look to see what others I actually have. I know I've had a few offers and wants, but I also remember turning a few down because I just wasn't going to grow them right away. I thought I wanted to grow Wiri-Wiri, but it's a Chinense.. Isn't there a Frutescens that looks similar to that? Or maybe I'm just thinking of another species altogether. I also hear the pods on those Wiri-Wiri aren't deciduous, anyone grown an exception to that?
Sure thing, CF. Offer will always stand.I appreciate the generosity.. I think I'm going to skip those for now though. I'm really trying to have a keen focus on the deciduous and semi-deciduous varieties, moving forward.. Beautiful plants though.
Hoping to get some input or just discussion about self-incompatibility in C.flexuosum or pollen-tube growth issues. There have been many plants grown of this species all over the world and the berry size from plant to plant varies greatly. Even many parthenocarpic fruit.
Has anyone experienced this? Want to share experience or photos? I have two plants this season and the variation in fruit size is substantial--30% probably just from a visual. I've seen far greater range in pod size over the years but not digging through photos.![]()
I really like this sinaloa chiltepin, I find the plant more beautiful than other varieties but less productive, the pequins I have been growing for years, small fruits like chiltepin and tasty, they are my favorites in the kitchenLooks like a productive plant, leo. The annuum v Glabriusculum
are some of my favorites. My Chiltepin Rojo from the CPI will be
in it's fourth season next year if it survives the winter in the garage.
I also ike the Pequins for their larger-sized berries. Keep 'em comin',
Given this year has been the worst outdoor grow season for me ever & the few wilds I started either didn't germ or succumbed to the elements early on I've gone ahead and tried to start a few. Also gives me more time to re-attempt should I get the inevitable failures.
I'd rather manage plant size and give them a good head start than end up with another season with no wildsI have a bit more winter grow space at least this year. Is it just me or does grow space always seem much bigger when filled with imaginary plants?
Went through my seeds and started germination last week for these:
I have a few others for next year as well but will need to start those nearer the time as even in my optimistic imagination I can't fit them all in the space I have.
- C.Flexuosum
- C.Praetermissium (seeds from a previous grow, need to identify which one!)
- C.Lanceolatum
- C.Galapagoense
- C.Cardenasii (CGN 20497)
- C.Tovarii