• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Wild, Indeed, Community Thread

Just getting this started so I can get a url.
I will post more about this in a couple of days.

Happy New Year, 2021!
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Yep, the flowers on the rocopica show it's definitely crossed versus a true Card.  I thought the parent had been isolated enough in the front yard versus all the rocotos in the back yard, but apparently not.  I OW'd two USDA Cards (that one and one from a different source) plus two CGN Card's, all of which are confirmed true Card's, so I'll be sure to isolate them properly when they produce again.
I'm also OW'ing a handful of Flexuosum, which I haven't heard discussed yet in this thread, some with purple in the flowers and one with the "standard" flower coloration.  I'm a big fan of the look of the stems on the Flex's (the particular way they look when they lignify) and also the leaves.
Thanks for that link, in any case, John.
You are always welcome to hang out
Great flower photos!.
CaneDog said:
Yep, the flowers on the rocopica show it's definitely crossed versus a true Card.  I thought the parent had been isolated enough in the front yard versus all the rocotos in the back yard, but apparently not.  I OW'd two USDA Cards (that one and one from a different source) plus two CGN Card's, all of which are confirmed true Card's, so I'll be sure to isolate them properly when they produce again.
I'm also OW'ing a handful of Flexuosum, which I haven't heard discussed yet in this thread, some with purple in the flowers and one with the "standard" flower coloration.  I'm a big fan of the look of the stems on the Flex's (the particular way they look when they lignify) and also the leaves.
I haven’t grown either flexuosum or tovari, either,
for that matter. There are a few more I’d like to
try in the future.
Hope you will post a pic or two here during the
season of your flex.
PaulG said:
Big shout out to wiriwiri. We traded a couple of seeds,
and she packed the ballot box, so to speask!
Big thank you to Sandy!
Gives me something to think about for sure!
Thanks for the trade friend...< 46hrs before I decide on my picks....imagine I thought the day would never come...now I see light at the end  of the
tunnel.....can hardy wait. I'm shooting for 1/20/21 at noon. :party: :rofl: :onfire:  :dance:  :fireball:  :party: 
wiriwiri said:
Thanks for the trade friend...< 46hrs before I decide on my picks....imagine I thought the day would never come...now I see light at the end  of the
tunnel.....can hardy wait. I'm shooting for 1/20/21 at noon. :party: :rofl: :onfire:  :dance:  :fireball:  :party: 
Can't wait to see your list, WW! 
Getting the season underway is a
great feeling, alright! It's cool that
you picked a meaningful date for
your start to add to the fun.
I'm planning on a 1/31/21soak overnight,
then into the Black Gold on 2/1/21. Maybe
I should take a look at your list, and grow
some that you aren't so we can trade seeds
(hopefully ISO) next Fall!
The pack of goodnesses you sent has really
made my selection more difficult, in a good
way of course  :rolleyes:
PaulG said:
Can't wait to see your list, WW! 
Getting the season underway is a
great feeling, alright! It's cool that
you picked a meaningful date for
your start to add to the fun.
I'm planning on a 1/31/21soak overnight,
then into the Black Gold on 2/1/21. Maybe
I should take a look at your list, and grow
some that you aren't so we can trade seeds
(hopefully ISO) next Fall!
The pack of goodnesses you sent has really
made my selection more difficult, in a good
way of course  :rolleyes:
Aye aye...well I'm still working on  my list...no where  near 100 AoN...i was just handed some names on a paper napkin to consider...I may
have room for tho$e..always open to last minute referrals...as long as I have pot$$. :shocked: 
The OW plants looking sort of peaked in
their pale low-light foliage, so I top-dressed
the containers with worm castings, blood
meal, bone meal, alfalfa meal and some mykos.
I hope to see some greener leaves soon now
that they are under the T5HO lamps. Pics for
later comparison.
BB Habanero:


Chiltepin Rojo:

I have been topping the longest new growth.
Have decided on my wilds grow for 2021.
These seeds go into germinators on Feb. 1
18 varieties, counting the two OW plants.
c. galapagoense, wiriwiri 2020 
c. rhomboidium, wiriwiri 2020
c. chacoense, purple flower, GIP via wiriwiri 2018
Cumari Pollux,  c. praetermissum, Brazil, Pepper Guru 2019
Cumari Flibu, c. praetermissum, Brazil, Pepper Guru 2019
Cumari, wild collected #1, c.preat/bacc v B, Brazil, leo72 2019
Cumari, wild collected #2, c.preat/bacc v B, Brazil, leo72 2019
c. lanceolatum, n=26, isolated, CaneDog, 2019
Rocopica,  c. cardenasii x unk rocoto, Brown F2 my pods 2020
Wiri Wiri, c. chinense, true strain, wiriwiri via Cane Dog, 2019
Pequin, c. annuum v Glabriusculum, Chihuahua, Mexico 2019
Chili ‘Seguin’, c. annuum v Glabriusculum, wild-collected, Devv, 2020
Yellow Pequin, c. annuum v Glabriusculum, F2
Capuccinno Chiltepin, c. annuum v Glab., Semilla Palma, 2019
Blue Mystery, c. praetermissum ? x baccatum ?, wiriwiri, 2020
PI 631137 Chiltepin, Guatamala ‘Tolito/Torolito’, c. annuum v G. wiriwiri 2018
Chiltepin Rojo, c. annuum v Glabriusculum, OW, 2019
CGN 24360, c. chinense, OW, ‘BB Habanero’, Catchthebear, 2019
OW Chiltepin Rojo at end of last season:

Let us know what wild varieties you are growing this season!
A few highlights from the seeds dropping tomorrow...
Rare 26 chromosome c. lanceolatum

Another nice one from Cane Dog.
You are the man, Dog!
Rocopica, c. cardenasii x XL Brown Rocoto F2 my pod 2020:

Dried pod with some dried placenta
had a nice flavor with a mildburn.
From our very own Devv! Wild collected by
the man himself near Seguin, Tejas, hence
the name. Mil grácias, amigo mio:

Hey Paul.  Great to see you getting things underway.  Really excited for your grow.
I must have been really low on seeds when I sent you those Lanceolatum!   At least I've had good germ rates on them.  They can come up tiny, though, so be prepared to squint for 'em ;)
Here's a pic of one next to a 357a battery (5.4mm tall) for scale.
20190121 LanceScale1000.jpg
CaneDog said:
Hey Paul.  Great to see you getting things underway.  Really excited for your grow.
I must have been really low on seeds when I sent you those Lanceolatum!   At least I've had good germ rates on them.  They can come up tiny, though, so be prepared to squint for 'em ;)
Here's a pic of one next to a 357a battery (5.4mm tall) for scale.
20190121 LanceScale1000.jpg
This is my second try with these, CD.
I feel I might as well plant these, they
aren’t getting any younger!
Pr0digal_son said:
Just happens to be one of the few peppers I am growing this year to rebuild my stock. Very cool plant.
That is a real beauty, John!
You are setting the bar pretty high, my friend 
How old is that specimen?
60 days from sowing.They are very slow starters.These plants will do very well in your area and mature plants will tolerate upper 30s.Perfect fall plant for your greenhouse.